WATCH THIS: Trump Team Presents Video Evidence Of “BLATANT” Election Fraud In Georgia

As state officials in Georgia insist that no fraud took place during last month’s election, President Donald Trump’s legal team presented seemingly shocking footage to state senators, which they say reveals blatant cheating.

With Georgia’s counties due to certify their results before noon on Friday, Trump is far from conceding. At a hearing before the State Senate on Thursday, Trump campaign lawyer Rudy Giuliani asked witnesses to present evidence of alleged election fraud to Republican lawmakers, with one video in particular standing out.

The video footage, captured from CCTV cameras inside a counting center at State Farm Arena in Atlanta, purportedly shows staff there retrieving suitcases of ballots from underneath a table and counting them, long after counting had officially been paused and poll workers sent home on election night.

Trump’s team estimated that several thousand ballots could have been counted in the two hours where nobody else was present in the arena.


(Source: RT)

24 Responses

  1. For those that accuse the WAPO, the NYT, CNN of being Fake News, at least get some basic facts right.

    The article claims the video is taken long after counting was shut down and the workers were sent home. If true then that claim would be serious. We care about truth because we are American and care about honest elections. This is important. We are willing to consider all sorts of claims that others might not want you to see because we care about truth. But if you lie then you are not trustworthy. If you lie about election fraud you are anti-American. Maybe even a traitor.

    So let’s look at the video. The timestamp of the video is from about 11:03 PM on election night. This is important. It is important because we can look at that time to see if the claim that counting was shut down is true or not.

    A quick google search reveals an article from 30 days ago after midnight, about two hours after this video would have been taken, that says:

    “Fulton County election officials halted counting for two hours and announced that they would stop counting for the night at 10:30 p.m. ET. Then, just after 10:30, officials announced they would instead continue counting Tuesday night”

    As such, the video taken at 11:03 PM. would probably be showing the counting continuing or resuming as per the officials announcement.

    So, while we are willing to consider anything no matter how outlandish, it has to be true. You can’t lie. Lying about an election, with an intent to overturn it, is anti-American and a traitor to the ideals of this great country.

  2. Those who watched the testimony presented know that evidence was given, demonstrated (on the video) and believed, that the press and Republican watchers were instructed to leave, in fact did leave, and then the ballots emerged and were counted without Republican or media oversight. That’s what was presented today and corroborated by the video. Georgia is taking this VERY seriously.

  3. > emes nisht sheker
    > Then, just after 10:30, officials announced they would instead continue counting Tuesday night

    The only source I could find that makes that claim is one Janell Ross, and there is no specific information as to just who these alleged officials are. And the article seems weird, like maybe a retrospect.

    On the other hand, real-time twitter shows that, for example, @NatashaChenCNN at 11:47 PM on 03 Nov 2020 knows nothing about this alleged “officials announced ” and instead states flatly that counting has stopped:

    > As of 10:30pET, Fulton County, Georgia – home to Atlanta and the state’s largest population center– has tabulated all in-person votes and stopped counting mail-in ballots for the evening.

    And that is verified by any number of sources. As example, 11Alive news site posted its Fulton report on 8:26 PM EST November 3, 2020 and then updated the Fulton report on 10:27 AM EST November 4, 2020. To quote: “Officials sent ballot counters home at 10:30 p.m. and said they’d return at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday.” Yet despite the update it knows nothing about an alleged announcement that they changed their mind.

    But the REAL point is that the required observers had already been sent away, so any resumption of counting would have been without the required observers.

  4. Decoding President Trump’s Dec. 2nd speech
    Ask yourself this question: What was the purpose of yesterday’s White House speech about election fraud and vote rigging?
    If you think it was all about Trump communicating to the people, think again. This speech was really about Trump communicating with Chris Miller and the DoD about foreign interference in the U.S. election while laying out the key national security justifications that are necessary to invoke what I’m calling the “national security option” for defending the United States against an attempted cyber warfare coup.
    I present details from 10 USC, Section 394. Subtitle A, Part 1, Chapter 19, “Authorities concerning military cyber operations” as well as National Security Presidential Memoranda (NSPM) #13, covering “offensive cyber operations.” Here you have all the details of how Trump just invoked the legal framework — and national security provisions — necessary to allow the Secretary of Defense (Chris Miller) to activate military processes that lead to a tactical takedown of domestic enemies and active traitors.
    Here you have even more details on the NSPM and other efforts put in place by Trump’s DOD intelligence team to trap the Democrats in acts of treason and warfare against America.
    Consider what Trump said in yesterday’s speech
    First, he lays out that he has a sworn oath to defend the United States Constitution against the wartime siege” that’s under way:
    As President I have no higher duty than to defend the laws and the constitution of the United States. That is why I am determined to protect our election system, which is now under coordinated assault and siege.
    He then explains that the vote was criminally rigged with “fraud” (which is a crime) and that it’s now time to overturn the election results and correct them:

    Millions of votes were cast illegally in the swing states alone, and if that’s the case, the results of the individual swing states must be overturned, and overturned immediately.

