SHOCK FOX NEWS POLL: Majority Trusts Biden On COVID, Half Say Virus Is Out Of Control

  • More than 6-in-10 rate economic conditions negatively and only about 2-in-10 think coronavirus is under control in the U.S.
  • Just over half, 51 percent, say the Coronavirus is “not at all” under control – up from 40 percent in early September.
  • When asked what should be the federal government’s top priority, voters are 25 points more likely to rank limiting the spread of coronavirus over restarting the economy (61-36 percent).
  • President Trump is preferred on the economy by just 1 point, while more trust Democratic candidate Joe Biden on coronavirus by 16 points.
  • By a 6-point margin, more pick Biden over Trump on handling Supreme Court nominations.
  • Biden leads Trump by 52-44 percent among likely voters. That’s a bit tighter than the race was three weeks ago, when Biden led by 53-43 percent (October 3-6).
  • Over half think Biden cares about people like them (56 percent) and is honest and trustworthy (52 percent). For Trump it’s the reverse, as majorities say he lacks empathy (56 percent) and honesty (60 percent).
  • When asked if the word “corrupt” describes the candidate, 56 percent say it applies to Trump compared to 40 percent for Biden.


30 Responses

  1. Why am I NEVER polled? Its very telling how biased these polls are. Can anyone imagine Joe fighting the virus better! He would be in a dark bunker and put American to slp to a point of no return.
    Not saying Trump cldve done a better job, but he did whatever was humanly possible. Its so easy in a pandemic /crisis to give hypothetical credit for the person not leading. All a bunch of crappy polls.

  2. I have a hard time believing this poll. Either people are totally ignorant of what Biden says–he has no plan on the virus that Trump hasn’t done already and he wants to raise taxes–and given that Fox is lurching to the left, just another case of probably overpolling Dems or people not giving an honest answer.

  3. Not surprising for a Fox News poll. The only way it would be more blatantly pro-Trump is it if were in Mishpacha or the Jewish Press.

  4. The fake polls will get more and more ridiculous till the very end!
    Really?! Trump 16% more “corrupt”??? – it’s as fake as can be…

  5. Miriam: I am voting for Trump because I think he’s doing a great job as a president. Do I think he did a good job handling the virus? No, I don’t. I think his attitude left a lot to be desired. So I’m wondering what part of his handling the virus you think was “whatever humanly possible”?

    Also, do I think Joe Biden would have done a better job? How can I, or anyone for that matter, know? What policies did he implement ever that anyone could compare and decide if he would have done a good job or not?

  6. So what, pray do tell, is Biden’s approach? After all if he’s so tru6, he’s got to have a plan. Does anyone know what it is, was, will be? Does he know?

  7. It’s easy to bash someone for not doing a good job on something. It’s much harder to prove that you can do it better. If Biden is elected and fails to rein in the virus, he’ll just blame Trump.

  8. these polls aren’t really true. they’re designed to get us to think thst it’s all over. most sensible people don’t talk to these pollsters. they call you and talk about issues making you think that your opinion matters, then the final question ‘ so can we assume you’re voting for ………? no one gives an honest answer especially if I think the person on the other end is………..

  9. Stanford came out with a study that over 700 people have died as a result of Trump’s spreader events. Yes, they trust Biden as they should. Trump is going for her immunity which is mass murder an unethical. You will see the repudiation of Trump Tuesday.

  10. We are witnessing the last gasps of the Fake News industry, otherwise known as Mainstream Media.

    Nobody trusts these polls, they are only designed to suppress Trump turnout. It will not work.

  11. Are they manipulating the wording of questions to get the responses they want? Who did they interview?  Did they ask people to explain their answers? Did they get a broad section of the country, of different ethnic and political groups?
    Does it really matter who’s president? We’re still in galus.

  12. This is only a “shock poll” to those that live in the pro-Trump bubble of the Chareidi world and limit their news intake to frum newspapers and sites like YWN.

  13. most people across USA don’t follow foxnews and therefore, have absolutely no clue what’s going on.
    I spoke to a friend of mine, extremely highly educated on first page of fortune 500, refuses to watch either extreme, fox or CNN and was surprised to learn about hilary’s involvement in russian hoax or hunter’s laptop.
    this is what trump is up against. binden is completely hidden from the mainstream media outlets.
    each one of us have an obligation to contact as many people as we can to inform them of all the lies out there.

    if trump wins it’ll be an incredible ness, it’s like how mark twain wonders about what is he secret behind the jew’s survival !!!!

  14. @ AO:
    Let us know when any “Respectable” mainstream source comes out with any casualtie stats for any of the BLM-ANTIFA super-spreader events– whether from WuHan virus or plain old terrorism.

    @ flowers:
    “Also, do I think Joe Biden would have done a better job? How can I, or anyone for that matter, know? What policies did he implement ever that anyone could compare and decide if he would have done a good job or not?”

    We know that when Trump took concrete actions, such as closing travel from China, puppet Biden and his handlers and fellow travelers were condemning the President as “racist” and “hysterical”, telling people to go about their lives as usual, to attend super-spreader Chinese New Year’s celebrations, and even to hug a Chinese person in defiance of “hate” and “hysteria”. In a display of staggering hypocrisy, these very same sanctimonious Democrats then did a complete about-face in order to attack our President.

    New York City Officials Initially Downplayed Coronavirus Threat
    “In the days and weeks before New York City implemented a virtual shutdown in early March, city officials urged their constituents to go about their daily lives without fear — and even suggested that concerns about the burgeoning coronavirus pandemic were rooted in anti-Chinese animus.”

  15. And we know that Biden, and more importantly Harris and his other handlers, support excessive, often arbitrary and capricious, restrictions that result in more harm than the Wuhan virus itself.

  16. Let’s not start looking for the nearest bridge. We know that for some reason Fox news polls have been in the toilet for a number of years. They REALLY need to fire their polsters and get better ones.

  17. Why aren’t the Rabbaniem and Rosh Hayeshivah’s encouraging EVERYONE in their Kehillos and Yeshiva’s to go and vote for President Trump? Obviously, everything that’s going to happen on November 3rd is already decided from the one above, but we have to do our Hishtadlus. The Yeshiva’s should set a specific time for the bochurim & yungerlite to go and vote. It can really make a difference!!

  18. My friends.
    The people who are working the polling in FOX news department are democrats. It came out in yesterday’s news. Trump will win by a landslide.

  19. Let’s be serious and look at the facts instead of a vacuum or fantasy. New York has a positive test rate of about 2%. Other cities are at 25%, like where I am. Chicago at 9.2%. FL and GA keeps it secret, of course. It’s accepted that shouldn’t go above 5%. So, the rest of the nation is “back to normal” Gridlock, crowded unventilated offices full of people gossiping, 2 night ago was when all the young adults go out to party dressed up, college football tailgates, crowded bars that won’t shut down, 6 months of packed restaurants.
    The world isn’t New York. These people fight over a mask and won’t change a day, yet they’re going to blame Trump? For what, not personally fighting everyone to be sane and rational? They rioted and protested during the first half wannabe-lockdown!
    This poll is nonsense.

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