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DR ZELENKO: “This Is The Most Important Video You’ll Ever Hear”

Dr Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko has released a video on Sunday. In the opening of the video Zelenko says “This video is the most important video I have ever made, and probably the most important video you’ll ever hear”.

Zelenko released his video as YWN reports the breaking news of a new COVID mutation confirmed in the U.K.

The fast-moving new variant of the virus is 70% more transmissible than existing strains appears to be driving the rapid spread of new infections in London and southern England.

The news prompted Israel and other countries to ban all flights arriving from the U.K. Flights from other countries were expected to be banned from entering Israel.



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20 Responses

  1. I don’t even know if that was the most important video I heard[sic] today.Not saying the good doctor is wrong butI don’t think anything he said is new or will change anything.Got to tone down these headlines.

  2. Please don’t post informational videos that can have a major effect on our health from a doctor who continues to promote unproven remedies. He sows doubt on the value of the vaccine for the new strain with no knowledge and he claims his already unhelpful protocol will work with absolutely no way of knowing.

  3. Frumguy: You missed the hidden message about halfway through the video. “Don’t forget the Zinc”

    Seriously though, does anyone know where this guy has been hiding out since he announced several months ago he was leaving his practice in Monroe for some unknown new gig?? At the time, he was being investigated by a Baltimore federal prosecutor over his false and misleading claim that a study of the drug cocktail he touted had won FDA approval and he had a “100 percent success rate” in treating hundreds of patients in early stages of Covid. For those of you who might have reservations about trusting your life to the Zelenko cocktail, just call the white house and ask for the Regeneron drug that Trump promised for free to anyone who asked such as Rudy Giuliani, Chris Christie or Ben Carson but for some reasons is virtually impossible for most hospitals to get in meaningful quantities.

  4. This is an absolute Tzadik Gomur speaking the pure unadulterated Emeth, and President Donald Trump clearly comprehended the full magnitude of Dr. Zelenko’s full expertise

  5. Eastern and many alternative medical modalities teach that viruses, and inner-core exosomes as well, exist and mutate to help rid the body of toxic matter that it is challenged to rid itself of otherwise. Greater theories suggest this, and as well, that a lot of this extremely small matter is caused by cell waste occurring at unusually accelerated rates due to EMFs from 5G, from newly launched and older radiation-bearing satellites and other EMF pollution.

    These are aside from other pollutants such as the glyphosates used as insecticides on produce and as desiccants in their harvesting. All of these generally weaken the immune systems of all living things.

    We don’t tend to think on a macro scale when considering our own small amount of consumerism, but many of the first bouts of generally unexplained epidemics in the last 200 years began with the telegraph, which by around 1870, accounted for over 700,000 miles of cable strung around the world. DC electric lines, and shortly thereafter (around 1890), AC lines abounded, causing new bouts of similar ‘influenza’ electrical-oriented nervous sicknesses and even additional epidemics.

    Similarly, the Spanish Flu epidemic in 1918 is said to be related with the global installation of radio towers. Marconi lived under such towers in England and was very sick. So was his wife. Edison and Graham Bell also suffered from similar maladies as are considered to be caused by electricity and radio waves. So did many telegraph workers, telephone operators, radio tower personnel and many others living or working nearby to these kind of ‘hi-tech’ installations and equipment.

    Radar in the 1940s and 50s, satellites launched into the Van Allen Belt in the 1950s and 60s, early generation wi-fi and now 5G towers, satellites and amplifying towers to enable self-driving cars and fast-downloading videos for phones available anywhere on the planet are considered greatly related to the current epidemic and woes.

    Mutations of viruses are therefore not the root of the problem. Living with poor diet or a non-disciplined lifestyle are aspects of this epidemic’s woes that can be dealt with to some extent.

    It is also possible to clamp down on excessive wi-fi in the home and even on the outside. Vaccines are a palliative solution at best. Independent research about EMF and vaccine dangers are less likely to be censored by governments as it is privately sponsored and provided. However, the true cost for reliable knowledge in a burgeoning world bureaucracy of greed is in sharing sensible teachings with others as we might be blessed to come across them. If you believe in alternative theories, then don’t be afraid to speak out in responsible ways and places. Things can get better when issues are addressed directly through better understanding and study.

  6. Could someone remind us what exactly his combination is, and has anyone heard from his doctor and/or his Rav if he should use it. To me what this is saying is that Hashem is telling us that we haven’t yet fully absorbed the lessons He wants to get across to us through this virus (and now its new variety) and so we have to work harder to understand and apply them. And that’s serious.

  7. This may be the most important post you’ve ever read. I’m a physician with more than 30 yrs experience in academia. Other than hucksters trying to sell elixirs of youth and the like, I have never seen a serious authority present himself as the originator of a treatment regimen that he named after himself. Moreover, this protocol is not actually his, it’s based on French research with a small modification he made. I’m aware that Dr. Zelenko has survived multiple physical and spiritual challenges in his life that many others might not have survived. But this self-aggrandizement looks to me like someone desperately seeking to remain relevant.

