Sheldon Adelson: U.S. Should Fire Warning Nuclear Bomb To Frighten Iran

adelBillionaire Sheldon Adelson recommended, Monday, for the United State to fire a nuclear weapon into the desert of Iran as a warning shot in order to convince the ayatollah to stop nuclear development.

Asked at a event at Yeshiva University in New York last night whether he supported negotiations with Iran, Mondoweiss reports.

“What do you mean support negotiations? What are we going to negotiate about?,” Adelson responded. “What I would say is ‘Listen, you see that desert out there? I want to show you something.’ You pick up your cell phone, even at traveling rates, you pick up your cell phone. And what do they call them?… Roaming charges. You pick up your cell phone and you call somewhere in Nebraska and you say, ‘Okay, let it go.’ So there’s an atomic weapon goes over ballistic missiles in the middle of the desert that doesn’t hurt a soul. Maybe a couple rattlesnakes and scorpions or whatever. And then you say, ‘See, the next one is in the middle of Tehran. So we mean business. You want to be wiped out, go ahead, take a tough position and then continue with your nuclear development. You want to be peaceful? You want to be peaceful, just reverse it all and we will guarantee you that you can have a nuclear power plant for electricity purposes, for energy purposes.'”

The recommendations were met with applause by a Yeshiva University audience, according to the report.

Adelson made the comments in a dialogue with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach during a conversation called “Will Jews Exist? Iran, Assimilation and the Threat to Israel and Jewish Survival.”

During their conversation, Mr. Adelson compared Obama’s negotiation tactics with Tehran to the weakness the US displayed during the Holocaust.

“Given your strong feelings about what the U.S. did not do to prevent the Holocaust,” Rabbi Shmuley Boteach asked, “what are your feelings about Obama speaking to Iran right now?”

“The worst negotiating tactic I could ever imagine, my entire life,” Adelson responded.

[Boteach: Why is that?]

“Because you can’t get anything. He’s not saying to them, Roll back your entire program and show that you’re willing to be peaceful. So, roll it all back… and we’ll roll back the sanctions…. What is that, a game of chicken, who’s going to blink first?”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

9 Responses

  1. I never knew he is so stupid, maybe it will just entice other countries to develop a Nuclear Bomb, and blow up one as a warning. Maybe it will entice Iran by themselves to do it.

    By the way there is an agreement between all countries not to test (or blow up) Nuclear Weapons, only underground, due to radiation.

    But since I’m not worth 25,000,000,000.00, no one would listen to my common sense, just to his.

    By the way, he would do the Republicans a favor by making such statements while he is endorsing them, so the Americans will see the wisdom of the Republican financial backers, and vote for them en mass.

  2. Sounds like Barry Goldwater.

    The Muslims should remember, though, that the US has the ability to destroy every Muslim country within the next half an hour. Or not. Depending on how much they tick us off.

  3. Mr. Adelson may know how to start with nothing and become a billionaire gambling kingpin, but that does not mean he knows how to negotiate with world leaders over anything more complicated than gambling licenses.

    Actually, now that I think of it, maybe Mr. Adelson can teach us something. Some gambling entrepreneurs – not necessarily Mr. Adelson, about whose business operations I know little – negotiate with their regulators by bribing them. Maybe that would work with Iran and its nukes. And, maybe, Mr. Adelson would like to donate a portion of the bribes. Your move, Mr. A.

  4. For all you intelligent commentators that are so sure of yourselves I’d like to inform you the following:

    Someone once told me that he was once sitting in a shuir that one of the Gedolim was giving during the Vietnam war. He was shocked when he heard that Gadol (who name I’m not revealing even though I know who it was) state that “they should drop the Bomb on Vietnam!”. This guy told me that he couldn’t believe that this Gadol could say such a thing, but years later after the war he understood why.

    I’m not saying Mr. Andelson is right, but I am not judging his opinion. He may be 100% right. Only time will tell.

  5. All you yukels who think that diplomacy and negotiations have a chance are just plain stupid. Theres only one language that maniacs like the Iranians understand. The language of violence. Fear. Fear is a very powerful motivator.

  6. No. 6: It’s years later, and I do not understand why that Gadol proposed nuclear annihilation of some innocent people in Vietnam, either. Perhaps you or your friend could reveal that to us. Is there any possibility that a person once thought to be a gadol received his respect by mistake? Could it be that some nudniks (or is it nudnikim) are mistaken for gadolim?

  7. What I have always said:
    A lot of money has nothing to do with a lot of Seichel. In fact, sometimes they are inversely proportional.

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