President Donald Trump on Wednesday again asserted that he “won” the November 3 presidential election as he reiterated his allegations that there was voter fraud all over the US.

“AND I WON THE ELECTION. VOTER FRAUD ALL OVER THE COUNTRY!” Trump wrote in an all caps tweet in which he tagged a tweet of The New York Times along with a map of the United States which said he received 10.1 million more votes across the US than he received four years ago, including in areas with a majority of Hispanic voters.

Continuing with his tweets, Trump alleged that this was a rigged election.

“This was a rigged election. No Republican Poll Watchers allowed, voting machine “glitches” all over the place (meaning they got caught cheating!), voting after election ended, and so much more!” he said.

“They didn’t even allow Republican Observers into the building to watch. A terrible insult to our Constitution!” he said tagging a tweet which said that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court with a 5-2 majority opinion rejected the Trump Campaign’s claim that Republican observers didn’t get “meaningful access” to watch the vote counting.

Trump also vented his anger against the recount in Georgia, a traditional Republican State that he lost to Biden in a close race.

“The Georgia recount is a joke and is being done UNDER PROTEST. Even though thousands of fraudulent votes have been found, the real number is in matching signatures. Governor must open up the unconstitutional Consent Decree and call in the Legislature!” he said.

“THEY WOULD’NT LET REPUBLICAN POLL WATCHERS INTO THE COUNTING ROOMS. UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!” Trump said in another tweet. Most of his tweets have been flagged by the social media giant.

In another tweet, Trump alleged that in Detroit, “there are FAR MORE VOTES THAN PEOPLE. Nothing can be done to cure that giant scam. I win Michigan!”

“The numbers have not improved, it is still 71% out of balance”, stated Wayne County, Michigan, Canvassers. ‘There is widespread irregularities in poll numbers.’ There are ‘more votes than people’. The two harassed patriot Canvassers refuse to sign the papers!” Trump tweeted.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

18 Responses

  1. President Donald Trump is 100% correct on this one, and democrats are filthy burglars who have disrespected 72M+ Americans who willingly voted for President Donald Trump.

  2. I am shocked, shocked that a president who was so presidential from Day 1 of his presidency would be such an embarrassment to his country in the last days of his single term.

  3. Why didn’t he fix this problem – I remember him telling us that millions of people illegally voted in 2016. If he’s all so super duper smart, and had the entire federal government to help him, why didn’t he fix the problem? Someone should fire that guy for not fixing such a serious problem.

  4. Trump won 2020 elections fairly and surely. 73,000,000 Plus Americans voted LEGALLY for him. Corrupt senile fraud Biden is trying to steal the elections using the same technology that was designed to steal elections for Hugo Chavez.

  5. Biden agrees with Trump:

    Former Vice President Joe Biden’s new chief of staff pick claimed publicly that U.S. elections are rigged.
    In 2014, Ronald Klain publicly replied in agreement with a tweet by Vox advertising an article headlined “68% of Americans think elections are rigged.” “That’s because they are,” he responded.

    Nothing to See Here

  6. @MoshinGolus

    Sure…. Because when someone sets out to commit voter fraud he first gets up on TV to brag about it.

    Biden was referring to an organisation put together to tackle voter fraud.

    And Ronald Klain was responding to an article about how the current system is rigged and lends for an incumbency advantage. Not rigged for electoral fraud.

    Give up already with your half baked joke of a misinformation campaign. Your stale cheetoh has lost.

  7. MIG- looks like you need a math refresher, 79 million is more than 72 million. The only attempt to steal anything is by the degenerate adulterous loser trump.

  8. President Trump is right. And he is speaking the truth. He got way more legit votes. He was robbed. This election was a fraud and a sham. As Joe Stalin liked to say, those who cast the ballots decide nothing. Those who count the ballots decide everything.

  9. So the Dem’s stole hundreds of thousands of votes in many states where GOP people are in power? But they decided to lose the senate and seats in the house? Why did the Trump campaign insist on stopping the count in some states (when he was ahead) but continue counting in others (when he was behind)? Is this is the same Trump that claimed that Cruz cheated in the Iowa caucus back in 2016? and that Hillary got millions of illegal votes in 2016? Is any of this even half believable when the campaign has turned up so far nothing substantial? Was the fraud was so amazingly slick that there’s basically no evidence? Judge, you should side with me. The fact that I have no evidence just goes to show how evil the accused is, and how meticulously dishonest he is…. Ya, that makes lots of sense.

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