MAILBAG: Father of Journalist Jacob Kornbluh Speaks Out

As the father of Jacob Kornbluh, I wish to express my horror and disgust at the trolls and vile comments and curses directed towards Jacob. Some comments even incite others to murder him for being a Moiser. All you need is one crazed person to take that “Mitzva” on board Chas V’esholom.

Has anyone verified the definition of what Mesira is?

Suppose a Jew climbs into an apartment building in the dead of the night with an intent to steal and possible injure you or your family in the process, would you consider it Mesira to call Police? What he did was to report his Shul as being open to the public at a time when there was total lockdown, when Yidden were dying in the dozens; and hence his agenda was to alert the authorities to prevent further deaths and make sure that the Mispallelim stay safe at home and do not go to Shul at a time when COVID-19 was raging.

There was no political nor financial motive besides advocating wellbeing and promoting protective safety measures for his fellow Shul members through alerting the Mayor who agreed to deploy police officers just to disperse the gathering. No one was arrested, No one was jailed, no one was fined, no one was deported, no one was exiled. How can his actions be considered as legitimate Mesira?

Unfortunately the Chareidi world is in denial and wearing masks or social distancing is taboo and hence the flare up of this virus. Where are the community activists, the Rabbonim and the community leaders as a gang of mobsters descend outside a family home and hurl abuse and obscenities and incite hostility against a family who are trapped in their own home through fear and trepidation?

These scenes were beamed around the globe via Major TV stations and Media outlets. The Chillul Hashem in watching fellow Jews behaving like crazed anarchists in chanting booing and baying for Jacobs blood like hoodlums and egged on by a mob Leader is just beyond comprehension.

Where are the parents of those Bochurim who participated? What message does such behavior send to our young children?

If anyone has a legitimate claim against Jacob, then call him to a Rov or a Dayan who will judge whether he is considered a Moiser, but to act as judge and jury in condemning him for his actions and meting out such abhorrent retribution is just not acceptable .

Kind Regards
Yitzchok Kornbluh

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

111 Responses

  1. NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.

    well, this is indeed the view of every legitimate Rabbi and logical person.

  2. I don’t know Jacob or anything about the story, so I have no opinion of his actions. But just based on your version of what he did and the justifications you provide, I have a question. You advise anyone who has a complaint against him to “call him to a Rov or a Dayan who will judge whether he is considered a Moiser”. Did he ask “a Rov or a Dayan” before calling the police or Mayor’s office about his Shul? I assume that if his Shul was open, it was because the Rav of the shul paskened for his Kehilla that he was allowed to be open. Anyone who disagreed with that psak should “call him to a Rov or a Dayan who will judge whether he is considered a ..” rodeph.

  3. I don’t know Jacob or anything about the story, so I have no opinion of his actions. But just based on your version of what he did and the justifications you provide, I have a question. You advise anyone who has a complaint against him to “call him to a Rov or a Dayan who will judge whether he is considered a Moiser”. Did he ask “a Rov or a Dayan” before calling the police or Mayor’s office about his Shul? I assume that if his Shul was open, it was because the Rav of the shul paskened for his Kehilla that he was allowed to be open. Anyone who disagreed with that psak should “call him to a Rov or a Dayan who will judge whether he is considered a ..” rodeph.

  4. All sounds good and true. I feel with the family, and agree with all the above.
    On the other hand, the opposite is also true – before alerting the Mayor and/or authorities, one must ask a shaila from a Rov if one may/must do so, and how. These are very serious issues and cannot be decided lightly.
    I do not know any of the particulars in the story here, and truthfully, what happened has already happened, my focus is only on the future.

  5. anyone has a legitimate claim against Jacob, then call him to a Rov or a Dayan who will judge whether he is considered a Moiser,
    Really? Suddenly you remember about רבנים ?
    Which רב told him to call the mayor??

    What he did was to report his Shul as being open to the public at a time when there was total lockdown, when Yidden were dying in the dozens;

    Really?? In the last week 69 people died in the entire NYC.
    Yidden were dying in the dozens;???????

  6. Well, maybe if your son would go to a Rav before publicly bashing his community, they would’nt bash him before speaking to a rav.

    Secondly, maybe if he would stop spreading around on social media how bad the ‘anti-masker’ are there wouldn’t be this ‘chillul hashem’.

