WATCH THIS: Monsey Walgreens Pharmacy Refuses To Give Dr Zelenko Hydroxychloroquine

Dr Vladimir Zev Zelenko, a NY State certified physician, was denied hydroxychloroquine by a pharmacist at a Walgreens in Monsey, Tuesday.

The use of hydroxychloroquine became a political flashpoint last year when President Donald Trump and some others proclaimed it to be a miracle cure despite a lack of studies at the time to back up their claims.

Regardless of your opinion on the use of the drug, or your opinion on Dr Zelenko, it is simply outrageous that a pharmacist refused to dispense a non-controled-substance to a doctor.

Watch the video below:

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

60 Responses

  1. BS”D
    I hope no one walks in there before that pharmacist is fired, unless it is for an item the store loses money on.

  2. Doesn’t sound “outrageous” YWN. Sounds like the pharmacist used his professional discretion and decided not to fill the script. Like he said, pharmacists own name ends up on the bottle too. Pharmacists are not drug vending machines, they’re the second line fall back to make sure that there’s another layer of safety in the distribution of prescription meds. Dr Zelenko has a legal right to challenge the decision. Or to go to a different pharmacy.

  3. “some others proclaimed it to be a miracle cure despite a lack of studies at the time to back up their claims.”
    Well how much studies were done on the Covid vaccine?

  4. Isn’t this Pharmacist following current NYS law? Regardless if you think hcq works or not he’s not allowed to dispense it according to the State.
    Also, imo, this video is not a good look for Dr Zelenko. It appears that he went to this Walgreens to create a viral video, not fill a prescription.

  5. I don’t know whether or not Hydroxychloroquine is good, bad, evil, life-saving… and I don’t care. What are we coming to? Sicko Cuomo can just dictate that the State can’t fill prescriptions. What the hell? So, just to get this straight, the evil demmies want such total control that they believe doctors should be allowed too kill their patients if they’re over, say, 75 years old, but taking a drug millions think — whether they’r eright or wrong — is life-saving, oh, no, sir. We need to wake up! The demmies are the biggest threat to democracy the world has ever seen.

  6. I’m sorry, I must just add one word small word of protest against one of the things the good doctor said: There is no reason on this planet to assume that the pharmacist was discriminating against him due to his Judaism. It was not nice of the good doctor to make that baseless claim, and it may have been a chillul Hashem, as well. I do not blame the good doctor in the face of the brazenness of the pharmacist, but the claim was uncalled for.

  7. Last I checked, pharmacists don’t dispense medication to doctors.
    If he does not have Lupus (i dont know) he should be ashamed of himself for trying to falsify this prescription.
    It is clear that hydroxychloroquine does NOT work for COVID and actually causes more harm than good.
    This is a drug that extends the life of patients with Lupus and using it otherwise has caused severe shortages.

  8. If a pharmacist knows that a purchaser (even a physician) intends to use a drug for an unapproved purpose, he/she could be held liable under NYS law for any adverse consequences. All big drug chains have policies prohibiting such sales. This is different from a similar concern of sales of a drug for 0ff-label use.

  9. Oy Vey- as a physician that was painful to watch. Dr. Zelenko should learn “how to win friends & influence enemies” – ouch. I know he has been trying to accomplish good things for his patients but after seeing this I realize he’s just not the guy. If this is his “normal” self he’s on a fools errand

  10. Also, obviously Walgreen’s counsel determined that the liability of dispensing outweighs the liability of refusing to dispense. Probably a correct legal call.

  11. To all the fools on ywn: Fact! Last year hundreds of Yiden were saved, literaly, because of Dr. Zelenko! Much more would have been if not for the rishus of our mayor and governor. A little hakaros hatov for the many lives Dr Zelenko had the zchus to save would not hurt any of you so called “rightious” Jews!

  12. “He is a legend for standing up against that pharmacist”

    Takes a real legend to stand up to a random local pharmacist who is just trying to do his job. He’s taking on Big Pharma and the deep state one local Walgreens at a time!

