WATCH: “YOU GAVE A VIOLATION BECAUSE HE’S JEWISH”: Inspectors Flood Boro Park, Flatbush

For the second day in a row, inspectors from the NYC Buildings Department were out in force on Tuesday in Flatbush and Boro Park, as they enforced the latest COVID-19 restrictions placed on local businesses by NY Governor Cuomo. The summonses stated they were charged with “failure to comply with the governor’s executive orders”.

Many store-owners reported being told different things by the inspectors. NYC Councilman Kalman Yeger told YWN “The conflicting advice and opinions from these workers and treating similar businesses very differently is exactly why our community feels we are being unfairly targeted by the city and state.”

Many angry store-owners and pedestrians confronted the inspectors on 13th Avenue.

One woman told a store-owner who was arguing with two inspectors on 13th Avenue “They gave you a violation because you’re Jewish”.

“No. I don’t think so”, the inspectors responded. “Why would you even say something like that?”

“Of course, it’s obvious”, the woman responded. “One plus one is two, Jew plus Jew equals give….(violations). They are attacking Boro Park. I don’t live in Boro Park. We don’t have this in our neighborhood. They don’t come to our neighborhoods.”

It was unknown which neighborhood the woman was referring to, or if she even lives in one of the COVID hotspots that are being enforced by NY Governor Cuomo.

Dozens of summonses were reportedly doled out on Monday and Tuesday. The summonses are court appearances, with a possible fine (if convicted) of a whopping $15,000.

A longtime community activist who wished to remain anonymous told YWN that the crackdown on Monday and Tuesday is a direct response to the “obnoxious language of a certain self-appointed community activist who has unfortunately made us all a target now. There would have never been this level of enforcement if this individual had not brought the heat on our streets and the insane media attention we are now getting. Hijacking press conferences and telling the NYC Health Commissioner “shut your mouth you filthy animal” on National TV have directly caused this”.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

32 Responses

  1. Interesting that the 2 highly qualified “inspectors” in the video shown, are black and Hispanic. DeBlasio/Cuomo strategically sent minorities into the all white Orthodox community to do the dirty work. And we are supposed to respect these people?

  2. The so called “community activist” who relishes publicity certainly made the media and City government aware of the issue on non compliance in Boro Park. Knowing how many Rabbonim and others we have lost to the virus, why would anyone not wear a mask and observe social distancing?

  3. I am glad that the “longtime community activist who wished to remain anonymous” remains nameless, because he is also shameless. He is trying to place the complete responsibility on a foul mouth mechutzaf. That is simply not true. I’m not sure who that mechutzaf is, but I am not protecting him or excusing his behavior. But for our politicians to take revenge on the community because of this is morally unacceptable. The accusations against the mayor and governor for being anti-Semitic are painful truths. This ridiculous statement is the equivalent of the rapist blaming the crime on the victim. The store owners did not ask to be targeted. So your “longtime community activist” would best remain anonymous to avoid the exposure as befriending the enemy, and using logic that a young child would recognize as foolish.

    I am all for compliance with the law, even the criminal executive order of the governor. But the enforcement is sadistic, and we all see this. May this governor be voted out of office and retired from politics.

  4. I cannot comment on anyone’s tactics, but if the Mayor and Governor hadn’t singled out the frum communities and if they hadn’t shut down our shuls and schools (and discriminated against our small businesses), then none of this would have happened.

  5. Is this a result of mesirah? “If one is guilty of a crime and deserves a punishment according to the laws of the land, but due to antisemitic attitudes he will probably suffer more than if he were a non-Jew; then turning the offender in would constitute mesirah, since his added suffering will be shelo kadin”

  6. I don’t believe posting nasty comments about the race of these DOB employees is called for. Arguing with them for doing their job is also ridiculous and makes us look terrible.

  7. DID I READ THIS CORRECTLY???? A longtime community activist who wished to remain anonymous told YWN that the crackdown on Monday and Tuesday is a direct response to the “obnoxious language of a certain self-appointed community activist who has unfortunately made us all a target now.
    I don’t like or agree with Tischler, but if what this community activist who wished to remain anonymous is correct then this demands an investigation. How dare they punish an entire community because once person who only talks for himself stood up to them. If i remember correctly there is such a thing of freedom of speech.

  8. As far as fighting the summons, the last couple of years it has been almost impossible to beat a ticket unless there was a blatant error. Even this vague language “failing to comply with the governor’s orders” would be hard to win. A judge would say the agent must have had a reason to issue the summons. So it remains your word against the agent, so you lose.

  9. Not getting involved, do not get involved, please. The first thing to remember is that we are in golus – among other things.