    If he would really selflessly mean the good of our community he would not go around bashing it, creating a chillul hashem by spreading and condoning negative stereotypes about us. Period.

  7. “Suppose a Jew climbs into an apartment building in the dead of the night with an intent to steal and possible injure you or your family in the process, would you consider it Mesira to call Police? What he did was to report his Shul as being open to the public at a time when there was total lockdown, when Yidden were dying in the dozens”

    Please Mr Kornbluh – No tzu shtel. These people are going to shul voluntarily – no one is climbing into someone’s building to injure them.

  8. Sorry, but both father and son are acting foolish. I oppose any and all demonstrations, regardless of the cause. Even if they remain non-violent, they may be legal, and expression of one’s first amendment rights, but I oppose them. The way to achieve changes that stands more chance of success is quite different. Making public drama doesn’t work. If nothing else, it is frank Bitul Torah. Every man, bochur, and child there should have been engrossed in learning or another form of Avodas Hashem.

    The closing of shuls was a hate crime, perpetrated by the governor, and advanced by the mayor, may both be ousted from politics soon. The reporting was an unfair, even vicious act. One can push an agenda of better adherence to precautions, masks, social distancing, etc. This was uncalled for. No, violence against JK is not the answer. Nor are protests by his home. For that matter, the 13th Avenue protest was no more legitimate or smart.

    I think the media stuff, whether such statements by JK’s father, interviews with the media for JK or Tischler, should all stop. Klal Yisroel has bigger problems, such as the hate being perpetrated on us by our Democrat politicians. Klal Yisroel needs achdus to tolerate the golus, and to merit our Geula.

  9. Interesting, Yitzchok Kornbluh says that it is a Chillul Hashem that Major TV stations and Media outlets are reporting the recent events playing out in Boro Park. Yet, his son Jacob is the one running around to every outlet he can pushing the stories the most he can. Maybe Yitzchok needs to have a conversation with his son.

    P.S. I’m not justifying any violence toward anyone, (there is no evidence Jacob was ever physically assaulted, screaming at someone is not illegal, he admitted on CNN that hasn’t got any physical injuries despite proclaiming on Twitter how he was brutally assaulted etc).

  10. I quote: “If anyone has a legitimate claim against Jacob, then call him to a Rov or a Dayan who will judge whether he is considered a Moiser”
    Just one question; Did Jacob ask a Rov or a Dayan who will judge whether he is permitted to do all that he did? It may very well be that he did, but please tell us whom he asked.

  11. This Oped tells me the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Nothing but idiocy, hypocrisy and distorted facts.

    “Has anyone verified the definition of what Mesira is?”
    “No one was arrested, No one was jailed, no one was fined, no one was deported, no one was exiled. How can his actions be considered as legitimate Mesira?”
    -Consequences of a mesira has nothing to do with mesira was committed, regardless of the distorted facts as someone was arrested.

    “If anyone has a legitimate claim against Jacob, then call him to a Rov or a Dayan who will judge whether he is considered a Moiser”
    -Why didn’t his son go to a Rove or Dayanim? Hypocrisy at its finest.

    “There was no political nor financial motive..”
    -Sure doesn’t seem that way to me. Just another low level journalist trying to get his name in the news.

    “Unfortunately the Chareidi world is in denial”
    -Another stereotypical typical comment based on a minority.

    “Where are the parents of those Bochurim who participated?”
    -Regardless of who was correct, where were the parents of the person who instigated these bochurim

    Sometimes even being a great parent and raising your child the right way won’t yield the results we want as parents, but rarely does raising our children the wrong way and not being a good parent result in our children turning out the way we want.

  12. Before I leave this so called Jewish site ywn I would like to put my comment that’s its shocking that all רבנים don’t put a חרם to this Jewish hatred site this is the most negative site against jews and specially to חרדים they put always against us and they feed the whole world with there negative fake news! ywn you have full of blood on your hands and shame on you, you hate חרדים more then ever other non Jewish site . Let’s abandon this horrible site and as I spoke to all my friends they all agree this is the worst site , we hope you will do תשובה its probably to late .

