Swastika Pool: Brazilian Owner Expelled From His Political Party

Swastika pool in Santa Caterina, Brazil. (Santa Catarina Civil Police)

When Brazilian history professor Wandercy Pugliesi’s swastika pool was discovered in 2014, it made headlines.

Pugliesi, 58, who a son named Adolf, had a huge swastika symbol tiled into his outdoor pool. In 1994, police seized a collection of Nazi-related material from his home.

Pugliesi’s name made it back in the headlines in recent weeks due to his running for a seat on his local town council, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) reported. Unfortunately for him, the infamy of his swastika pool preceded him and The Liberal Party booted him out last week, “for not ideologically agreeing with the affiliate.”

Pugliesi lives in a rural area in the state of Santa Catarina, where many German immigrants and their descendants live and neo-Nazi incidents have occurred more than once.

“Brazil sent troops to fight Nazism and fascism. It is absurd that there are people who try to make this type of thing flourish,” Sergio Iokilevitc, president of the Associacao Israelita Catarinense, told JTA.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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