Viral Videos Show Busted Pipes and Massive Water Damage In Texas After Freeze

Many had hoped after an absurd year in 2020, we would get back to some normalcy this year. Those hopes were quickly dashed for nearly all Texas residents, as they faced a once in a generation snow and ice storm that coated the whole state in a frosty cover. Texas is not nearly well equipped enough to handle weather like this, which led to widespread issues across the state, with broken water pipes and water damage being some of the biggest issues.

Busted water pipes often happen in below freezing temperatures because the water in the pipe turns to ice, which then expands inside when frozen, and puts so much pressure that it eventually breaks the whole thing.

With so many Texans going through the same experience there is a lot of interest in burst pipe insurance claims and what that process looks like, especially with this being an unusual event for the state, it’s an issue that is uncommon for most. 

Unsafe Conditions

One of the major concerns of these broken water pipes was the unsafe drinking conditions it left the water in. Cities around the state were forced to advise people to boil their water before drinking it. Which was also a huge issue for many because they did not have power, so they were unable to use their stove to even boil the water.

For people from the state who haven’t ever dealt with damage from busted water pipes due to cold weather, they understandably were unprepared for this situation. Even with officials advising to drain the water out before the cold weather came through, lots of residents have no experience doing this and were likely unaware how big of an issue it could end up causing both long term and short term to homes.

There are a few issues that can happen when water damage isn’t properly taken care of in a house. One of the big ones is that over time, wet wood that is never restored can end up rotting. This can be a major scare that can lead to structural issues as time goes on with the wood getting weaker and weaker.

Along with this, there can also be problems with the electrical systems that run throughout the home. If there are loose wires or outlets that are laying in standing water this could be very dangerous for the occupants.

Other more short term damage that can happen is an unpleasant odor, personal belongings being damaged, and mold forming around the house. Plus, all of this can potentially take down the overall value of the property.

Viral Videos of the Damage

With so much destruction going on, for a lot of people out there the only thing they could do with all the water damage taking place was to simply record the chaos and destruction they were witnessing and post it across social media.

TikTok so a handful of videos that went viral of staircases being flooded in apartment complexes or ceilings leaking water. Plus, with the power being out in so many places, there were a few people who captured those leaking ceilings actually turning into icicles hanging in their living room. Quite the unusual sight anywhere, let alone in Texas.

Obviously the whole situation was tragic on a variety of levels, but it was nice to see some people being able to laugh a little bit at the absurdity of their predicament, even if only for a little bit.

How to Handle A Situation Like This

Homeowners across the state are searching for tips for handling burst pipe claims and how they will be able to recover if they have had any issues with the cold weather. Some might be concerned because frozen pipes are not something they would think they would encounter living in a place that warm, and possibly it isn’t covered by their insurance. 

However, they should be relieved to find out most home insurance plans, even in warmer states, cover a busted water pipe, for whatever reason it may have broken. This should come as at least one positive for so many across the state who are in a tough position because of the winter weather.

“If you have damages already, start documenting that,” said Camille Garcia, a spokesperson for the Insurance Council of Texas. “Make a list of what was spoiled or damaged, so when you contact the agent, you’re going to have that information readily available.”

Hopefully with the issue being so widespread, officials will be able to get a system in place that can help people easily get through this process in difficult times. With people looking for insurance claim tips for burst pipe claims, there will certainly be good reason for the process to be as simple as possible.

The best tips for burst pipe water damage are dependent on the exact situation that is at hand of course. But the broad advice will always be to file your burst pipe insurance claims as soon as possible. Along with that to make sure that whatever harm was caused is fixed right away so the homeowner can avoid any long term problems with the property. 

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