    Then he explains that China was part of this entire plan from the very beginning, via their engineering and launching of the coronavirus, which Democrats used to justify mass mail-in ballots which were used to steal the election. This statement specifically invoked national security elements of our defense protocols:

    The Democrats have this election rigged right from the beginning. They used the pandemic as an excuse to mail out tens of millions of ballots, which led to a big part of the fraud… and there is no one happier than China.

    Trump then calls for a “full forensic audit,” which can obviously only take place under military authority, since the local elections officials are corrupt, fraudulent criminals. He explains this himself:
    Dramatically eroding the integrity of our elections was the Democrats’ number one priority. For a simple reason: They wanted to steal the 2020 presidential election. All of the Democrat efforts to expand mail-in balloting laid the groundwork for the systematic and pervasive fraud that occurred in this election.

    Then, about 30 minutes into the speech, he invokes legal language that clearly references Trump’s Sep. 12, 2018 executive order which describes remedies for foreign interference in U.S. elections. Here’s what Trump says:
    The only conceivable reason why you would block commonsense measures to verify legal eligibility for voting, is you are trying to encourage, enable, solicit or carry out fraud. It is important for Americans to understand that these destructive changes to our election laws were NOT a necessary response to the pandemic. The pandemic simply gave the Democrats an excuse to do what they were trying to do with many many years.

    Note carefully the phrase, “…trying to encourage, enable, solicit or carry out fraud.”
    Where have we heard something very similar before? In the 2018 EO, which describes who will be subjected to having all their assets seized by the United States government — and note that this applies to corporations, individuals, partnerships and even non-profits: (emphasis added)

    Sec. 2. a (ii) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, any activity described in subsection (a)(i)
    Sec. 2. a (i) to have directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election;

    Thus, Trump just invoked the 2018 EO and sent an undeniable signal to Chris Miller at the DoD (as well as many other groups) that the Democrats, the treasonous media and the complicit Big Tech giants have all engaged in concealing, advocating or supporting “foreign interference” in the U.S. election.

    What is the remedy for such actions of treason against the United States?
    Under existing U.S. law, it’s a felony crime to try to rig votes. Under military law during a time of war, it’s treason. And under the 2018 EO, each of the entities engaging in this behavior will have all their assets seized by the U.S. Treasury.
    Translated into plain language, this means that Twitter, Facebook, CNN, the Washington Post, Google, MSNBC, etc., are all now able to be completely seized, shut down or taken over by the Trump administration, as they all engaged in the defined behaviors outlined in the 2018 EO, which Trump just cited.

    Consider that as I list the evidence that Trump’s attorneys and DoD “white hat” team members now possess, much of which will surely be presented to SCOTUS, most likely by Sidney Powell, once one of her cases reaches that level of the judicial system:
    *CIA director Gina Haspel admitting to election interference in a full confession which has now been acquired.
    *Dominion executives confessing to engineering backdoors into the systems, which has also been acquired.
    Packet analysis results from “white hats” who intercepted all the real-time vote rigging traffic, which includes the specific instructions from CIA servers to add the hundreds of thousands of votes in real time to Dominion tabulation machines in swing states. This is now publicly confirmed by Col. Phil Waldron.
    *Log files and software evidence from the seized CIA servers in Frankfurt, which provides physical and intellectual proof that the CIA inserted hundreds of thousands of votes into the Dominion tabulation machines.
    All this evidence exists right now. Trump has it all. His speech lays the official groundwork that can now be cited by other officials (namely, in the DoD and Treasury, which runs the US Secret Service), in order to justify their own initiation of orders for further arrests, rendition flights and wartime activities necessary to defend the United States of America against foreign enemies who are waging cyber warfare against the United States.
    What we now know is that Trump was planning the 2020 election sting / cyber warfare “trap” in 2018, and that these cyber warfare response protocols were intentionally kept from Congress for as long as possible while plans were put in place to catch the Democrats stealing the next election (the 2020 election).
    Rest assured, what we now know with absolute certainty is that Trump, Miller, Cohen- Watnick and other key players put the cyber warfare infrastructure in place in 2018 that would allow them to unleash a domestic military response to arrest, detain and prosecute all those who were complicit in the attack on America.