  13. Elite, I clicked your “link.”

    A big fat narishkeit on that one. Once you get to the page, click the “executive order” and it doesn’t exist.

    And this is because, recent studies that have come out over the past few days, have showed hydroxy to work.

    You do realize that they only fought against it because Trump touted for it?

    Check out the American journal of medicines report from this January.

  14. I agree with all those who were suggesting that the doctor did not act appropriately.
    He berated an employee who was following his instructions. He should have stopped there and called the manager, the Dept of Health, or Donald Trump. Harassing the employee was done purely as a stunt. The insinuation of anti-Semitism was particularly disturbing as it cheapens actual anti-Semitism. Perhaps the doctor was engaging in anti-Hinduism (or Islam or whatever). How would he feel if someone came into his clinic and started berating one of his nurses for following the rules of the clinic and posted it to social media?
    This was simply bad theater to prove a point at the expense of a person doing his job faithfully. If he really cared this would not be the way to proceed. Hopefully Walgreens will see this video and encourage the good doctor to send his Rx to other pharmacies. Chaval for his patients. Not a kiddush HaShem at all.

  15. complicated-
    its obvious that he walked in to the pharmacy with camera rolling ready for a fight… so why did he go
    the dr is undergoing a huge personal nisyonos.. severe health crisis , thrown under the bus by satmar after 20 years of dedicated service… facing some kind of investigations… done with the practice .. and finally being clobbered for doing the RIGHT thing from his perspective…
    bekitzur so much on his plate at once

  16. TAKING THE LAW IN HIS OWN HANDS! The pharmacist’s action flies in the face of the law. A licensed medical practitioner is entitled to have his request fulfilled by a pharmacist without question. If the pharmacist had any doubts as to the authenticity of the doctor, he could have asked to see the doctor’s i.d. and certification or contacted the health authorities to confirm that the doctor is licensed to prescribe medications. It is not the pharmacist’s business to contest the doctor’s decisions. If he does not agree with it, he could take it up with his own regulatory authority who would confirm that he has to do as the law requires. If his opinion differs with the law, he can file a legal complaint against the regulators for not listening to his opinion and let a court decide. Until then he has no right to discriminate and should be disciplined. If the doctor can return with documentation confirming that it is the pharmacist’s duty to supply him and that he is being discriminated against, the doctor might wish to consider asking an attorney or even a law enforcement officer to attend with him to ensure that he is dealt with according to the law. The doctor certainly kept his cool and did not rant and rave as many might have done. Hatzlocho Rabbo Dr Zelenko and keep up your life-saving work!

  17. I rarely have time to comment, but in this case it might save a life.

    First of all, anyone who is publicly malshin Dr. Zev is doing retzicha in more than one way.

    Secondly: to put it bluntly to this YWN crowd, HCQ/hydroxycloroquine is only the TOFEL as a transmitting ionophore into the cell. Zinc is IKKAR and inhibiting the SARS-COV2 RNA into the cell. Nearly all the published studies we’re done without Zinc.

  18. It amazes me that there are so many comments on this article and video. There are rules regulating pharmacists, and most, if not all commenters (including me) don’t know them. One commenter, Elite 31334, actually looked up some rules and found that the pharmacist followed the relevant rule. Maybe Elite is wrong, maybe he/she right, but he knows how to address the issue, unlike nearly every other commenter on this article. Somewhere in Torah it says, “I told you not to be stupid, you moron.” I’m paraphrasing.

  19. 11Aside from perpetuating anti-Semitic tropes by his boorish behavior, this guy was investigated for promoting an online drug scam last year.
    Bigger question: As part of his hype, he posted a video announcing he was leaving Monsey and closing his practice. What is he doing back in Monsey??? Perhaps he should have purchased a box of syringes and container of Clorox and stood outside on Rt. 306 and offered Covidchorox Cocktails (*with free zincj!!) for all those having difficulty getting vaccinations.