  13. “What he did was to report his Shul as being open to the public at a time when there was total lockdown, when Yidden were dying in the dozens; and hence his agenda was to alert the authorities to prevent further deaths and make sure that the Mispallelim stay safe at home and do not go to Shul at a time when COVID-19 was raging.”
    Did he ask a Rov before doing it? If yes, why haven’t you or him publicly declared that? If not, please do not try to declare him innocent (although he may not be a full fledged moiser he is most definitely not innocent).
    This is not to say that any individual without a full grasp and halachic knowledge on the matter has the right to declare him a moiser. But if he is a moiser then he should be taunted and excommunicated immediately.
    And correct me if I’m wrong but the press conference with De Blasio posted on this site ( ) was recent? That is most definitely not the time of total lockdown and Yidden dying the dozens which you describe.

  14. jacob is “so innocent” just scroll thru his tweets you’ll see how much he advocates for his community
    why did jacob lecture heshy via txt ?

  15. You say:

    “If anyone has a legitimate claim against Jacob, then call him to a Rov or a Dayan who will judge whether he is considered a Moiser, but to act as judge and jury in condemning him for his actions and meting out such abhorrent retribution is just not acceptable.”

    I hope that he asked a Rov or a Dayan before calling the government on shuls and didn’t act as the judge and jury in deciding whether or not to report others to the government.

  16. Yes, someone has been arrested as a direct consequence of your son. Yes, many shuls have been fined as a direct result of you son elevating our community to the top of the governments radar. We have 100s of inspectors waking around giving 10s of thousands of dollars in fines today to people for simply trying to make a living. I give you credit for defending your son but please don’t distort the facts.

  17. Why did Jacob go to a place where he knew he could of been in danger. Especially if he saw how there was violence night before. You got to be smart. No one is saying he should be attacked but a rally where the community is all angry,keep away. Common sense.

  18. I’m not a rov, but what he writes sounds like he’s right! The only thing I would point out is, it needs to be clarified if Jacob asked a rov before he reported his shull to the authorities. If he did, then his father IS 100% correct!

  19. he started out with good intentions in the beginning and it was just his shul etc but then when everyone was harrassing him and pushing him to the limits he got more and more determined/ stubborn to the point where he went so far to go on air with deblasio to point out publicly a certain place that was not keeping the quarantine. we as a tzibur pushed him to far. now please mr jacob kornbluh please pull back and tone down. your life isnt over I will personally go over to every person in boro park and tell them you are not a moiser anymore. okay! and also I need to point out that if you were genuinely a busy person you wouldnt have time to run around concering yourself with others peoples lives everyone knows the dangers and they do so at their own risk understand that if you want to effect change then please get a 9-5 job and youll help contribute toward creating a kiddush hashem by being productive. if your passionate about medical then become hatzloha memeber or maybe go for a degree to become an infections disease doctor other then that you and the tisheler are unfortunately not employed and are not productive people in klal yisroel you both probably have a bad influence on your children who see a father without a job YOU have more in Common with tishler then differences

  20. “Where are the community activists, the Rabbonim and the community leaders as a gang of mobsters descend outside a family home and hurl abuse and obscenities and incite hostility against a family who are trapped in their own home through fear and trepidation?”

  21. I agree with the father, but maybe Jacob should have asked Daas Torah and let “them” decide and take action. It would have taken the burden off his shoulders.

  22. if you think your son did everything correct and you are not ashamed from him, I would like to wish you the same Naches you have from him you should have from all your kids and Einklich

  23. Apple clearly doesn’t fall far from the tree. He’s a rat. Period end of discussion. It’s ludicrous to ask the community he betrayed to now “realize he’s a Tzaddik”
    Bet you the dad is a liberal democRat

  24. there are 2 sides to every story and mr kornbluh is only looking at one side. now he says they should ask a rov but the shul that he snitched on also had a rov so obviously he doesnt care about rabbonim. also deblasio is anti semitic and unfortunately has the power to do things that will harm the yiddishe kehillos. so instead of telling deblasio who maght let out his anger by lets say making more restrictions talk to the rov and the askonim of town and try gclose it a different way .JK you acted with out any kop and now you have to pay the price SORRY BUT SUCH IS LIFE

  25. if jakob really cared about covid he wouldnt have gone to the protest . if you wanna say that its parnossoh IF YOU CAN SHUT A SHUL BECAUSE OF COVID YOU CAN MISS OUT ON A JOB BECAUSE OF COVID. so sorry no one believes that it was lesheim shmayim

  26. It turns out that JK had beef with Tischler before this. It seems that JK went there to be an irritant to Tischler. The push to arrest him seems to be related to the old stuff, nothing related to the event on 13th Avenue. Regardless, these interpersonal spats should be addressed in a menchlich way, not via the mayor’s office bullying NYPD to do his dirty work.

