Hundreds Of Families Spend Yom Tov Without Electricity

ConEd.jpgThe heat wave which hit the Tri-State area over Yom Tov, caused hundreds of residents throughout the five boroughs to struggle without electricity. Hundreds of residents spent Shavuos in the sweltering heat, with spoiled food.

Additionally, there were outages in parts of Kiryas Yoel, Monsey and some parts of Lakewood had outages just as Yom Tov was starting, but were quickly restored.

Some areas experienced “brown-outs”, which caused their air conditioners not to work properly. 

ConEd said all residents in Flatbush, Sheepshead Bay and Boro Park who were affected, have all had their power restored..

Con Ed says some businesses and residents affected by this outage qualify for compensation. Residents may file a claim, up to a maximum of $450, for actual losses of food spoiled due to lack of refrigeration. Receipts or photos are needed for any claim over $200.

Businesses can get compensation for losses up to $9,000 for perishable items spoiled due to lack of refrigeration. Claims must include an itemized list and proof of loss and be filed within 30 days of the date of the power outage.

Those who think they qualify for some compensation from Con Ed can go to the utility’s website at:, click on Customer Central, and then Claims.

With the humidity making it feel as hot as 100 degrees in some parts of the city, the state issued an air pollution advisory for the city on Monday afternoon.

The Health and Environmental Conservation Departments say the problem is ozone, a major component of smog.

(Dov Gordon – YWN Desk)

4 Responses

  1. During a shiur on leil shavuos being given by Rabbi Sandler at Young Israel of Ave. K a chossid with a silver colored bekesher came bursting in saying that the electric in their shul (R. Twersky’s) went out, so they had no light or air conditioning – would it be alright if they utilized our beis medrish and shul? … Rabbi Sandler replied, “of course.. but it’ll cost! …want to know what it costs?…A HUG!”… the two larger then life figures ran towards each other and heartily embraced. A true kiddush HaShem if ever I’ve seen one.

  2. About 20 Passaic homes lost power. Twice! First night of Yom Tov, then restored, then again on the second night of Yom Tov.

  3. btw overheard Con Ed employee kvetch, it is all the jews fault (this was in boro park)
    rabbosai halacha byduah eisav soneh es yaakov
    the jews poisoned the wells control the banks the media are capitalists communists etc etc etc ……………………

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