  20. How horrible for Dr. Zelenko to play the Jewish “race” card and accuse him of discrimination. That’s obviously not true. Dr. Zelenko would have to know with facts that other Jews have been the objects of discrimination by this pharmacist before accusing him, which obviously he does not have. Unfortunately, some Jews, including doctors have this “they’re out to get us” mentality which prevents them from being objective. Unlike Cuomo, there was no discrimination here, and Dr. Zelenko should publicly apologize for his uncalled for remarks.

  21. What a chutzpah to tell the pharmacist he’s just a pharmacist not licensed to practice medicine. He’s licensed to dispense medication. If he dispenses medication illegally he’ll lose his license. Most offensive was calling it discrimination. Reminds me of the person I once saw yelling discrimination when he was caught shoplifting. While you’re trying to break the law is not the best time to pull the antisemitism / discrimination card.

  22. Dr Zelenko is just looking for another 10 minutes of fame. It’s offensive to hear the way he is interrogating the pharmacist. The pharmacist has answered his question at least five times.

  23. Dr DinBin it is clear that the drug does not work? Clear to whom? To you? It is obviously not clear as there are those who say that it is very effective in fighting covid. In my case I had covid back in March and was sick for many weeks. I finally convinced my dr (who was unimpressed with the results of this drug) to give me the medication and started feeling better within 12 hours and felt much better within 36 hours. So I’m glad that you made a blanket statement that it is clear. Nonsense.

  24. If anyone watching this video interprets it as Dr. Zelenko being a “legend for standing up to this pharmacist” – then clearly their thought processes are muddled. 8 minutes of narishkeit bringing Dr Zelenko no closer to getting his HCQ than when he started – while at the same time garnering sympathy for this young pharmacist.

  25. oh please he went in videoing the situation , why, he was looking for a fight , the guy is a quack, who was he getting the medication for , himself , if he has covid he should not be walking around , if its for someone else he should not be using his own script , when they start screaming discrimination , you know its a problem ,

  26. Yeshiva World, if you have any integrity at all you will delete this post. It is inflammatory and filled with lies. Chilul Hashem, truly.

  27. The pharmacist has discretion in this case. To say that he doesn’t “know his place” is very arrogant and does not look good for us.

  28. This doctor seems to be abusive and very agitated for whatever reason. I think he’s making a big chilul hashem with his attitude towards this pharmacist.

    And why would the ywn post a video that was deliberately meant to spread this negative information about this pharmacist?

  29. Dr. Z. Wants do bring awarness to what is going on at the cost of so many lives. Take your masks off YOUR EYES! THIS IS PURE POLITICS AT THE EXPENSE OF LIVES. Its shocking to see how many “so called jews” are hacking Dr. Zelenko.

  30. I have already commented in several posts above, but let me just begin this post by stating: I have great respect for Dr. Zelenko; he is only trying to save lives… and may have done so to the tune of thousands. I did take issue with his claim of anti-Semitism, see my above posts.

    Now — and this doesn’t have to do with the good doctor or whether he was right/wrong or whether the pharmacist was just doing his job — but honestly, regardless of the existence of an EO [which it does seem exists (as evidenced by section 1, bullet point 8), although why the actual text of the executive order lower down the page can’t be pulled up is quite suspicious], we need to wake up to the real problem here: Who the hell do Dictator Andrew and the rest of the demmies and cancel culture enthusiasts thing they are? Stop trying to control our lives! See my first post above for more on this point.


    “The suspension or modification of the following statutes and regulations, and the following directives, are not continued, and such statutes, codes, and regulations are in full force and effect as of July 7, 2020:

    The directive contained in Executive Order 202.10 related to restrictions, as amended by Executive Order 202.11, related dispensing hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine, as recent findings and the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s revocation of the emergency use authorization has alleviated supply shortages for permitted FDA uses of these medications.”

    the Executive order expired july 7.