  27. The Chilul Hashem by Kornbluh AND Tishler is אוים ונורה. The tweets from Kornbluh blew the last chance he had to survive in his community. Tishler is a crazy rebel rouser that absolutely made a disgusting Chilul Hashem on his part. None of them are concerned about the well-being of the sick unfortunately. Its about being in the news. Crazed attention seekers. They all have their own agendas.
    We live in a very sad era is all we can say.

  28. I want to clarify that i don’t fully know the details of exactly what happened but he seems to have reported a shul for violating restrictions without asking a rav which he was wrong for . He also appears to be going around inciting anti-semitism by trying to play-up if not lie outright about what happened , He described it as “hundreds” of orthodox jews assaulting him this is not a description by a fair journalist! THIS IS THE DESCRIPTION OF SOMEONE WHO IS A PROVOCATEUR AND IS TRYING TO DRUM UP ANTI-SEMITISM in fact as far as i know there is no evidence to support his claim of an assault at al. He was NOT assaulted he was yelled at nastily THAT IS NOT CALLED ASSAULT and while it is not nice and it may be wrong and a very bad idea, it is not a crime and until i see evidence otherwise it appears that Jacob is a liar who is trying to drum up antisemitism. HOWEVER NOONE SHOULD ATTACK HIM and noone should even surround him and yell in his face it is not helpful, it just makes the community look bad (and if he really is trying to cause antisemitism then you’re just helping him) and you are not a beis din who has the power to make such rulings. In the absence of a beis din with the power to deal with such things hashem will take care of it and NOONE should take the law into their own hands because doing so will only create more problems.

  29. Let’s see, Jacob Kornbluh claimed that protestors through stones at Gaetz. His twitter account was smeared oon the biggest media sites. Turns out that it was a lie. Gaetz slipped from a storage container. He made a huge chillul Hashem casting us as violent rioters throwing rocks at people. Neither Jacob himself assaulted by the mob, nobody lifted a finger to hit him, he was chased away from the crowd but he was absoluty not assaulted. But aveirah goreiras aveirah, it wasn’t the protesters, it was Jacob Kornbluh who made the huge chillul Hashem spinning stories into lies like the msm does.

    Now regarding masks it is a political matter only once the curve was flattened. Scientifically the numbers are not low in neighborhoods where they wear masks and that is why certain communities in NYC have much, much higher rates of positive cases but evil people like those from the Kornbluh family don’t care about facts, only about their agenda. And now it seems the source of evil is the father goading his son. Both Kornbluh’s have not saved even one life , if they think they did then they are living an illusion. And as the famous saying goes, the path to hell is paved with good intentions…The chillul Hashem and agmus nefesh they caused is taking them straight to gehenom.

  30. Yitschok,
    כל מילה זהב!!!!
    We are all waiting to see you back in shul Gezinterheit, and TakeSixteen back on the shelfs

    A gezinten Winter
    Mr Winter

  31. Since we’re all on Yeshiva World, let’s pull up an article from this site regarding coronavirus restrictions from government to not assemble int shuls, etc:

    “PSAK HALACHA: HaRav Chaim Kanievsky: “Assur To Daven In A Minyan, Din Rodeif To Anyone Who Violates Health Ministry Directives”

    “Harav Chaim also condemned anyone who violates Israel’s Health Ministry directives, saying that such a person has a din of a rodeif and paskened that it’s permissible to report shuls or institutions that violate Health Ministry directives to the police even if the gabbaim will be required to pay heavy fines or even face imprisonment.”

  32. As Rav Kanievsky is the Gadol Hador, and since America faced the same virus and the same restrictions at the same time, his psak applies to us as well.

