Hatzola Northwest London Has Urgent COVID Alert For Residents: “THIS IS NOW A CRITICAL TIME”

There has been much talk about a new wave of Covid, but many in the local area have not seen or experienced it directly and there is a dangerous complacency.

Hatzola Northwest are now definitely seeing patients with new onset of symptoms, and the Covid-19 related call volume has significantly increased in the last 48 hours and is rising further as we write. Some of these patients are declining rapidly.

From previously being relatively relaxed, the Royal Free, Whittington and Barnet hospitals now have sharply increasing numbers of patients being admitted in rapidly worsening clinical condition.


Tier 4 is real – THIS IS NOT SOMEONE ELSE’S PROBLEM – we ALL need to respect and adhere to the recommended government guidelines at all times.

Please also note that even if you or someone close to you has had Covid, you can catch it again or transmit it. If you’ve been in contact with someone with Covid, please strictly follow the rules of self-isolation to avoid passing it on to others.

If you or someone you know is unwell and you are concerned, please do not wait till the situation deteriorates – call early.


Working with local GPs and JDoc, Hatzola Northwest has set up a monitoring program for those with early onset symptoms, but not requiring hospitalisation or patients discharged from hospital, but still symptomatic.

If you or someone you know falls into one of these two categories and wish to be on our ‘radar’, simply email [email protected] to register. You will then be sent a link with a form to complete. If you do not have access to e-mail, please call 01234 483818

Subject to capacity, those registering will hopefully benefit from daily monitoring and their observations subsequently reviewed by doctors on a daily basis.

Let’s try, ה׳ בעזרת ,to play our part to save lives together.

Prof Stuart D Rosen
Medical Director Hatzola Northwest

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. Note:
    If you want to alleviate the pressure from Hatzalah and the hospitals (not to mention reducing, almost completely, any danger of death) then also follow the simple/easy instructions of the so-called “Zelenko protocol”. (Google it.)

    It must be followed very soon after onset of symptoms.
    It’s for all adult ages, with a 65-year safety record similar to Tylenol. (Except for people with chronic heart conditions.)

    Do not pay attention to the nay-sayers.
    Over the past 8 months I’ve studied many thousands of cases/reports;
    1) Every report of failure has blatantly clearly not followed the simple and easy instructions.
    2) Every instance, without exception, that DID follow the 3 easy steps, all have resulted with avoiding hospitalizations and worse.

    L’maan Hashem, be prepared!

  2. @ Wise Guy:

    With all due respect, do you mind telling us your qualifications – apart from being a wise guy 🙂 – for dispensing important medical advice to all of us – including those with chronic heart conditions – on life and death issues?

    Accepting medical direction from anyone other than one’s own health care provider is normally ill-advised.

  3. wise-guy you took the words out of my mouth. There is also a similar protocol using Ivermectin + Zinc + doxy. Both are good when taken very early on onset of symptoms. Look up Dr. Thomas Borody

  4. To SaraZippora.

    My qualifications are my putting in over 120 hours total in investigating and researching and interviewing regarding this subject matter.
    Including the very many reports of both, successes and failures.

    You too can do the same investigations and researching.

    The doctors that are ignoring the easily obtainable facts, are destined to answer to “A high authority”.
    I feel bad for their day-of-reckoning.
    But i feel worse about all the needless deaths. R”L.

  5. To Yosself:
    I am aware of Dr. Brody’s protocol.
    Dr. Zelenko actually includes it as an option of his “Zelenko protocol”.

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