Once A Sister, Always A Sister

The effects of one hour can last for a lifetime.

Bnos One on One is an incredible program from Bnos Agudas Yisroel that pairs high school Big Sisters with middle school Little Sisters. Big Sisters meet with their 6th, 7th, or 8th grade Little Sisters for one hour a week to connect and have fun.

The Bnos One on One program has been running for years, but this year it’s seeing extraordinary growth.

Cities like Atlanta, Chicago, and Boston, and more are starting new chapters. And existing branches in Brooklyn, Five Towns, and Lakewood are expanding.
Why the dramatic increase?

“It’s a perfect program for this year,” explains Bnos advisor Miri S. “Our Bnos activities are restricted because of Corona. We’re doing Bnos in a Box, but we knew we could do even MORE.”

Bnos One on One works well with social distancing. Each pair can interact according to their comfort level, whether by phone or in person, inside or outside. The Little Sisters love the attention, and the Big Sisters gain, too.

“I was a Big Sister when I was in high school,” adds Miri. “I remember how empowering it was to have my Little Sister look up to me as a role model. And when I see her now, we still have a special connection. Even though she’s a junior in high school now, she’s still my Little Sister.”

“Once a Sister, always a Sister,” agrees Mrs. Chana Baila Hass, National Director of Bnos Agudath Israel. “We hear stories about Sisters keeping up their connection for years. One Little Sister is coming to her Big Sister’s wedding in a gown, as part of the family. Another Little Sister, now in high school, goes to her now married Big Sister every Thursday night to help with her children.”

And it all starts with just one hour a week!

Are you interested in being a Big Sister? Would you like to bring Bnos One on One to your city or neighborhood? Reach out to Mrs. Chana Baila Hass at [email protected] or call 212-797-9000 ext. 330.

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