  32. The chilul Hashem is done by the people who can provide a life saving drug and refuse to. They are murderers/rotzchim without question. Some have a much better understanding than others, but they are all doing this. Before denying such a medication, you better have some humility and know what you are talking about, especially when speaking to someone who does. Even if there is such a crooked evil rule in NYS, or Walgreens, the pharmacist should not be so nonchalant, at the very least. Dr. Zelenko, on the other hand is a true kanoi who is, in addition to trying to save lives, fed up with all the evil and extreme misinformation leading to many deaths, disguised as just the opposite. Olom hofuch.

  33. When Dr. Z pulled the anti-semitism card, I winced. That was inappropriate to say the least. And he realized it. However, I think he’s right in that the pharmacist does not decide who gets what. Unless he knows that a particular drug a (new) doctor prescribed is contraindicated, the pharmacist should do his job and fill the prescriptions. I do question why dafka the good doctor went there, when I’m sure there must be CVS, Rite-Aid & more Walgreens nearby. Was it a set-up? Who knows, but the pharmacist was calm and polite.

  34. My mother is K”AH into her 80’s. Despite reasonable caution, she eventually caught the virus from a nearby grandchild, who had incidentally tested negative the day before. We are a family that respects current medical and scientific norms. I don’t think any of us had a strong opinion one way or another about what does or doesn’t work for Covid 19. But when it’s your own mother whom you want to protect, you are willing to think outside the box.

    Her doctor did not want to prescribe these medicines, but also was not willing to say there was any danger or significant downside to her taking them.* So a few family members combined their own medial connections and resources, and within 16 hours of exhibiting symptoms, she was taking a “cocktail” of steroids, zinc, hydroxychloroquine, antibiotics, vitamins, and some other stuff.

    BH, her fever lasted only ONE day. She had digestive discomfort, but no breathing issues. As per her doctor’s instructions, she checked her oxygen levels a few times a day, and had her vitals checked at home a few times, just to be safe. Her biggest problem was fatigue.
    2 other relatives, both young and strong and in their 40’s also got the virus in the recent past. However, due to false negatives, by the time they knew they had the virus, it was more than a week from the time of their exposure to it. For this reason, they were NOT encouraged by the same medical resources to take what my mother had taken. They both had significant fevers that lasted more than a week, and one of them ended up in the hospital for 6 days. They have both since “recovered”, yet have lingering fatigue, aches, and other discomfort, almost 2 months later.

    I can never be certain which thing helped my mother. (Yes, HaShem is the Ultimate Healer, but b’teva, He does this through health remedies recommended by medical experts that have earned our trust) I can say, that for what it’s worth, my mother had a very mild experience with covid 19. Unfortunately the same can not be said for a very high percentage of her peers, R”L. We are grateful and fortunate that she was almost completely back to herself within 2 weeks, B”H.

    *(some of what she took actually counteracted against possible negative side effects of others).

    I may not totally sanction the way Dr. Zelenko has presented his approach, nor the deliberate way that he recorded this encounter. However, IF he has in fact seen such different outcomes among those who used these substances and those who have not, I can understand his frustration and “agenda” in making this video. The ability to try things that can help a person heal, has always been permitted at the discretion of licensed doctors. Many, many drugs are prescribed “off label” by doctors EVERY day, especially for treatment resistant conditions such as depression, and nerve pain. When a licensed doctor (Dr. Zelenko is still that) is inhibited from trying to heal his patients, his expertise as a doctor is being denied. There is NO study that has found these approaches to be bad for the patients. Considering how much is NOT known about this virus and its treatment, it DOES seem odd that this approach has somehow become a political statement

  35. Dr. Zelenko should Not have talked to this guy. He’s just following the NY Executive Order.
    If he has a problem with the Order – he should file a Lawsuit in NY or Federal Court!

  36. My mother is K”AH into her 80’s. Despite reasonable caution, she eventually caught the virus from a nearby grandchild, who had incidentally tested negative the day before. We are a family that respects current medical and scientific norms. I don’t think any of us had a strong opinion one way or another about what does or doesn’t work for Covid 19. But when it’s your own mother whom you want to protect, you are willing to think outside the box.

