WATCH: Satmar Rebbe Criticizes Heavy Jewish Involvement In Recent Elections; “We Live Here But We’re Not Americans”

צילום: ארי ק - די וואך

Every year thousands of Satmar chassidim celebrate chaf aleph Kislev, the day the Vayoel Moshe of Satmar, z’tl, was saved from the Nazis. This year, the event was held on a smaller scale due to the pandemic.

During the event, the Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg criticized the heavy involvement of Chareidi Jews in the recent U.S. elections. “Jews are drawn to US politics and have greatly breached the line between Yisrael and the nations. We need to understand that we’re in galus. We live here but we’re not Americans.”

“Rabbeinu [the Ba’al Vayoel Moshe] also used to say this. There was a Jew named R’ Dovid Eichler who once came for the Yamim Hanoraim from Yerushalayim and he told the Rebbe that he also came to collect money in America. On Parshas Vayishlach, R’ Dovid attended a Tish and the rebbe asked him “what are you doing here?”, to which he said “I came to America”. ‘It’s not America here. We have to remember: ‘Ki Ger Hayiti B’Eretz Nochriya.'” [I was a stranger in a foreign land].

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

35 Responses

  1. “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under G-d, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

    Jews in America are Americans and are afforded all rights as loyal citizens. The problem with the last election is that many frum Jews turned an egotistical, vile, and norm-breaking politician into a false Messiah. As Jews, we should be thankful and proud of America and keep its laws.

  2. I was in Williamsburg a few days before the 2005 mayoral election. I had never seen so many campaign signs in one neighborhood. And every one was for the same candidate.

    Is he upset that his guy lost this time?

  3. That’s the same mentality that brings to milking the state and choosing leaders ONLY based on milking opportunities – because we don’t really care about the US at all. A very big חילול השם.

  4. As an American, the Satmar Rov has the right to say that; a right not afforded to citizens of other countries. As an American, I chose to be involved in the elections and tried to influence the outcome to the positive: there should be more freedom of religion, more liberty, the right for me to defend myself, and less government interfering in my affairs.

  5. Let’s broker a compromise deal:- You let your followers get involved in Israeli elections as per the Pesak of all our Gedolim ranging all the way from the Chazon Ish until today Rav Chaim Kanievsky and all the numerous Gedolim in between, and this will keep your followers plenty busy, and distracted away from American elections.

  6. He has an American passport, no doubt. Without American citizenship he wouldn’t have been issued one. As long as American is the adjective rather than the noun, we can be American Jews.

  7. Exactly, it can drive me crazy, everyone commenting and defending “our” constitutional rights, like you fought in the revolutionary war, live your life, make a living, get a chavrudah, pay your taxes and get on with life. Hhh

  8. He’s wrong. It’s as simple as that; he’s completely wrong. We *are* Americans, as well as Jews. That’s what makes America different from the old countries of Europe. A Jew could be a citizen of the Austro-Hungarian empire, but he could never be either Austrian or Hungarian. People used to joke that Jews were the only Czechoslovaks, because they were neither Czechs nor Slovaks. In all those countries we were visitors, guests of the host nation, sometimes more welcome and sometimes less, but never hosts, never partners, co-owners of the country we were in.

    But America is different in this regard. Americans are not an ethnic nation, they are a constructed nation, and from that nation’s very beginning we were full partners in constructing it. Our share in this country is EXACTLY THE SAME as that of any other American. America is no more goyish than it is Jewish. It so happens that a majority of Americans happen to be goyim, but there’s no reason in principle why that must be so; if Jews somehow became a majority it would remain the same America, because we are an integral part of it.

    None of this changes the fact that this is not our home. It’s our country, in the sense that it belongs to us as much as it does to anyone, but our home is elsewhere. We intend to return home one day — we are REQUIRED to have such an intention. One who settles permanently in chutz lo’oretz, with no intention ever to leave, is like an idolater. He is as if he has no G-d. But even most of us who have gone home choose to remain Americans; America belongs to those Jews who live at home just as it does to those of us who for one reason or another are currently staying here. And when we all go home, the chances are that many of us will keep our American nationality as well.

  9. We may be guests here but we also have the privilege to vote. And we should support those that support the sheva mitzvos.
    “For Mordecai the Jew was viceroy to King Ahasuerus, and great among the Jews and accepted by most of his brethren; seeking the good of his people.” We can also seek the good from the government.
    Do Satmar put on their tax returns that they are American?’

  10. With due respect, his ability to make the ‘We are not Americans’ is granted to the Rebbe and his followers by the freedom of speech which we are blessed to have. Included in our American freedoms is also the Freedom of Religion so that all can worship freely.

    While on may believe that ‘We are not Americans’ it is offensive to announce it especially when one gains freedoms and much financial support from the United States of America and its taxpayers

  11. So when are they going to make aliya? At the very least they should eschew all social welfare benefits. Rav Moshe said that there is a mitzva to participate in American elections out of gratitude. For those of us who were born and raised in America it is like our parents. However, as Rav Kook said, Eretz Yisrael is like Am Yisrael’s wife. Eventually one leaves one’s parents for one’s wife.

  12. It would be far better if all thous ignorant Jews would not criticize Daas Torah!

    He did not say you shouldn’t vote – all he said you should have kept low profile. And this is and always was the guidance of ALL Gedolim!