    The patriots, in other words, really are in charge. And they planned all this since 2018, putting in place the framework to trigger the appropriate national security resources once the Democrats took the bait and tried to steal the 2020 election.
    GITMO will be getting close to full capacity after all this is proven in court, The mass arrests are coming Trump is in charge, and the Dems who know what’s really happening are beyond terrified. They know they’ve been caught. Some will be charged with treason. Many will face military tribunals. A few will likely be going to Prison after found guilty of treason.

  5. if they ignore these crooked shtick then this country is finished as a democracy. the foundation of democracy is free and fair elections and if you can do these shtick then we look like Guatemala or north Korea. this needs to be fought tooth and nail.
    Another reason is , because we know Biden will not last 4 years as president. All that you are hearing that Biden said this or that, is fake news. Biden said nothing, they’re saying everything in his name. Imagine Harris as president heaven forbid

  6. Those criminals must be locked up with biden and his hairline fracture, for ever.
    Meanwhile if Heaven Forbid this rigged election is not reversed:- President Donald Trump is going to win by such a massive landslide in 2024, even bigger than Reagan’s landslide in 1984.

  7. @emes nisht sheker:
    They close the polls at 10:30 and send everyone home. A few minutes after the last observer leaves, they announce, low and behold, with incredible azus, that really they WILL be continuing the count. It then takes a while for the observers to hear about this, return to the counting area and gain admittance back inside. During this time, they pull four suitcases from underneath a table and “count” them without any proper observation. It does not take a genius to see that sheker is really, really nisht emes.

  8. emes nisht sheker

  9. Gov. Brian Kemp, the Georgia Republican who has been fiercely criticized by President Trump over his approach to allegations of voter fraud in his state, said Thursday that new testimony has raised additional questions and a signature audit should be performed.

  10. To establish “fraud” they need to show that the ballots were overwhelming, or even better, exclusively, Democrat. It would need to show at least that they were significantly “more” Democratic than the typical ballots being counted there. It would also help to show at least circumstantial evidence those ballots were not legitimate. And there have to be enough of them to have changed the election results – otherwise it was a harmless error (meaning administrative punishment for the employee, but no change in result). For the presidential election, the need to show a shift of electoral votes sufficient to change the election.

    If an employee does voluntary unpaid overtime, regardless of the legality of it, it only shows he/she is excessively hard working. They need to show that the ballots counted were themselves fake, or that they were improperly counted. For starters, they need the video showing the suitcases ended up under the table. They also need the names of the people shown on the video, and to hear their explanation.

  11. No one was thrown out. Perhaps the poll watchers left because they thought the count was over. The fact is, it was public information that the count was still going on. Saying you are incompetent and did not understand what was going on does not mean fraud was committed. You folks are really reaching for straws.

  12. > akuperma

    What are you talking about? The question of whom to punish or how is a separate matter, and that is the question that the FBI may look into, which is why Barr is slow and careful. And Barr himself said words which mean that which votes to count or reject belongs to “state or local officials”. The point here is whether the state legislature will accept such rule-breaking behaviour (even your alleged voluntary unpaid overtime does not mean they can hide their activities from legally required observers) or else take back control of their Constitutional role and thumb their nose at these rule breakers by (in my opinion properly) invalidating their vote count.

  13. Circumstantial evidence can often lead to a murder conviction. And that is on a standard if beyond a reasonable doubt. Which is the standard for criminal fraud.

    Here we are dealing with election fraud. The standard is lower. It is in the balance of probabilty.

    Circumstances of suspicious activity are sufficient to conclude there was PROBABLY fraudulent activity, enough to question the integrity of the votes polled and maybe invalidate the election.

    A smoking gun can sometimes be explained. But without any explanation offered it can lead to a conviction.

  14. — To establish “fraud” they need to show that the ballots were overwhelming, or even better, exclusively, Democrat. — It does. This “counting period” coincides with + 125,000 timestamped votes for Mr. Biden.

  15. OMG! Will you (unnamed editor of YWN) stop with this nonsense? And when you post an article from a Soviet state news agency, do just a tiny bit of research and look for local news that puts this nonsense into context. You won’t. I don’t know why you won’t. If you claim to be a news agency, you could contact the Georgia Secretary of State’s office to find out what actually happened. Why won’t you do that? They’re all Republicans.

