Tapping Into The Light Of Klal Yisroel: Bnos Chanukah 5780

Chanukah is always an exciting time for Bnos, but this year we faced limitations that we never had before. We weren’t sure how our girls would receive our virtual Chanukah events.

But we needn’t have worried. Bnosers of all ages came through, making our events a smashing success. If we had to pick one idea to sum up this Chanukah, it would be the resilience of Klal Yisroel and our girls.

Chanukah Extravaganza

Over 1000 girls participated in our Monday morning Chanukah Extravaganza. Even though it was a telephone event, the girls’ enthusiasm shone through the lines!

Beginning the program, R’ Meir Erps was our featured storyteller. He regaled the audience with an entertaining Chanukah story. Mrs. Ella Adler also shared a few words with the participants.

Next came an exciting trivia game. Can you play a trivia game with 1000 girls on the phone? It takes some creative thinking, but, yes, you can!

We asked fun questions, such as “Who ate more than four doughnuts over Chanukah?” or “Who went to more than two Chanukah parties?” The girls rushed to be the first one to get through on our Trivia Game Hotline. Our phones were ringing off the hook!

When we answered the hotline, we put the phone on speaker so the entire audience could hear. We kept score by city, and the city with the most successful callers won.

Ignite the Inner Spark

Hundreds of girls and women attended this virtual event on Monday night!

Mrs. Aviva Feiner spoke about the incredible strength of Klal Yisroel. For example, she pointed out the many chessed organizations that help families with illnesses and other challenges. This past year we saw it even more with the many new resources created to help the community deal with COVID. We are copers!

Mrs. Feiner compared this strength to light. She encouraged her audience to bring more light into the world this Chanukah and bring the geulah. Her message was timely and relevant, with practical tips and examples.

We also heard from a teenage girl who shared the story of her personal nes when she was saved from a car accident. She inspired the audience with her emunah and courage.

Light Up a Senior’s Chanukah

This BBC contest challenged all girls to light up a senior’s Chanukah by calling or writing two times during Chanukah. Girls who participated would be entered into an exciting raffle.

The response was overwhelming, with over 800 Bnosers reaching out to seniors! Here’s what we heard from some of the girls:

“I called an old neighbor of mine that moved away. She was so happy to hear my voice! She considers me like her granddaughter and was excited that I called.”

“I spoke to my great aunt. She loves whenever we call. She was beaming; I literally was able to hear her smile through the phone!”

“I asked my mother to video call my grandma; she was so happy since we didn’t have a Chanukah party this year!”

We were amazed at the different ways girls found to connect with seniors over Chanukah, despite the COVID restrictions. Chanukah is over now, but our girls show that Klal Yisroel’s light is still shining brightly!

If you’d like to volunteer for other amazing Bnos programs, reach out to Mrs. Chana Baila Hass at [email protected] or call 212-797-9000 ext. 330.

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