    My mother’s doctor did not want to prescribe these medicines, but also was not willing to say there was any danger or significant downside to her taking them.* So a few family members combined their own medial connections and resources, and within 16 hours of exhibiting symptoms, she was taking a “cocktail” of steroids, zinc, hydroxychloroquine, antibiotics, vitamins, and some other stuff.

    BH, her fever lasted only ONE day. She had digestive discomfort, but no breathing issues. As per her doctor’s instructions, she checked her oxygen levels a few times a day, and had her vitals checked at home a few times, just to be safe. Her biggest problem was fatigue.
    2 other relatives, both young and strong and in their 40’s also got the virus in the recent past. However, due to false negatives, by the time they knew they had the virus, it was more than a week from the time of their exposure to it. For this reason, they were NOT encouraged by the same medical resources to take what my mother had taken. They both had significant fevers that persisted for more than a week, and one of them ended up in the hospital for 6 days. They have both since “recovered”, yet have lingering fatigue, aches, and other discomfort, almost 2 months later.

    I can never be certain which thing helped my mother. (Yes, HaShem is the Ultimate Healer, but b’teva, He does this through health remedies recommended by medical experts that have earned our trust) I can say, that for what it’s worth, my mother had a very mild experience with covid 19. Unfortunately the same can not be said for a very high percentage of her peers, R”L. We are grateful and fortunate that she was almost completely back to herself within 2 weeks, B”H.

    *(some of what she took actually counteracted against possible negative side effects of others).

    I may not totally sanction the way Dr. Zelenko has presented his approach, nor the deliberate way that he recorded this encounter. However, IF he has in fact seen such different outcomes among those who used these substances and those who have not, I can understand his frustration and “agenda” in making this video.

    The ability to try things that can help a person heal, has always been permitted at the discretion of licensed doctors. Many, many drugs are prescribed “off label” by doctors EVERY day, eg. for treatment resistant conditions such as depression, and nerve pain. When a licensed doctor (Dr. Zelenko is still that) is inhibited from trying to heal his patients, his expertise as a doctor is being denied.

    As far as I have heard and read, there is NO study that has found these approaches to be bad for the patients. Considering how much is NOT known about this virus and its treatment, it DOES seem odd that this approach has somehow become taboo – and even attacked legally! So much of this virus HAS been politicized, locally, by state governments, nationally, and even internationally, to the detriment of people who are being flooded with confusing contradictions. There is certainly room for skepticism when a particular treatment is derailed and discredited so quickly and absolutely. And when your trustworthy doctor suddenly is deemed a pariah with no evidence of malpractice.

    Practicing medicine for the sake of healing outcomes, should not be subject to political issues! When it starts to become that, the frustration of a doctor who genuinely wants to heal is quite understandable. I don’t think Dr. Zelenko wants fame. I honestly think that he (naively) believed that people would be thrilled and encouraged by his experiences with his protocol. What we are seeing is a reaction to his shock and consternation that his knowledge and experience as a healer is being disregarded in such a heavy-handed way, and that people who want to take advantage of that knowledge and expertise are literally being denied that right.

  37. @Meir G.
    Your comment did not go unnoticed!!
    I took comfort in the fact that at least one person was able to rise above personal ego, with a perspective through the lens of what this doctor may be going through in his personal life…
    Most people tend to see the video, and immediately we choose a side of who “I” think was right or wrong, there’s much more that needs to be understood to really be able to form an unbiased opinion of someone else’s behavior.
    So I thank you, for reminding me, not to judge others impulsively and to put yourself in the other person’s shoes before you try to even attempt to understand why they walk the way they do.

    Hatzlocha Raba!

  38. Those that claim that this doc saved hundreds of lives are phonies. Most people are fine and recover from covid as I did.

    So how does he know who he “saved”. There is good reason Satmar kicked him out of their medical clinics.

    There is no research indicating that is effective even the link that someone posted, if you dig into the “research” you’ll see it is devarim Sean bo mamash.

