TWO MASKS?! Fauci Says CDC May Recommend Wearing Two Masks To Fight Virus

(White House via AP)

The US Centres for Disease Control may recommend wearing two masks – one over the other – to keep at bay the more contagious variants of the coronavirus, according to Anthony Fauci.

“That’s possible,” that the CDC could recommend two masks, Fauci told the Washington Post.

“Just [in] discussions with my CDC colleagues yesterday … the CDC is looking at doing a study of seeing whether or not two masks might be better than one, it makes common sense that you would think – and the reason they don’t recommend it right now it’s a science-based organization, [so] they make recommendations based on data and science, so that’s the reason why they’re going to look at that particular issue.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

15 Responses

  1. Why 2? Why not 3? You can never be too sure- 4? Well why not go 5? 6 is more than 1 hand let’s do that. Why not 7?
    How about you tell us what 2 will do that 1 won’t medically and statistically speaking- not hem and haw thoughts. I support wearing a mask- I think that even post covid I will wear one in public places of large gatherings. But come on now.

  2. Two masks for a start, of course, three is better and four can not increase your chances to contract the unprecedented COVID-19 or China virus, depending on your party affiliation.

    The best way not to get infected would be to zip one’s mouth and nose completely.

    Sounds a lot like how litvisha go about Halacha.

  3. If you Fauci had shown the proper respect due to President Donald Trump, we wouldn’t be in this horrific Corona mess now.
    Of-course biden shall never live up to his election pledge to fix this Corona crisis.

  4. A science-based organization? So where’s the “science” that one mask helps?
    I think Fauci should wear 4-5 masks. Maybe then he’ll shut up…

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