Ex-Colleague Of Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Gets Top DOJ Post

(AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

The newly selected acting head of the Justice Department’s criminal division is a former colleague of the attorney now representing Hunter Biden in the face of a DOJ investigation.

Nicholas McQuaid joined the DOJ in January after spending the past several years as a partner in the New York office of law firm Latham & Watkins. Also a partner in that office is Christopher Clark, who was reported by Law.com in December to be representing the president’s son.

“They worked on the same cases right up until McQuaid took the job at the Department of Justice,” said Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, who first reported the news.

Court records show that McQuaid and Clark worked on some of the same cases. Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” reported Friday that on Jan. 21, Latham & Watkins filed a motion to withdraw McQuaid from a case Clark had been working on. According to the Justice Department, McQuaid was named as the head of the criminal division on Jan. 20.

(Source: Fox News)

4 Responses

  1. Honestly, Tucker Carlson is a buffoon; he sounds really dumb. What a stupid accusation. Oh wow, he’s the uncle of the aunt’s dog’s sister’s friend’s attorney… come on… we have enough ammo with which to blast the sicko demmies and old senile joe; there’s no need to resort to stupidity.

  2. That sure adds new meaning to the title ” The ‘CRIMINAL’ Division of the Justice Department “. Ain’t it just criminal?

  3. So Tucker decided to throw his credibility down the toilet and just become one of the Fox clowns like Hannity? McQuaid is one of the most highly regarded white collar litigators in the country and Latham’s practice is one of the most diverse, representing both Ds and Rs in federal courts. The fact that he worked on some cases with another lawyer who worked for HB makes him suspect??? Does that mean that a well known Litvish rav who recently made a shivah call to the home of an equally chashuvah chassidish rebbe will now start wearing a shtreimel and bekeshe? This guilt by association stupidity that has always plagued the right wing of the Republican party continues to feed the Qanon crazies. Trump loyalists used that tactic to rid the government of “deep state” loyalists but fortunately, they were stopped in most cases by their own ineptness.

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