READ IT: Biden Issues Statement On Trump Impeachment Acquittal

President Joe Biden issued a statement late Saturday, hours after the U.S. Senate voted to acquit former President Donald Trump on an article of impeachment for “inciting an insurrection” in connection with the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

“While the final vote did not lead to a conviction, the substance of the charge is not in dispute,” Biden wrote.

“Even those opposed to the conviction, like Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, believe Donald Trump was guilty of a ‘disgraceful dereliction of duty’ and “practically and morally responsible for provoking’ the violence unleashed on the Capitol.”

Here’s the complete Biden statement from the White House website:

It was nearly two weeks ago that Jill and I paid our respects to Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick, who laid in honor in the Rotunda after losing his life protecting the Capitol from a riotous, violent mob on January 6, 2021.

Today, 57 Senators – including a record 7 Republicans – voted to find former President Trump guilty for inciting that deadly insurrection on our very democracy. The Senate vote followed the bipartisan vote to impeach him by the House of Representatives. While the final vote did not lead to a conviction, the substance of the charge is not in dispute. Even those opposed to the conviction, like Senate Minority Leader McConnell, believe Donald Trump was guilty of a “disgraceful dereliction of duty” and “practically and morally responsible for provoking” the violence unleashed on the Capitol.

Tonight, I am thinking about those who bravely stood guard that January day. I’m thinking about all those who lost their lives, all those whose lives were threatened, and all those who are still today living with terror they lived through that day. And I’m thinking of those who demonstrated the courage to protect the integrity of our democracy – Democrats and Republicans, election officials and judges, elected representatives and poll workers – before and after the election.

This sad chapter in our history has reminded us that democracy is fragile. That it must always be defended. That we must be ever vigilant. That violence and extremism has no place in America. And that each of us has a duty and responsibility as Americans, and especially as leaders, to defend the truth and to defeat the lies.

That is how we end this uncivil war and heal the very soul of our nation. That is the task ahead. And it’s a task we must undertake together. As the United States of America.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. I’m thinking about all those who lost their lives, How about thinking about all those who lost jobs in the old industry because you sleepy joe destroyed the entire oil pipeline industry in Pennsylvania, and how about thinking about all these in the Trump administration who lost jobs because you sleepy joe stole the election from President Donald Trump who was duly reelected.
    & how about thinking of all those who lost their lives in the corrupted inner cities during last summer’s riots? Are you sleepy joe even capable of thinking back as far back as this past summer? or is that too much for your limited brain capacity?

  2. The sheker in this whole episode, and the above, is unreal. It’s hard to imagine how our media went from biased left or right, to essentially, North Korea.

  3. How about also thinking of all those whose lives were ruined by BLM riots, and then think about your VP who wanted to bail the rioters out?

  4. Being that it seems that Congress has nothing else to do and looking for work (because all issues in America seemingly are all resolved) perhaps they can now work on impeaching President Nixon too once again. This will keep them busy for a while.

  5. What exactly does he mean by “the substance of the charge is not in dispute”.
    No, actually the non-unanimous vote exactly means that the charge is indeed in dispute! Idiot.

    By the way, go and read the statements of Trump versus that of Biden for yourselves, and you tell me which is the more divisive. I’ll give you a clue, it’s not the one who has been claiming to wave the banner “unity”.

    The fact that these ‘lawmakers’ can’t seem to disassociate arguments claiming the riot was bad, from the claim that Trump was responsible for it, is both appalling and scary.

  6. What sick lies. How did the policeman die? No one knows. He did not die on January 6th, all that he himself said happened to him that day is that he was pepper sprayed, that was already confirmed. No one cares about the policemen who are murdered by black people. But this policeman who wasn’t even murdered is the big news.

  7. Did he and “Dr” Jill pay their their respects to the Parks Police officer that was killed by BLACK mobs and their affiliates, with the urging and SUPPORT of HIS liberal friends?
    Didi he evan utter one word in condemnation?
    Is this how he wants to heal and unify us?
    Did he even comprehend even one word of HIS statement written for him by his liberal handlers before he rambled on?
    Yup, this is galus. But at least we know the score…

  8. For the mere fact that every single Democrat voted to convict shows how not honest this all was. If there had been a few who hadn’t you would see how they voted their conscience, not party line. This party line lock, stock and barrel vote to convict proves it was not honest.

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