    1. These are not “suitcases.” They are the same ballot boxes that are used in every county in Georgia. The same standard boxes.

    2. These ballots weren’t hidden under a table. They were ballots that were processed earlier that day, meaning the signatures verified and the registrations confirmed. They were all valid ballots.

    3. There is no evidence that poll watchers were told to leave. The workers that left were the workers that open and unfold ballots. The counting employees, and their supervisors, were still there. They did not instruct any observers to leave, though they are free to go. There was no ruling that counting had to stop at 10:30 PM. The “attorney” presenting this evidence, Pick, who is not licensed in Georgia and whose legal specialty is running a podcast in Texas, refuses to release the affidavit of the poll watcher who said they were instructed to leave.

    4. While Georgia law allows for poll watchers, it doesn’t require non-employee poll watchers to be present when votes are counted.

    5. There is NO evidence that any of the votes were invalid. They were processed before counting. There was a HAND recount and another machine recount. The vote totals were the same.

    6. There were 9,900 votes counted from those boxes. Trump lost Georgia by 12,000 votes. So assuming that somehow Trump got all of those votes in Fulton County (he lost Fulton 75-25), it still wouldn’t change the result.

    7. This is a small fragment of a much longer video. The REPUBLICAN election officials in Georgia reviewed the entire video and confirmed everything above.

    This is not from me. This is from the REPUBLICAN state government, the REPUBLICAN Secretary of State’s office, and REPUBLICAN appointed judges. They all voted for Trump. They all wanted Trump to win. If you allowed links to be posted, I’d show you 10 or more sources.

    He lost. Then he lost again. And he lost a third time. If you (the unnamed editor of YWN) have the slightest bit of integrity you will (1) stop posting this Soviet nonsense, or (2) put context showing that the officials in charge refute the nonsense.

  16. @OrechDin:
    A number of your points, if factually correct, do appear quite compelling. I cannot argue with the facts that you present because you seem to be much more informed in that regard than I am.
    Several questions:
    re: 3) — Why should it matter whether the watchers were specifically forced/told to leave? And why would it matter if they were not ALLOWED to count? Is it not suspicious to even simply ANNOUNCE that you are closing up shop for the night (which obviously would cause everyone to leave) and then sneakily resume counting the moment everyone had left. I presume that you do not argue with the fact that the poll workers had, at least, actually left due to the announcement that the counting was being paused, correct? (You do not argue against this above.)
    re: 4) — Why should the requirement or lack thereof matter? It is suspicious to specifically engineer that a specific portion of the count be done without the watchers. See @Rebbitzen Goldenpickanicerscreenname above.
    re: 6) — If one could truly prove that there was seriously suspicious activity regarding almost ten thousand ballots, wouldn’t that cast suspicion on all the ballots (at the very least, in that county)? The lawyers can’t be expected to find evidence regarding every single vote. That’s not possible!
    Again, assuming you are factually correct, your other arguments appear compelling.

  17. emes nisht sheker

  18. From ABC News on election night “Later in the night, Regina Waller, the Fulton County public affairs manager for elections, told ABC News that the election department sent the State Farm Arena absentee ballot counters home at 10:30 p.m. despite earlier intentions to complete processing Tuesday night. Some additional numbers could still come out Tuesday night, but as of now the staff will be back at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday.”

    And plenty of other sources say the same thing. So…they were sent home on election night. Period.

  19. Yashar – I appreciate your questions and sincere interest in getting to the facts.

    3) There are varying claims about whether the poll watchers were ordered to leave or simply told that counting would stop at a certain point, or whether they were told anything at all. The Secretary of State’s office, following an investigation, determined that much of the staff left at or around 10:30 PM. The staff that left were workers who only opened and flattened ballots. The counters never left. They stayed an extra few hours. If the poll watchers (both Democratic and Republican) took this to mean that counting was done, or the head of the staff told them they intend to stop counting at a certain point, that’s more misunderstanding or miscommunication than fraud. A non-partisan outside agency remained to watch the counting. The counting is all on video (the video clip is 90 seconds, the real video is hours long). While poll watchers are entitled to watch the counting, to not have poll watchers does not invalidate the count. It’s not suspicious at all when there are multiple fail-safes (outside observers and live video) in place, and many counties have no poll watchers at all. Also, the votes were re-counted twice (with observers present) and the vote totals didn’t change. It’s not possible to claim that there were hundreds of Trump votes in those boxes that were counted for Biden because that would have come out in the recount. It’s impossible to claim that the votes were not valid when they were validated hours before in front of the poll watchers.