  8. To the Moderators who corrected the sprelling in a comment: I find it so ironic that you made this correction. The amount of spelling and grammar mistakes that occur in your articles and in the comments all the time can fill an ocean. I marvel at some of the mistakes which are allowed to go to print. They definitely make me question your journalisitc integrity, when I see that you can’t even write correctly. I’m glad you took the time to correct this mistake, but it’s interesting that you only correct a comment that was directed at you.

  9. @lakewoodbubby

    you should really calm down and think for a second who wrote that moderator note.
    its no doubt some mid-teen or young 20’s kid you probably saw in shul today. we’re not talking about seasoned Wall street journal journalists here. he saw the misspelled post and couldnt hold back the irony of correcting a post who was complaining about being censored. if you’d be in his situation you’d understand.
    not that it makes it right , but just realize who’s behind the screen so to speak 🙂

  10. To Gadolhadorah;

    Maybe you hadn’t heard that Dr. Zelenko is suffering from cancer and had surgery a few months ago. Also, he is a medical doctor having gone to medical school which makes him more than some guy.

  11. Hydroxychloroquine zinc and zpac are effective. Cost? $20 complete.
    4 family members (2 with comorbidities and very sick) took the Zelenko protocol and were better in 6 hours to 1 1/2 days.
    I know two pharmacists who have been handing it out as a chessed to hundreds of people. One in my city on the east coast has given out 1,500 “protocols” and not ONE person ended in the hospital. Another on the west coast gave it to my kids and many hundreds of others.

    The exalted American Medical Association (AMA) went off and loudly proclaimed that it should not be used in March. The governors of Nevada, NY and NJ (who are not doctors) and others, forbade the use of HDQ causing 10s of thousands of deaths. Famous Harvard epidemiologist Dr Harvey Risch, was interviewed in August
    that it makes scientific sense and would have saved 75,000 to 100,000 of the 160,000 deaths then. Everyone ignored him.
    Quietly on October 30, the exalted AMA put out a notice that it was okay to prescribe hydroxychloroquine etc.“off label” for COVID-19.
    Another 160,000 have died since August. But no media coverage of this switcheroo.
    Please ignore our previous travesty!

    India recently started handing out a “Covid-19 home prevention kit” with ivermectin (similar to HDQ but over the counter in USA) zinc (critical component) and doxycycline (similar to zpac) for a cost of $2.65 each.

    Ah! Now we are getting close to the “why?” Vaccines/treatments cost from $900-3,000 each.
    הכסף יענה את הכל
    There’s much more but I don’t want you to be over stimulated. We should be looking for the Emes!
    Dr. Zelenko has been maligned, lost parnassah and threatened with his life. He stands firm. He says “I fear no one but HaShem !”
    I am so thankful to have heard his short video just before Pesach, days before my brother got COVID-19. He needed to go to another state to fill his prescription but BH, he did, and got better within 1-2 days.
    Ignore it at your own PERIL, Chas vshalom!

  12. I know two pharmacists who have been handing it out as a chessed to hundreds of people. One in my city on the east coast has given out 1,500 “protocols” and not ONE person ended in the hospital. Another on the west coast gave it to my kids and many hundreds of others.

    The exalted American Medical Association (AMA) went off and loudly proclaimed that it should not be used in March. The governors of Nevada, NY and NJ (who are not doctors) and others, forbade the use of HDQ causing 10s of thousands of deaths. Famous Harvard epidemiologist Dr Harvey Risch, was interviewed in August
    that it makes scientific sense and would have saved 75,000 to 100,000 of the 160,000 deaths then. Everyone ignored him.
    Quietly on October 30, the exalted AMA put out a notice that it was okay to prescribe hydroxychloroquine etc.“off label” for COVID-19.
    Another 160,000 have died since August. But no media coverage of this switcheroo.
    Please ignore our previous travesty!

    India recently started handing out a “Covid-19 home prevention kit” with ivermectin (similar to HDQ but over the counter in USA) zinc (critical component) and doxycycline (similar to zpac) for a cost of $2.65 each.

    Ah! Now we are getting close to the “why?” Vaccines/treatments cost from $900-3,000 each.
    הכסף יענה את הכל
    There’s much more but I don’t want you to be over stimulated. We should be looking for the Emes!
    Dr. Zelenko has been maligned, lost parnassah and threatened with his life. He stands firm. He says “I fear no one but HaShem !”
    I am so thankful to have heard his short video just before Pesach, days before my brother got COVID-19. He needed to go to another state to fill his prescription but BH, he did, and got better within 1-2 days.
    Ignore it at your own PERIL, Chas vshalom!

  13. He may be an expert with regards to his protocol, which may or may not be effective.

    That doesn’t make him an expert regarding the vaccine, and certainly not an expert on the vaccine’s efficacy in protecting against the new strains of Covid, about which very little is known.

    As Gedolim , Rabbanim, and responsible physicians all over the world are exhorting people to vaccinate, this man is putting out a one minute clip saying “Forget vaccines, that have thousands of hours of studies proving their efficacy. I say they won’t work. Trust only in my protocol, which has only anecdotal evidence of its efficacy!”

    This is “The Most Important Video We Will Ever Watch”?!?
    Thank you Yeshiva World for another enlightening, truly intelligent, and carefully curated article.

  14. Att’n Moderators: I thought the correction of spelling mistakes was my job. And I do it better than you, because I include an overtone of contempt for the mispeller.

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