Cat Breed Guide: Frequently Asked Questions About Cat Breeding

If you are a cat lover, you need to know what breed of cat you have. Currently, there are over 40 breeds across the world, with each species having unique features. 

The most visible features being triangular ears, long fur, short fur, or no fur while others have rounded, floppy, or barely visible ears. Their personalities and temperaments also vary including their type of nutrition.

Consequently, the decision on the type of breed you will have as your pet depends wholly on your family’s needs. Choose a breed that you can comfortably accommodate in terms of dietary and care requirements.  

You can also find more details here With that said, here are some of the most frequently asked questions about cats.

  1. What is the most common breed for keeping in the house?

The most common one is known as moggy or mixed breed. It is believed to be a purebred with common ancestry, Felis silvestris lybica. 

The relationship between this breed and the humans began a long time ago when humans settled into farming. The cats protected the farm produce from rodents and man sheltered them from predators. 

Since then, they acquired the name domestic cats. The color and the pattern of their fur also varies and can have thin or thick coating depending on the climate.

  1. Why do they purr?

In most cases, they will purr when they are comfortable. The noise is similar to a big smile. Some cats purr when they are hungry or want something. 

However, in this case, you will notice a change in the tone of the purr. A normal purr is silent and pleasant, but this type of purr is, a bit like a cry for help. 

Likewise, kittens will purr to reassure their mother that they are okay or when lost. The mother also uses it to soothe its litter, similar to a lullaby.

  1. Why don’t they like water?

These animals can naturally detest water. this is because the fur of the cats is not waterproof and when wet, it gets too soggy and uncomfortable especially in cold weather. 

Plus, they risk getting hypothermia if exposed to too much cold. Similarly, most cat water intake comes from the food they eat hence they rarely drink water. 

They are also known to groom themselves using their tongue, so you do not need to bathe them. Even so, some cat breeds like the Bengal and the Turkish Van enjoy playing and bathing in the water.

  1. Can I breed two related kitties and still register the litter?

This process is perfectly allowed by the Cat Welfare Act. You can achieve this through two processes namely inbreeding and linebreeding. 

Inbreeding is the mating of two animals from the same family, for instance, a father and a daughter, whereas line breeding is the mating of animals with similar genetics. 

Nonetheless, these two processes should only be carried out by a professional breeder. Inbreeding may bring forth offspring with undesirable features such as stunted growth, low immunity or smaller litter sizes.

  1. How can I tell if my kitten is pregnant or not?

If your pet has recently mated, then chances are she might be pregnant. A pregnant cat will show changes in both behavior and appearance

The gestation period of kitties lasts between 63 to 67 days and you are most likely to notice the pregnancy symptoms on the last days of the term. Here are a few of the physical signs that you can spot.

  • A rapid increase in appetite and weight. However, this could be a sign that your cat has worms so make sure you double-check.

  • Your pet will sleep more frequently than usual.

  • You will notice your pet’s nipples pinking.

            You can also consider other clinical methods like ultrasound palpation or x-ray.

  1. How do I become a responsible breeder of pedigreed felines?

The first thing to do if you choose breeding as your professional is to enroll in a premiership class. 

These classes will help you understand the various types of breeds available and how to go about it. Plus, you can also attend shows where you can interact with other breeders.

The other most important thing is familiarizing and abiding by the laws governing the breeding activity. The laws will guide you on the number of kittens your cat should have and the age your cat should be when you breed her.

  1. What is the biggest kitten breed?

There are two categories, the domestic and wild cats. The wild ones dwell in the jungle and are larger than the ones we keep at home. 

These wild big ones include the lion, leopard, tiger, jaguar among others. Nevertheless, domestic breeds also differ in size depending on their breed. Maine Coon is believed to be the largest domestic cat and can grow up to 3 feet long. 

The male Maine Coons are larger than the female and can weigh as much as 24.2 pounds. Moreover, they mature at a very slow rate compared to other breeds. Click here to find out how you can become a responsible breeder.


Most dog owners can easily describe a dog by breed. For instance, you may hear them boast about their dog being a bulldog or a chihuahua. This works for the owners as well. Although not as popular as the dog breed names, the CFA recognizes approximately 42 pedigree of cat species. The most common species being the Russian Blue, the American Curl, the Berman Ragdoll, the British Shorthair, and more. If you are looking to have a cat, or perhaps a specific breed, be sure to scroll around for questions and answers that otherwise interest you.

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