Bill Clinton: This May Be The Last Day I’m Ever Involved In A Campaign Of This Kind

bill.jpgNew York senator Hillary Clinton has returned to NYC to deliver a major announcement at Baruch College tonight. This follows the final primaries in South Dakota and Montana and word that Obama is expected to reap a super delegate harvest this week.

Clinton has no events scheduled after Tuesday and has told campaign staffers to stand down.

However, in South Dakota on Monday, she was still acting like she was in it to win it. “We’re slightly behind in the delegates but we’re going to make our case to all the delegates as to who would be the best president,” she said.

Perhaps the most telling sign of what’s to come tonight came from the candidate’s husband. “This may be the last day I’m ever involved in a campaign of this kind,” he said. Although the Clinton campaign said later he was talking about the primaries only.

Senator Obama said he spoke only briefly on the phone to Clinton Sunday night to congratulate her on her win in Puerto Rico and he said he emphasized to her what an extraordinary race she’d run.

“And I told her once the dust settles, that I was looking forward to sitting down and talking with her at a time and a place of her choosing and so. We still got two more contests to go and I am sure that there will be further conversations after Tuesday,” Obama said.

(Source: CBS2 HD)

11 Responses

  1. To Mr. David Liectenstein & all your Hillary supporter friends… all your ‘cheshbonos’ on saving klall yisroel has been fruitless!!
    All the millions of yiddshe gelt…gone!! How can you now explain yourself to the true KING of kings??!!

  2. frumblogger-
    I don’t know if he’s right or wrong, but if he thinks he did the right thing, then how do you know he was wrong just because it didn’t turn out the way he wanted?! The King of kings does things in ways that we don’t understand. I’m sure plenty of people voted against Jimmy Carter, but Hash-m had other plans. We got to try our best (or at least what we think, or better yet what gedolim think, is best), and the rest is up to Him. Do you believe saying tehillim is “fruitless” if the Choila doesn’t make it, r”l?

  3. She can only be the vp if she can bring the jewish vote. She is speaking at Baruch college all places to show barak means baruch. Obama mentioned this connection in florida.
    Stupid yes, but he needs the jewish vote in florida and can’t get it without her.

  4. I hope Rebbetzin Hillary keeps fighting all the way to the convention thus enabling an easier Mccain win.

  5. While I do not in any way want Hillary to win, I think that you are all making a mistake in thinking that she will be worse then Barak Obama.

    Obama is way more of a socialist then Hillary is, and it is my opinion that, if elected, he will transform the U.S. into a state so unrecognizable, even Hillary would not agree with it.

    Maybe having Hillary as a VP is the best possible outcome for a McCain loss

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