  39. The pharmacist was acting according to NYS law:

    Thank You, YWN for posting this, so that one and all can see Dr Zelenko’s tactics, entrapping and embarrassing a licensed professional trying to do his job according to law — and crying “Antisemitism” for his doing so. DR Zelenko was free to contact the pharmacist’s supervisor, if his goal was to obtain this medication b”davka from Walgreen’s. And then it would the supervisor’s license on the line, rather than this pharmacist’s.


  40. What a sick world we live in, the doctor that saved so many ppl is getting such negative feedback from the comments here. Shame on all of you, you’re just a product of all these libs, have no seichal whatsoever.

  41. I love how everyone has an opinion. Most people her are not doctors or pharmasists, YOU DONT KNOW HOW TO PROPERLY ANALYZE A STUDY. You could say that this cocktail doesn’t/help, eitherway it makes NO DIFFERENCE. And as far as this video, you dont know the rules and regulations of doctor/ pharmascist. A pharmascist job is not to just put pills in a bottle and add a lable, they go to school for a reason and their job is to make sure that the medications are safe for the patient. THERE IS NO WAY ANYONE HERE CAN SAY WHETHER OR NOT THE PHARMASCIST/DOCTOR IS RIGHT/WRONG UNLESS YOU ARE A DOCTOR OR PHARMASCIST IN NYS!! So everyone SHUT UP and stop thinking your opinion matters!!!!!!!

  42. I never really took notice of “Gadolhadorah” before, but if she doesn’t know the difference between Monroe and Monsey and then mocks someone for past statements, she really has no business posting about anything.

  43. Sorry a pharmacist is a licensed medical professional and can refuse to fill any prescription. Was this doctor prescribing for himself? If so that would go against best medical practice standards. Once again an arrogant physician believe they are above all rules and other healthcare professional guidelines. Sorry the Dr is incorrect this time! I stan by the pharmacist!

  44. Well well well, over a YEAR LATER and Dr. ZEV is one of the FEW HEROIC Doctors who was trying to SAVE LIVES versus the greedy evil thugs who wanted to ban HCQ because having a CURE too early on, would have stopped the FUNDING.. For all those attacking Dr. Z, and standing up for the insane ignorant pharmacist, you have responsibility for the lives lost during this time.. It is criminal what was done to block cheap drugs during Wuhan virus days, just as it was back in HIV days, when FAUCI did the same thing to BACTRIM a life saving antibiotic that saved those with pneumocystis pneumonia from dying, but instead were backing a new drug AZT that did not work. ALL you followers need to realize you are WEAK, and in a crisis to agree with the GOVERNMENT over common sense Doctors using a 70 year old approved medication, have serious ignorance problems. It’s disgusting all the Americans who aided and abetted this Covid Scam where no lost lives were necessary. Now look at all the countries that used HCQ, and had minimal deaths.. he was RIGHT & people like me were screaming the same to save lives.. I am glad I have no guilt like those on here who just fight against common sense, and the hero’s they should have been fully supporting.. Thank god for Doctors like Doctor Zev!

  45. Dr. Zelenko the HERO who refused to aid and abett Fauci/DNC/Walgreens & AMA’s mass murdering denial of KNOWN cure and life saving medications. I have just READ the hidden FAUCI/WHO doc’s and they knew in FEBRUARY 2020 that yes HCQ was saving lives, but they knew that would stop their funding for a vaccine, since of course NO VACCINE was needed when HCQ works! All you defending this pharmacist, shame on you! If your family member was denied this drug that would save their lives you would be on the opposite side.. Especially those comments from 2021, proving the ignorance of anyone today to defend the indefensible.. We have now American Medical Association REVERSING everything the pharmacist was spewing and saying they didn’t MEAN to ever Deny access to the life saving drug.. nor to interfere with Doctors decisions which should always be between the patient and the doctor, not the pharmacist, not the government! Pure Communism is the ideology of anyone not seeing what a HERO this Doctor was WHEN IT MATTERED, not when it was popular.

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