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Will Voting In A Non-Battleground State Make A Difference?


There are still plenty of other races where your vote makes a difference. In fact, voters in almost every state will have a chance to influence both national and local decisions through down-ballot races.

Voters in two-thirds of the states will be a electing a U.S. senator. Each one of those races matters for control of the chamber, because Republicans currently hold only a slim majority of 53 of the 100 seats.

The importance of controlling the Senate is evident in the confirmation hearings for President Donald Trump’s nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett. Because they control the Senate, Republicans are pressing to quickly confirm the conservative jurist. She would replace the late liberal icon, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, and Democrats are virtually powerless to stop it.

Voters in 11 states also will be electing governors, who will shape the state’s response to the coronavirus pandemic and other contentious issues, including abortion, crime, climate change and racial inequalities.

And voters in almost all states will be electing state lawmakers who will determine spending for such things as public schools and colleges, infrastructure and health care for low-income residents.

This year’s legislative elections are even more important than usual. That’s because they are the last before new round of redistricting based on the results of the 2020 census. There are more than 5,000 legislative races in 35 states where the winners will have a role in redrawing U.S. House and state legislative districts for the next decade. How they draw those voting districts could determine which party has an advantage in future elections, and thus which policies are pursued.


3 Responses

  1. In short, the answer is yes it does make a difference. It makes a major major major difference if you vote or not.

    First of all you never know if your state may flip and vote for the right candidate. Don’t forget these polls are mostly done to shape public opinion and in the last few days approaching the election, those who care about the results they offer, make the numbers come closer. So if you believe Joe Biden ever had a 15 to 20% lead on the president, you’re falling for the polls who WANTED Quid Pro Quo Joe to become president. Look at the polls now, they are getting closer because they want to be relevant next time around so they could say they got it by x amount or perhaps missed it by x amount but they weren’t really so far so far off.

    The next reason I’m voting is important is because of all the down ballot items and people. You want the correct people in office. If you are somebody who leans right, you don’t want the Democrats there which is why it’s important not the most of them, and to actually get out and vote for the Republicans. It doesn’t make a difference if it is Governor, senator, congressperson, City Comptroller, City Council, or dog catcher. A lot of states have referendums on the ballot. I think in New Jersey, and no I have not opened my ballot yet, we have a referendum for marijuana. I am voting no one that. I do not want marijuana legal in my state! So you have to be aware of what is on the ballot so that you could vote your conscience on it.

  2. Yes as Jews we are obligated to show gratitude to the President who’s done so much for the Jewish people. Yes, gedolim have said to vote Trump.

  3. There is more reason to vote than the “down ballot” candidates. The winning candidates may celebrating their victory, but they are aware of how many votes were cast, and how many did not want them in office. (With the possible exception of a superego who barely won an election, and declared that he had a mandate.) The local candidates, even those who are not up for re-election this year, also note which way the votes trended. Also, local candidates notice voter turnout, and which election districts they need to focus on the next time. Last, if you don’t do your part, you really should not be complaining about the outcome. I will never give up my right to complain.

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