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WATCH: Biden Signs Executive Orders To “Undo Damage Trump Has Done”

Joe Biden just signed two health-related executive orders in the Oval Office. He said the best way to describe the actions was “to undo the damage Trump has done.”

He said there is nothing new in the orders. “This is going back to what the situation was prior to the [former] president’s executive orders,” Biden said.

The two actions:

  • End the Mexico City policy, also known as the “global gag rule”. This policy bans foreign non-government groups that receive US funding from providing abortions or from providing information about abortions.
  • Open the health insurance market on the federal government’s from 15 February to 15 May. The Trump administration resisted calls to open the market outside of the usual six-week window for enrollment in the fall, which would have helped people seeking health insurance after losing work during the recession.
  • Direct federal agencies to reconsider rules and other policies which limit access to health care and consider actions to improve access.

Biden said: “We got a lot to do and the first thing I have to do is get this Covid package passed.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. 1) “Affordable health care as it relates to reproductive rights.”
    2) Love the Freudian slip about Trump being president which, by the way, he repeats shortly after he originally corrects himself
    3) It seems apparent from the video above and countless other videos that the president is in a state of severe mental decline. Now, I promise I really am not being facetious, but it really is inspiring (and cute) how he sincerely tries to keep up. Looks carefully down at his li’l notecards, etc. I actually got a little emotional; he’s so frail. I promise I’m not trying to be mean; it’s inspiring. Whatever, I guess we need to be prepared for the imminent transfer of power to the woman who will soon be our first female president.
    4) It is so sad that this gullible old man currently occupies the seat so recently vacated by our greatest of former presidents.

  2. Since presidents having been doing that for many changes of control (undoing the ways of the previous president), is this now a minhag???

    One should note, that under the Constitution, only the Congress can enact laws, so anything a president does without getting Congressional approval (by enacting a statute) is by definition, not really legal.

  3. Whatever happened to executive orders are for dictators?
    “The Trump administration resisted calls to open the market outside of the usual six-week window for enrollment in the fall, which would have helped people seeking health insurance after losing work during the recession.”
    I thought losing a job and losing insurance was a life change that gave you a special enrollment period. Or was obamacare designed wrong?

  4. Women’s health care. Wow, sounds wonderful! Reproductive rights. Well “rights” must be good, no? But alas this is just a sugar-coated euphemism for murdering unborn babies.

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