NYC Remains Safest Big City In America

iloveny.jpgMayor Michael R. Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly announced that New York City remains the safest big city in America, according to the FBI’s preliminary Uniform Crime Report for 2007.  The report shows that, compared to 2006, the City experienced a 2.7 percent drop in overall crime last year. Murders in New York City declined 16.8 percent, while they fell 2.7 percent nationwide. In addition, the FBI’s report shows that violent crime in the City decreased 3.1 percent last year, outpacing a national drop of 1.4 percent.

“New York City had fewer than 500 murders last year – the lowest number since comparable records have been kept – and there were over 1,100 fewer guns recovered from City streets last year compared to the year before,” said Mayor Bloomberg.  “The numbers continue to go in the right direction, and it’s because of the impressive efforts of the men and women of the NYPD, as well as our innovative policing strategies and efforts to keep illegal guns out of the hands of criminals.”

“The men and women of the Police Department have continued to make the city safe, often while putting their lives at risk,” said Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly.

“The FBI’s Uniform Crime Report is further proof that our crime fighting strategies are keeping New York City ahead of the curve,” said John Feinblatt, the Mayor’s Criminal Justice Coordinator. “Whether it’s working to take illegal guns off the street or reduce domestic violence, we are always searching for new ways to keep New Yorkers safer.  We didn’t become the safest big city in the country by being passive, and we will continue to pair data with innovative ideas in order to keep cutting crime to historic levels.”

For 2007, the total crime index in New York City was 2,432.3 crimes per 100,000 people.  Out of the 245 cities with a population of 100,000 or more that reported to the FBI, New York City ranked 230th between Santa Clarita, California and Rancho Cucamonga, California.  Out of the nation’s 10 largest cities, New York City had the lowest Index Crime rate. Out of the nation’s 25 largest cities, New York ranked safest, scoring the lowest.

(YWN Desk)

5 Responses

  1. NYC is notorious in trying to squash reports for unsolved reported crime . I’ve witnessed this first hand from friends who have been brutalized, where as the police squash reports under the carpet . Therefore, NYC crime boasting statistics are a farce, and should be publicized as being so!

  2. I might be wrong, but to my knowledge it was Mayor Gulliany who turned over the city. The present administration only built on his success.
    They definitely deserve credit for maintaining but they did not initiate the big change.

  3. Of course! No police reports, No crime! Its the safest place in the world not only city not only in America. Just stick your head in the sand ignore the facts, then run for President. I think someone should search the local papers of the year to count the homicides in east NY etc.

  4. Many crimes are never reported and many complaints and criminal acts are never investigated.This report looks good,but is not reality.

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