  13. I am not Satmar not am I familiar with his mehalech. I’m assuming that Chaf Aleph Kislev is when he addresses his Chassidim and gives them hadrachah. In today’s social media age, everything becomes an issue. A rebbe guiding his Chassidim should not be contraversial. No need for everyone to start nit picking an innocent shmooze.

  14. You have just discovered the real issue facing Jewry today. This comment section is a perfect illustration.
    This comment is directed to all the commentators.
    We do you think you are to agree or disagree with the Satnar Rav?
    Personally, my Rav feels differently, so I follow my Rav. But I and you, are no bodies!!!
    The fact that you can comment at all, just shows the level we’ve sunk to. There has never been a time since the first bais Hamikdash that we’ve had this level of learning, davening and chessed in the Jewish world. And yet, the side effect is that we all forgot we aren’t Rabbanim and we lost respect for our Rabbanim because of it.

    Hashem Yeruchem.

  15. Although this position has been abandoned for a while, it is very important that Satmar should not only return to this position, but emphatically return.
    If we don’t have anyone pulling our discourse in that direction, it is simply inevitable that we will be the opposite direction (secularization, consumerism, leftism etc.)

  16. Something got lost in remembering what the Satmar Rebbe said, or in the translation from the current Rebbe.

    What’s that supposed to me “It’s not America here”? Calling this land America has nothing at all to do with our being in exile. There is no contradiction.

  17. Anyway, English is almost definitely not the first language of this Rebbe. I suppose his meaning is that we aren’t in charge here. But I still disagree: everybody has a voice in US politics, including Jews, and if we don’t stand up for our interests then we’ll lose out.

  18. Milhouse, you sometimes surprise me. Your comment is factually based and well-reasoned. Even the joke about Czechoslovakia was good, and pertinent. Even better, I agree with substantially all of it.

  19. @ Milhouse You could substitute “Germany” for “America” in your comment and you have an exact transcript of what Jews were saying in Germany until 1933 (and it makes about as much sense).

  20. ujm, that litvishe fellow is undoubtedly a big donor or business partner. the rebbe despite what he said went to an American court when the heilege brothers sued each other. do as i say not as i do

  21. Well for starters he can give up all those tax write offs he and his sect receive. After that he and his followers can move to Israel. Love it or leave it.

  22. Yid613: The beauty of the comment section is that people can express their views and not be silenced and told that they are insignificant. People have minds and can think. Let the merits of arguments be heard! Enough with forcing people to keep quiet due to societal pressures and intimidation.

  23. DrYidd, please get your Rebbes straight. This is Reb Zalmen Leib of Williamsburg. He NEVER went to court and he NEVER allowed any of his chasidim to go to court on behalf of his Satmar. He paid a big price for it because signatures were forged and real estate and buildings were stolen. They had the evidence but the Rebbe was adamant about not going to court.

    In this speech he was actually quoting the Satmar Rebbe zt”,l and he was addressing the extent of the emotion invested in this presidential election.

    Actually, Satmar all the years has been heavily involved in politics because every election (especially local ones) directly affects the community. Witness Reb Moishe Dovid Niederman (of this Satmar) working very closely with Agudah on multiple issues. Satmar has always pushed its members to vote and the Rebbes have always hosted political candidates. Every election has serious consequences for every frum community in the USA.

    The fact is that, as of now, Biden is the President-elect and we will ultimately have to deal with his administration. By openly coming out against him so strongly we jeopardize the relationship of the frum community with them for the next four years. We cannot afford that.

    sit and learn torah b’iyun for 3 hours and you’ll understand what the rebbe shlita is saying.


  25. Every one here is making a big mistake, He’s criticizing Satmar Chasidim specifically for being overly involved in the elections and it doesn’t need to be a contradiction to helping his preferred local candidate win. Although he made a point that everyone can learn from (@crazykanoiy up on top of this forum, that means you as well, no difference which side you are OVERLY INVOLVED with), he was talking to his own Kehillah, NOT TO THE YESHIVA WORLD NEWS READERS. If you don’t like his style or his message, maybe thats why you are reading about it here instead of at the chaf alef Kislev event.

  26. I am very disturbed that YWN printed this article while it’s obvious they have absolutely no understanding of what the Satmar Rebbe meant
    And of course from that gross error and lack of understanding followed many similar comments
    You guys need a censor to weed out fake news the same way twitter and Facebook do and you should use some seichel before you post anything that will stir up negativity and animosity

  27. I know nobody will get to see my comment! But whatever,
    Why not?

    Certainly the Rebbe’s words were taken out of context. He didn’t hold a one minute and 14 second drosha. For the mere fact the YWN posted it is proof that there’s more: they just like to engender controversy! They think that’s what makes the yeshivish.

  28. You could pray in a Satmar shul and respect the place without being a satmerer. You could live here and not follow the customs that many do but still respect the place. MAybe that’s what he meant, I only saw this short clip but overall satmar is all about not antagonizing nations so I can’t imagine him saying anything that would anger goyim.

    if a father tells a child that he should’t think so much about american politics, because, at the end of the day, the main idea in every jewish person’s head should be torah and mitzvos, or if a rov tells his congregation not to speak about politics in shul, is he saying something against america??!! if he has an american passport he can’t say that?!
    so here is a rebbe to a relatively sheltered following, who in the past elections have gained immense interest in american politics, and he doesn’t want it to get out of hand! (he wasn’t saying you don’t need to vote, but there’s a difference in voting and it being the conversation by shacharis, mincha, and maariv)

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