  10. are you for real seriously? this whole article implies that the reason why cuomo and debee turned their attention toward the jewish zip codes is becuase of tishcler and not becuase of the uptick? are you for real? and that lady on the video may have been going around whatsapp groups which gave you the rational to put it on the website but most people like me dont have smartphones or whatsapp so now this elemant of klal yisroel that doesnt have smartphones but goes on yeshiva world (probably many thousands of people) now have to know about this lady I am sure she is uncomfortable with it you guys running this website are a bunch of idiots desensitzed from the years of internet

  11. I disagree with this “longtime community activist”.

    The antisemitism from the Mayor and Governor was apparent months before this activist opened his mouth. It was apparent throughout the entire camp situation and even before.

    All I know is that the tactics the “community activists” were using did not work and got us nowhere. This loud mouth at least got the attention of the Federal government. Maybe it will help, maybe not. But the quiet shmearing method did not work. Our schools were closed before this big mouth even opened his mouth. And our parks were closed even earlier.

    I believe the activists who at fault are the ones who told us to vote for these anti-Torah policied Democrats in the first place. We voted for people who pass anti-Torah laws because we thought we would get a few dollars from them. The Ribono Shel Oilam is telling us not to vote for these toaiva friendly people.

  12. A longtime community activist who wished to remain anonymous told YWN that the crackdown on Monday and Tuesday is a direct response to the “obnoxious language of a certain self-appointed community activist who has unfortunately made us all a target now.

    Right all Jews are collectively responsible for what a self-appointed community activist who represents nobody said on TV.

    It goes without saying of course that the press doesn’t reach out to responsible people who do represent the frum community for comment.

  13. The chilul hashem continues. Make sure members of your community follow the law. Note just the ones you agree with. Stop calling everyone who disagrees with you or hands out summonses antisemites. Your actions and reactions to the city are creating real antisemites every day. New Yorkers already don’t understand your way of life. If disease outbreaks keep teaching back to your community, what should they think?

  14. The chilul hashem continues. Make sure members of your community follow the law. Not just the ones you agree with. Stop calling everyone who disagrees with you or hands out summonses antisemites. Your actions and reactions to the city are creating real antisemites every day. New Yorkers already don’t understand your way of life. If disease outbreaks keep tracking back to your community, what should they think?

  15. The Askan who wishes to remain anonymous is a mechutzaf, a mevayaish chaveiro berabim and a moiser. Typical Askan. Askan=Baal Gaaivah in my book. Who does he think he is? Is he a Rav? Does he learn more than 5 hours a day? Does he even know how to Lern Opp a Brisker Rav or a Rashba? How dare he slander a precious Yid who has feelings, sensitivities , emotions, a wife and kids and a precious Neshomo Tehoirah ? How would he feel if another fellow Askan threw his name and reputation under the bus. Such slander and public humiliation has driven men to suicide. We have to love all Yiden, no matter their mistakes. This anonymous askan should join a Kollel and learn Orchos Tzadikim-Shaar Hagaavah and Shaar Haanavah and Sefer Chafetz Chaim AND ESPECIALLY SEFER SHEMIRAS HALASHON and that would clean out his hatred for a fellow Yid. Typical Baalebos. We have enough enemies amongst the goyim-we don’t need a so-called Askan- who is a coward and won’t even sign his name- to join the happy bunch. Barack Obama would love to have his phone number and get to know his fellow Sonei Yisroel who is a self-hating Jew. I don’t live in Boro Park (although I’ve visited there). I don’t even live in the USA. I live in Manchester, England. But one thing I do know: “Vehavta Lereiacha Kamocha”-“Zeh klal gadol batorah”.
    Remember one thing, he can choose to remain anonymous but the Riboinoi Shel Oilam knows who and where he is. Yeish Din Veyeish Dayan.
    I’M not a coward so I will sign off with my REAL name,

  16. Not Getting Involved, you are so right. Can you imagine if the tables were turned and two white Orthodox Jewish inspectors would be strategically targeting a Black neighborhood with violations and fines straight from the governor and mayor??? You can just imagine how this would play out…
    Unfortunately our leadership knows whom it’s safe to target.

  17. To the seeker of truth…

    I still can’t make out from your tirade if you mean it, or are being totally sarcastic from beginning to end. Because not ONE statement makes sense.

    Let’s start. “The Askan who wishes to remain anonymous is a mechutzaf, a mevayaish chaveiro berabim and a moiser.” Actually, the anonymous askan did nothing but point out something about a publicized incident – something THE SUBJECT WISHED TO PUBLICIZE! Everyone knows what went on. There’s no chutzpa, everyone with sane mind concludes the same. No mesira, silly, he’s talking to us, not the external media news outlets.

    “Is he a Rav? Does he learn more than 5 hours a day? Does he even know how to Lern Opp a Brisker Rav or a Rashba?” Are you for real, man? Your choice of words is astounding. And order too. Are you in middle of spin cycle???

