TRUMP SILENCED: @RealDonaldTrump Account Locked For 12 Hours

Facebook, YouTube and Twitter have removed posts from President Donald Trump on Wednesday as some of his supporters violently entered the US Capitol on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, Twitter said that Trump’s account will be locked for at least 12 hours.

While Trump has been angered by Twitter for flagging his tweets in the past, Twitter has not previously deleted the president’s tweets to preserve his posts for public record. But given the violence in DC, Trump’s tweets were removed.

Among the tweets deleted was a video sent to supporters telling them to “go home.” The video, however, once again made false claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen.

All told, three Twitter posts were deleted.

The video was also deleted from Facebook and YouTube.


15 Responses

  1. About time. Judaism teaches that words can kill. And sadly, someone was shot to death today during the attempted coup. 🙁

  2. These democRATs are such mishiguim. This ugly horse whos going to be our vice president and this clueless recorder who cant pronounce a word for his life, and now vicious evil people are going to run america. Shkoiach geoegia.

  3. If Twitter had done this 4 years ago Trump would have won in a landslide.
    In the actual real election not the crazed one hes and all his crazed blind followers crying about.
    I voted for him but I cant wait for him to go.
    Enough is enough.

  4. The democRATs are evil. They will turn America into a communist state. Every yeshiva will be closed because they don’t teach evolution and same gender propaganda. You guys can laugh. But you don’t realize you are dealing with dangerous atheists.

  5. Violence shoulder never be allowed or encouraged. Trump did tweet for everyone to go home but again the damage was already done.

    On the other hand everyone is forgetting how the leftist democrats not only did not condemn all the BLM/antifa riots,looting, murders and city takeovers, they in fact encouraged them. Including de blasio, biden and harris who said the riots won’t end..(back when they “knew” Trump would continue a second term)

    So we have an issue of a 1 way narrative.

  6. nyny is right as usual.

    I remember one Sunday morning during the height of the presidential campaign, seeing footage of Biden, his wife, and his daughter walking in the early morning through a graveyard in freezing rain to church while Trump was tweeting about which female news anchors and strippers he was attracted or unattracted to and thinking to myself, “Boy I hope Trump can prevail against these atheists.”

  7. I’m a bit surprised by the lack of objective reporting here.
    “The video, however, once again made false claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen.”
    These are disputed claims, not objectively false. There is evidence of some fraud or mistakes at the very least which is not even disputed. Thousands of lost votes were found in recounts. Many dead people undoubtedly voted. The only question is the extent of the fraud/errors. That can not be unequivocally decided either way as yet.

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