7 Shocking Paralysis Lawsuit Cases Where Attorneys Won Million Dollar Settlements

Lawyers can seem like costly options after an accident, and many choose to avoid taking legal action for fear of the infamous legal fees. However, hiring a good attorney can be the difference between maintaining a good quality of life after an accident, or suffering the consequences. 

Though these paralysis related settlements may astound some, there are many Californians who do not understand the legal system. Those citizens end up drained financially because they do not realize the ease of finding an attorney (example: L.A. law firm) to help them win a just compensation for their job-related injuries.

Cyclist Rides Into Construction Trench

Panish Shea & Boyle LLP won a $20 million settlement after a San Diego County cyclist rode straight into an unmarked construction trench. According to the suit, the trench was not signaled according to construction regulations, and had no barriers that could prevent the unfortunate accident. 

The plaintiff in this case was a 52-year-old software manager at Verizon named Sheng Du. He was commuting to work on his bicycle when he suddenly rode into a 2-foot wide trench that extended 20 feet from the sidewalk. Apart from lacking any visible signals, the trench was obscured by the angle of the sun that morning. Du suffered C2-C3 quadriplegia which affects the cervical nerves controlling sensations in the head and face. 

California Man Shot in the Back

A California man sued three police departments after officers shot him in the back and paralyzing him. The unfortunate incident happened after an altercation in which 19-year-old Adonis Serna was shot in the back five times. The shots left him completely paralyzed from the waist down. 

The police departments reached a $2.5 million settlement for the incident, which involved officers from three districts. Detectives from Tulare County, Woodlake, and Exeter all face lawsuits for excessive force, battery negligence and assault. The altercation left Serna wheelchair bound for the rest of his life. 

Boy Injured by HPV Vaccine

Pharmaceutical giant Merck faced a lawsuit concerning its HPV vaccine Gardasil which apparently results in many serious health risks. Attorneys at the firm of Baum Hedlund Aristei & Goldman filed a lawsuit on behalf of Zachariah Otto who was severely affected by the vaccine

The young man began receiving injections from the age of 16 after his mother fell for Merck’s ‘aggressive marketing campaign’. Among the side-effects, of which neither Otto or his mother were aware, were dysautonomia, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), among others.

Specifically, POTS affects the nervous system, triggering severe headaches, fainting, and increased susceptibility to anxiety. As a result, Otto is no longer able to work or attend his university classes, the suit alleges. 

Dump Truck Accident Leaves Woman Injured

A motorist in Sussex settled a case without even going to trial for $2.9 million earlier this year. According to the lawsuit tiled DeMario v. Supreme Mulch, a motorist was permanently injured after being rear-ended by a dump truck owned by gardening product manufacturer, Supreme Mulch. 

In this case there was no trial and the defendants presented no defense. This is a prime example of a victim asserting their right to damages without a rebuttal. Many people who are injured in this way may be intimidated by lawyers, and so they never reap the benefits they deserve.

Woman Struck by Falling Pole

A lawyer from Essex County, New Jersey sued Verizon after one of the telecommunications company’s poles fell on top of her. She hired a paralysis attorney who helped her settle for $125 million, according to the lawsuit.

Verizon, who was co-owner of the pole and used it to run its utility cables, took full responsibility for the damages. They ended up fronting the bill for the full $125 million, and issued a thoughtful apology to the family. Up until now, this has been the largest settlement in New Jersey’s history, and rightfully so. 

Paralyzed After Going for Pizza

When Wilson Morales was 17, he went out using his parents’ van to pick up pizza for his family, despite being too young to drive alone. He was spotted by undercover police officers on gang-suppression duty, and a car chase ensued. 

The young man drove onto the curb and backed out, prompting the officer to fire at the vehicle. A bullet struck Morales in the spine, leaving him paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair. 

Now 24-years-old, Morales settled for a $4.5 million payout thanks to the help of a paralysis attorney. This was the result of years of legal counseling, at the end of which the Buffalo Common Council was advised to settle or risk paying out a larger amount.

Caltrans Collision

The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) settled a lawsuit with a man who was left paralyzed after a freeway accident in 2011. Kyle Anderson was working on Highway 101 in Eureka, California, when a driver drove into the street shoulder and hit him. According to the suit, this was due to Caltrans’ negligence for denying a lane closure request, removing barriers, and blinding oncoming traffic with a light tower. 

Anderson, who is now 28, was left quadriplegic and confined to a wheelchair. He also suffers from “locked-in” syndrome meaning he can neither move or communicate. Fortunately, the settlement provides a big enough payment to cover his lifetime medical bills, estimated at $18 million. This includes use of costly technology that will let him communicate by looking at images on a screen. 

No one knows when an accident will happen that will leave them paralyzed or needing costly medical attention. However, many victims of these types of injuries are not familiar with the law and so avoid lawsuits which can be beneficial to them. 

Hiring a paralysis attorney or professional legal counsel is vital for receiving damages from life-threatening accidents. It can even mean taking care of your family when you are no longer able to, so it’s best to be prepared.

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