George Rutler Discusses Religion’s Role at Time of Crises

Tired depressed female african scrub nurse wears face mask blue uniform gloves sits on hospital floor. Exhausted sad black doctor feels burnout stress of corona virus frontline protection pray at work

During times of crisis, people turn to religion for assistance. The most well-respected leaders of all religious faiths, including George Rutler and Catholicism, know this is what happens. Even though technology has changed the way people live their everyday lives, religion still has a significant role. With all of this in mind, what are the biggest crises facing the world today? There are several examples that everyone should know. 

The Coronavirus Pandemic

Without a doubt, the biggest crisis facing the world today is the coronavirus pandemic. This is a pandemic that is already infected and killed millions of people around the globe. Even though it is good that there is a vaccine developed and is being distributed, it will be a long time before everyone in the world has gotten the vaccine. In the meantime, the virus continues to be highly contagious. Furthermore, the vaccine has caused some people to let their guard down. As a result, cases are rising, particularly in the middle of the winter. Therefore, people need to pay attention to the coronavirus pandemic and do everything in their power to mitigate the spread of this virus. During this crisis, and might also be a good idea to turn to a higher power for answers. 

The Climate Crisis

Another major crisis that is taking place today is the climate crisis. Climate change is one of the biggest threats facing our planet today. As the earth continues to warm up, the polar ice caps are continuing to melt. As a result, sea levels are continuing to rise as well. Furthermore, excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is being dissolved in the water. This is dropping the pH of the ocean, placing a lot of creatures in harm’s way. As sea levels continue to rise, some of our coastal cities are being threatened. If we don’t do something soon to stop the climate crisis, our planet may be irreparably damaged. People need to listen to religious leaders, such as George Rutler, when they speak on these issues facing the world today. 

The Crisis in Syria

In the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, it is easy to forget that numerous other crises occur. One example is the crisis that is still taking place in Syria. The situation in Syria started as a peaceful protest in 2011. It was the response to this protest that quickly escalated into a protracted crisis. With more than 5 million refugees fleeing the country and 6 million more Syrians displaced within the country, this is one of the world’s most pressing conflicts today. George Rutler knows that people need to step up to help Syria and protect the people who live there.

The Conflict Taking Place in Yemen

Syria is not alone when it comes to conflicts in the Middle East. The Middle East is a region of the world that has been a crisis for centuries. Yemen is also struggling with its own Civil War right now. According to the United Nations, close to 80 percent of the country’s population needs some form of assistance. Local infrastructure is suffering. The education system has collapsed. The economy is in shambles. Countless people are starving. Yemen is a country right now that needs help from the rest of the world. Religious organizations are providing charity to Yemen, helping people there make it through the conflict.

Turning to Religion in Times of Crisis

These are just a few of the many crises that are taking place in the world today. Everyone needs to remember that there is always someone in need of assistance. Right now, there are people all over the world who are struggling in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, climate change crisis, and countless other conflicts that are taking place in the Middle East. Religious leaders, such as George Rutler, are stepping up and guiding the world on a humanitarian mission to help those in need. More has to be done to help those less fortunate, and it is a religion that will act as a guiding light.

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