Attention Parents Of 8TH Grade Boys: FTI Yeshiva’s Virtual Open House is TONIGHT

Foxman Torah Institute is hosting a virtual open house on Monday, December 21st, for parents and prospective students in 8th grade.

Join us tonight from 8:15 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.and see for yourself why so many parents and students are absolutely thrilled with the total chinuch experience they’re receiving at FTI.

 With incredible Rebbeim, excellent limudei kodesh and general studies programs, extra-curricular activities, and a Bais Medrash program, FTI may be the ideal place for your son to grow and develop into a well-rounded Ben Torah.

Click Here To Register For Our Open House

For more information, please visit or call the office at 856-482-8230

 Rabbi Chananya Kramer, Menahel

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