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WATCH: Police Use Extreme Force In Arrest Of Four Chareidim In Antwerp

Police arrested a number of Jewish business owners in Antwerp, Belgium after the businessmen were congregating inside a single store and asked to disperse. The owner of the store, an upscale jewelry store that is owned by a prominent member of the Jewish community, had apparently invited his friends in to have a Lechayim to celebrate the engagement of his daughter. The police, noticing the large gathering inside a single location, which was against the Coronavirus regulations of the country entered the store and asked the participants to leave.

According to reports from the scene, a number of those gathered refused to leave and began to scuffle with the police, who used extreme force in order to subdue and arrest a number of those present.

According to a report in BeChadrei Charedim, the businessmen refused arrest, and the police arrested them with extreme force while dozens of people watched and filmed from outside the store.

These arrests came after a number of confrontations between police in the city and the Jewish community took place in recent days. The four people who were arrested were released to house arrest and will need to appear in court at a later date.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

24 Responses

  1. What give us the right to do what we want. We are only guests. People we are in GLAUT/GALUS wake up. Stop enticing the goyim even when you think you are in the right. At the end you will LOSS FH

  2. All because they made a lechaim…When will this insanity end? Months of lockdowns and the virus keeps on spreading in Europe like wildfire. The lockdowns and mask wearing do not prevent the virus from spreading!

  3. Why didn’t they simply disperse when the police asked them to?

    Watching the video it seems that the police used force that was commensurate with the degree of resistance.

    headline: Extreme force. Fake news!
    They didn’t beat them; simply used an amount of force needed to make the arrest.

  4. Surprise, if you “scuffle” with the police, they will use “extreme force”. If any of these kvetchers were in danger they would be running to those same police for protection. Easy to say they’re too harsh when you have no comprehension of what their job entails.

  5. As much as the police went a bit overboard, I’d like to as a question, based on whats wriitten above.
    1. against the Coronavirus regulations of the country
    2. entered the store and asked the participants to leave
    3. number of those gathered refused to leave and began to scuffle with the police

    So, why did they REFUSE to leave? If this is true, then they instigated this. why do ‘inzere’ insist on not following the rules?

  6. Both are wrong. The citizens for resisting lawful orders, and the police for “just following orders” despite them clearly being based on bad science and media hype.

  7. dont worry the jews look like blm , the guy taking the video is a yoyo just like black lives matter, they were probably drunk from the lechaim

  8. what a chillul Hashem!?!
    we’re fighting the police for no good reason. they should have dispersed and shown respect to the local authorities, that we have usually a strong positive relationship with.
    Lehavdil, like the low life’s, having their Holiday parties and disrespecting police

  9. dina d”malchusa dina, we have to obey the law of the land. refusal to disperse is a crime too! be smart, if the police tell you to move on, move.

  10. Gut voch!

    Another chilul Hashem and then the poor. abused Chareidim cry foul, when they deserved it.

    Why couldn’t they just say were celebrating an engagement, can you give us 10 minutes to say our goodbyes and we’ll leave?

    Even if the answer would have been no, they should have left. I guess the free mashka and the opportunity to see all the bling in the store was too much for them to pass up.

  11. On Nov. 25, 2020 the police in Antwerp raided 2 separate places, 1 was a Bar Mitzva and 1 was a wedding.
    These are the same police from Nov. 25.
    This LeChayim was on Dec. 3.
    It’s obvious that this is an excuse to hurt us.
    Maybe it’s time to leave Antwerp.

  12. These were not Charedim, but that is not the point . The point is that people responding to the article think that if they “listen to the orders of the the country “then They will be safe .. silly Jews, you will be the target , always . Look at New York Yeshivas and New Jersey , no difference .
    The Germans were also following the rules of the land , to report the Jews that are hiding . Dina d,malchusa Dina.
    They all listened like sheep to get you to be slaughtered. When will jews wake up and see this isn’t about a virus , it’s about a one world government and to get you to comply . Seems like many people here would have followed government orders and gone to the cattle car that the Germans prepared for you . I guess some people don’t learn from history. They think they are smarter and “ it won’t ever happen here” . Surprise , surprise.

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