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DEMS UNVEIL IMPEACHMENT CHARGE: Republicans Block Measure Calling For Quick Removal Of Trump

A House resolution calling on Vice President Mike Pence to invoke constitutional authority to remove President Donald Trump from office was blocked Monday by Republicans.

Democrats in the House are pushing Pence and the Cabinet to oust Trump, saying he is unfit for office after encouraging a protest march that turned into a mob that ransacked the U.S. Capitol in a deadly siege.

Pence has given no indication he is ready to proceed on such a course, which would involve invoking the 25th Amendment to the Constitution, including a vote by a majority of the Cabinet to oust Trump before he leaves office on Jan. 20. Democratic President-elect Joe Biden will be sworn in on that date.

With just days left in Trump’s presidency, the House also is preparing to impeach Trump this week. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is trying first to put pressure on Republicans to tell Trump it’s time to go.

Trump would face a single charge — “incitement of insurrection” — over the riot at the U.S. Capitol, according to a draft of the articles obtained by The Associated Press.

Lawmakers were set to introduce the legislation Monday, with voting mid-week.

The four-page impeachment bill draws from Trump’s own false statements about his election defeat to Biden; his pressure on state officials in Georgia to “find” him more votes; and his White House rally ahead of the Capitol siege, in which he encouraged thousands of supporters to “fight like hell” before they stormed the building on Wednesday.

“President Trump gravely endangered the security of the United States and its institutions of Government,” the legislation said.

The bill from Reps. David Cicilline of Rhode Island, Ted Lieu of California, Jamie Raskin of Maryland and Jerrold Nadler of New York, said Trump threatened “the integrity of the democratic system, interfered with the peaceful transition of power” and “betrayed” trust.

“He will remain a threat to national security, democracy, and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office,” they wrote.

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Ca., said Monday on CBS, “We need to move forward with alacrity.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the House will proceed with legislation to impeach Trump as she pushes the vice president and the Cabinet to invoke constitutional authority to force him out, warning that Trump is a threat to democracy after the deadly assault on the Capitol.


5 Responses

  1. Thank you Republicans:- We love you.
    Impeach pelosi for all the riots last summer, which she was so fine with them. She cannot pick & choose which riots suit her. Pelosi is guilty of discrimination & inciting riots, as well as ripping a federal document:- We detest pelosi, sick old woman.

  2. 1. Calling for a lawful protest that turns into a riot is not a crime. They need to prove Trump called on those protesting to act unlawfully and to attack the Capitol. So far, even the left wing media haven’t come up with any evidence.

    2. It might be hard to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump is unjustified in feeling he was cheated in the election. The number suggest that if the election was limited to voters who voted in person (the traditional way in use for over the last 200 years), with verification of identity, Trump would have won. Remember that the prosecution will need to prove that legitimacy of ALL the mail-in ballots in all the states if they base their charge on the idea Trump was falsely claiming to have been wrongly denied reelection.

  3. Jerrold Nadler & Adam Schiff, again. Here we go. Again & again. Two Jews. It’s always got to be liberal Jews at the forefront. At least Engel is gone. Two lowlife worthless rotting carcasses. Where are the Chillul Hashem town criers?

  4. If the Democrats go through with this, then the next time the Republicans retake the house they should immediately impeach Barack 0bama. Sauce for the goose.

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