Alert From Lakewood’s Tomchei Tzedaka

pushka.jpgThe following alert was issued by Lakewood’s Tomchei Tzedakos: There have been several instances of people collecting Tzedakah, who are showing a photocopy of a Lakewood “Ishur”. Some of these have been pretty good copies; they used sophisticated methods to circumvent our security measures, and it takes a close look to notice mistakes or the missing raised seal.

We have yet to hear of a good reason why someone would have a copy and not the original. We don’t even know why anyone legit would ever make a copy in the first place.

Please do not rely on an Ishur that is not an original.

Thank you.

Tomchei Tzedaka of Lakewood 732-367-7770

(Voice of Lakewood)

9 Responses

  1. well maybe they have fake one’s cause they did’nt want to pay again for a new one. It does cost money and if a person has an extra couple of bucks they would’nt have to go collecting in the first place! Ofcourse its important to verify that the collecter is legit, but why do they expire?

  2. Why doesnt the Tomchie Tzedaka of Lakewood put a picture of the person on the Ishur? How does one know if the Ishur that is being shown is not being shared between two people? Also a picture with a specific background (such as the Logo) would help authenticate the Ishur.

  3. I think one of the reasons that people may falsify docs even if they are legitimite people, is that Lakewood is a big city, very spread out and it takes longer than the two weeks alloted for each meshulach to reach out to the whole Lakewood. I think that in some cases the Vaad does issue an extension for another two weeks but realize, that some of the meshulachim are going door to door and they are desperately trying to raise the necessary funds to marry off thier child, chovos etc. We in Lakewood are known to be a very welcoming community and for the most part even if we cannot give as much as other communities, we open the door to everyone. ASHREINU. Maybe the Vaad can figure a way out for meshulachim that need to be here for extended periods to work with them. Also, I think that the Vaad is doing a wonderful job.(at the beginning there were many who disagreed with the idea but it seems like the fears were unfounded).

    Let us continue to help out all of Klal Yisroel and we should be zocheh to a true Kabbolas Hatorah.

  4. In Baltimore meshulachim need a “shtar” given under the auspices of the Agudah offices. there are rabbonim who make extensive inquiries into the legitamacy of the organization the meshulach claims to represent and they also call references to make sure a meshulach’s “story” is accurate. unfortunately this has to be done because in Baltimore there have been many stories of fakers who it was only found out about them after the checks were cashed. Also all checks to meshulachim are only made out to the Agudah or “scrip” is used which is fake money that is bought through the mosdos in Baltimore and can only be cashed through the Agudah office. 10% of this money goes to the mosad that it was purchased through. All these things have made the number of fakers diminish here and all meshulachim know that it is hard to fake anyone out here because of all the safeguards. The rule is that if there is anything questionalbe on the shtar such as already expired or picture is not of the meshulach standing in the Agudah office then don’t give anything. it’s sad that this has to be done- a meshulach shouldn’t have to go through this but the fakers have made it necessary.

  5. Once you bend the rules about taking money from the government, it is a slippery slope to taking from private sources as well. Me’dvar sheker tirchak. Without the rationalizations

  6. Golders Green’s (London) Vaad Hatzokah certificates have an hologram embedded and a photograph. It doesn’t cost much.

  7. Unfortunately, this situation is not unique to Lakewood as has been stated above for example Baltimore and London also give an ishur to tzedaka collectors. In this light, the database of Olam Hatorah was created. Olam Hatorah which has been discussed previously on this forum works in order to verify the information given by both organizations and collectors in order to assure that tzedaka goes to worthy(honest)institution. We are available online at and by phone or fax for clarifications, questions and other inquiries. Our phone nos. are 212-913-0233,514-448-45443 and 972-3-674-8888 and fax no. 972-3-678-2060.

    thank you.

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