    “How dare he slander a precious Yid who has feelings, sensitivities , emotions…” As I wrote before, he’s not at all slandering he’s just pointing out the known and most obvious.

    “that would clean out his hatred for a fellow Yid.” Actually I don’t come across any HATE on his part. It’s called reading comprehension.. Read the article. Read again. He’s being very civil, just stating the obvious, without any rants. By contrast, you could use this cleaning out of hate… but again you’re still in middle of spin cycle.

    And the last line *PRECIOUS*
    “I’M not a coward so I will sign off with my REAL name,

    We thank you for that, mevakeish haemes

    And I’ll too sign off with mine,

  18. I read most of these comments with my mouth agape. Ribbono shel Olam, isn’t it long overdue to start facing reality and facts, rather than playing the victim game and living in the conspiracy and “fake news” world of right wing extremists? Despite more than 1,500 frume Yidden losing their lives Rachmona litzlan in the spring, the frum community decided on their own that they had reached “herd immunity” and were thus immune from Covid-19 and able to disregard repeated pleas for months from Gov. Cuomo that disregard for the regulations could lead to a new wave. Throughout the summer, frum Yidden made huge indoor chassunas, davened in large packed shuls w/o a single person wearing a mask, and celebrated w/o restrictions in camps and countries. Then, when surprise surprise, the only 9 zip codes in all of NYS with new outbreaks are all frum neighborhoods, with as high as 18-30% positive responses on tests while the rest of NYS has a 1-2% rate, they deny the facts outright and scream that it is anti-Semitic lies, while quietly re-assuring themselves that this wave is a milder version than the first one and no one has died yet, so why not have regular hakofos in packed indoor shuls. In Monroe, the Satmar Rebbe Shlita announced that his kehillah should disregard Cuomo’s orders, and guaranteed that no one celebrating the Torah would suffer harm ( Well, now the results are starting to arrive, and this is from a Charedi site and a frum health organization, not a left-wing, anti-Semitic organization ( A huge new outbreak in Monroe has seen 29 people hospitalized, including 9 in critical condition, and an additional 41 receiving oxygen support at home. And sadly, this does not even include the additional victims that will surely come from Simchas Torah.

    I urge every frum Yid to read this powerful letter from HaGaon Rav Asher Weiss Shlit”a:

  19. All of you should stop playing the Jew card. It doesn’t work. The State has every right to fine anyone who breaks the law especially a public health one.

    Now, keep in mind that any store or business that operates is because they have a State issued Certificate which the State has a right to take away for any reason. And they already have taken away dozens of liquor licenses for open defiance (None who were JEWS).

    Second : Did no one learn their lessons for what happaned back in March, April and May where our brothers and sisters died?

    Third : All of you need to be educated to know that we aren’t being singled out as I stated above… We have an uptick because we (some) refuse to comply with the rules for whatever reason. Many are coming up with BS excuses which are wrong.

    Look, I’ve done backyard minyanim, I’ve had to limit my travel to safe states, I have to where the mask where I need too no matter how uncomfortable it may be. I need to be tested every other week, etc, etc, etc… Is this ideal? No, but this is the life until there’s a vaccine.

    Finally, we as Jews are supposed to be better then this. This is NOT the way to teach our children. This isn’t what we leerned in Yeshiva. Where is the live your fellow man? Where’s the Pikuach Nefesh? Where is the Dan likaf Zchus? Where’s the Emunah and Bitachon? Where’s our faith in Hashem? We just clopped Hashanas and Yk and this is how we act?

    If we just stop, think, and comply with the rules, everything will be as is. Hashem will be happy with us and Moshiach will come sooner rather than later.

  20. Ezzy, you are confused. it is Cuomo and de Blasio who are “playing the Jew card.” when they single out only Orthodox Jews and accusing us of “poisoning the wells” .

  21. “No. I don’t think so”, the inspectors responded. “Why would you even say something like that?”
    As a product of the public school system and secular universities, I am appalled at this phoney question. I’m taught, just like he is, about disparate impact and racial profiling. If we all know about stop and frisk, convictions, prison populations, and even the racial bias implied at all traffic stops, this surely must be analyzed for deeply rooted institutionalized racism.

    I don’t care about any anonymous community activist. Equal Protection under the law. If everyone else is treated equal and racial bias is always assumed when the state acts, certainly this is no different.

  22. Um so cuomo and deblasio are retroactively only antisemites because jews are saying bad things about them for their anti-semitism. we must call out anti-semitism wherever it may be and therefore we should loudly (and obviously nonviolently) condemn in the strongest possible terms this tyranical governors order for what it is : ANTI-SEMITISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Month upon month year upon year immoral perverted or inconvenient regulations & bills were passed upending the whole and if our fellow community members even cared enough the response was “what can we do “”Well we are a minority” “we need the funding” “we can’t break break the law
    now  all of that is out in the trash??

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