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FBI Investigating “Trump Train” That Surrounded Biden Bus In Texas

Supporters of President Trump riding in trucks surrounded a Joe Biden campaign bus on a Texas highway Friday, prompting alarmed staffers to call 911 and cancel at least two stops scheduled later that day, according to reports.

People in several trucks formed a so-called “Trump Train,” waving flags and honking horns while surrounding the bus as it traveled down Interstate 35, bound from San Antonio to Austin, videos show.

Biden campaign officials said afterward that they feared the Trump devotees might run their bus off the road.

The FBI is investigating the incident, according to the Texas Tribune.

President Donald Trump tweeted a video of the bus incident with the words “I LOVE TEXAS!” on Saturday, and claimed at a campaign rally on Sunday that his supporters were “protecting” the bus.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. If it was the other way around, Biden supporters would never “protect” anything remotely related to Trump. They would have done far worse than running then off the road. But that wouldn’t make news…

  2. What’s there to investigate? The Trump supporters have every legal right to do this, and the hysterical fears (real or pretended) of the snowflakes on the bus are irrelevant.

    Every Biden rally draws more Trump supporters than Biden supporters; this was the same thing. Texans telling Biden that he’s not welcome. In response Biden calls us “ugly people”. He’s a lowlife, and so are his supporters.

    Oh, and the video shows very clearly what happened to that white car. It tried to push in to the line ahead of the black truck, making an illegal lane change, and the truck pushed back. That’s what happens when you cut someone off in Texas.

  3. rt, what are you talking about? There aren’t enough Biden supporters to surround a Trump bus, but if somehow a number of Biden supporters came to peacefully counter-rally against a Trump rally, who would even think of objecting? Isn’t that what normally happens ALL THE TIME? The odd thing about this election is how few Biden people there are. Every Biden event attracts more Trump hecklers than Biden supporters.

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