    4) See my previous comment. There’s nothing suspicious about it when it’s done all the time for every election. And there are multiple fail-safes. There is no evidence that this was engineered to keep people from watching the counting. That’s impossible to argue because the entire count is recorded on video. And there were two recounts showing that the vote totals were correct the first time. Even if it is suspicious (and it’s not) and even if it was engineered (it was not), as long as the votes cast were legal and the count is accurate, it doesn’t matter whether anyone watched the counting. It doesn’t invalidate the election or the count, specifically because there is no requirement for there to be partisan poll watchers. That’s why they keep getting lawsuit thrown out in court. There is no claim. It’s like me suing someone for speeding without hitting him or causing me any damage.

    6) See my points above. Again, let’s say it was suspicious, the easy thing to do is recount the votes in front of everyone, which they did… twice. By hand and by machine. The vote totals were the same. There is no claim to be made that the ballots themselves were invalid because they were processed in front of the poll watchers hours earlier. The only possible argument is that they were miscounted, and the recounts showed everything was correct.

    And yes, lawyers ARE expected to provide evidence that each ballot is somehow invalid. Taking away the Constitutional right to vote is a HUGE thing and a very high burden. Due process is required to invalidate even a single vote. If you want to invalidate 9,900, you have to have evidence that all 9,900 were somehow invalid, each and every one individually. Saying that they were counted at the wrong time of day, or on the left side of the room instead of the right side of the room, or that the person counting them was rolling their eyes, is not enough to throw out a single vote. If the first count and the re-count were significantly different, that may be enough to open an inquiry into the counting itself. But the count was proven correct twice more after the first count.

    If there was ANY credibility to ANYTHING being thrown out by Guiliani and Trump, I guarantee Brian Kemp would be all over it. Just to save face in front of the Trumplings, he ordered the GBI to investigate… something. I know him personally. He is corrupt as corrupt can be (serving as secretary of state for his own election, and throwing hundreds of thousands of racially selected citizens off the voter rolls without case). I’ve litigated against him (and won). I think he’s a terrible human being and he has very little grasp of the constitution or common sense. He would turn the state upside down if he could to get Trump to win. His Lt. Governor and the Secretary of State are honorable men. I disagree with them politically, but they are trying to do the right thing. They also voted for Trump and campaigned for him.

  20. @OrechDin:
    I truly appreciate your detailed response. Thank you very much; you have opened my eyes to a different way of seeing things.
    I would like to clarify one point: I never thought that the lawyers would not in general need to provide evidence for every single vote; I meant that since the vote count itself appeared to me to be very suspect, there is no need need to provide evidence of fraud for every vote. In your response, I believe you make clear that you would theoretically agree with this; we are not arguing on the matter.
    One last thing: It hurts me that you imply that you voted for Joe Biden. Regardless of whether or not President Trump is degenerate, of whether or not the Republicans are truly better for Israel/the economy/what have you; how can a frum yid (which I assume you are) cast a vote that brings the nation that is perhaps the world’s last semblance of a bastion of morality one step closer to permitting the murder of babies in what they would brazenly call “after-birth abortion.” I don’t know Mr. Biden’s views on this matter; I do know that a vote for Mr. Biden is a vote that strengthens the Democratic Party. And the Democratic party as a whole is moving swiftly towards the literal glorification of thinly-veiled infanticide. It was a quick ideological ride from early-term abortion to late-term and partial-birth abortion (I am not getting involved in the actual legalities and laws of the matter; I am discussing ideology) — and, yes, if the Democratic Party gets its way, it will be just as quick a ride to after-birth abortion and then toddlericide if, for instance, a low-income family is finding it taxing to cope with their, oh, let’s say ADHD-diagnosed child.
    We need to see the writing on the wall; tens of millions of Democrats would get more angry at a person for using the word “retarded” in a flippant manner than they would AT A DOCTOR CASUALLY MURDERING A BABY IN COLD BLOOD! Indeed, they would be angry at one who even dared question whether what the doctor was doing was moral.
    I believe it is tremendously brazen to Hakadosh Baruch Hu to even mention that one approves of the Republican agenda because of Israel or the like; how can we prioritize Israel when the prohibition against murder — the single most historically popular moral… in every society and culture throughout the world’s colorful 5,781 years — is significantly at risk.
    I hope you still have this article’s tab open on your browser, and you see this comment; I await your answer with bated breath.

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