  33. @Nathan Adam, people are dying from this virus. We are losing lives. Don’t you get it? If a shul is staying open with more people than permitted and allowing the virus to spread, they deserve to be fined. See my post above – Rav Kanievsky paskened this.

  34. “There was no political nor financial motive besides advocating wellbeing and promoting protective safety measures” so says the father. Note there’s nothing about personal motives, yet even to a casual observer it’s obvious that Jacob Kornbluth did very well for himself. Just read his Twitter feed and you’ll see the publicity he got and continues to get with every interview, tweet, and mention. The “love” and adulation is sickening. If he truly cared about the community he’d work to fix it from the inside and not promulgate hatred against his fellow Yidden.

    He’s trying to straddle two worlds right now. Just wait and see what happens when he realizes that the fame is fleeting and how badly he’s burned his bridges with the community. I feel sorry for his wife and kids who will have to deal with the fallout of his actions.

  35. Ok I won’t call him a moser, but a first class idiot he is. In March April and even May I couldn’t believe how some shuls were open. On Achron shel Peseach I had a Covid related emergency I was appalled to see how some shuls and mikva were open. I too wanted to scream rosaiach, but I kept my mouth shut. No one cares about my opinion. (except maybe my fellow commenters) In addition call them roisaiach if you want, but to call the mayor on a live broadcast and give out an address of shul I think is beyond forgivable and very stupid.

  36. @comments You could have proved your ignorance with just one comment instead of four consecutive ones. a) Don’t believe everything YWN or any other news site posts in R’ Chaim’s name, including letters. b) Even if it’s 100% accurate, his psak was not for Brooklyn, Lakewood or Chicago. You are not qualified to say the situation is the same. There are several obvious differences from when that letter was allegedly written in March for Bnei Brak vs Oct elsewhere c) The linked article was posted in March when there were many less people with anti-bodies

  37. Thank you all for your comments which I truly and respectfully accept. But let me clarify some facts.
    1. The story on the Shool was not a recent episode, it happened during lockdown in March when the Virus was killing members of the community in the dozens. Hershy Tishler brought it into his agenda in order to incite a crowd to attack my Yanky
    2. I cannot confirm whether he asked a Rov before he called Di Blasio. And that may possibly have been his only infraction in the matter to which I as his father wholly apologise to the Borough park community on his behalf.
    3. I was not comparing a Burglary as a comparison to his actions. It was just a verification that not every alert to police is considered being a Moiser as you have to take every story in the context in which it was intended and reported.
    4. The intention of my letter is certainly not to condone his actions but more so to alert the Borough park Residents that Mob Rule and anarchy is certainly not the correct path and it only puts fuel on a raging fire which could Chollilah end up with Bloodshed.
    5.Hershy Tishler was not arrested because of my son as he did not file any charges against him. he was arrested because he taunted the Police, The Mayor, The Governor and all the elected officials to a point that
    the protest was not a peaceful protest but an incitement to bludgeon and injure. Thankfully he was jostled but not injured. The Police had no option at that stage but to put a stop to further protests of this kind.
    6. Whatever My son did there cannot be any excuse to converge outside his apartment and make his family prisoners for his actions. They are definitely innocent in this whole saga. Any issues you have with him call him and explain your pain. There is no justification to send death threats, obscene curses of the worst kind which no one would wish even on their arch enemy. None of us are perfect. Right?

  38. i am not here to defend Kornbluh because deep down my heart i dont know if he is right or wrong.
    Of course calling into the Mayors office and giving the city address from local shul who violate the law is NOT the yiddishe way to go about, but for any YID to go out in the street and demonstrate in front of his house when his wife and children are watching, crying , fearing for their life is much worse then Mesirah.
    How can a YID raise his hands to hurt a fellow jew without even consulting with your local Ruv,Dyen?
    Is this really how anyone wants his son to grow up hurting another fellow yid?
    My chest is still hurting from klapping so many Al Chytes yom kipper and those violent demonstrators dont feel guilty bu hurting another fellow yid?
    Ushamni, Klal Yisroel for NOT condemning such behavior and after dancing all Hakufes with the Torah we embarrass the Sefer Torah.? Loy Sirtzach.? Vehuavtu leryechu ? Loy Samoyd al Dam Chaveirchu ?

  39. on the one hand there should not have been any violence. this is just one big chillul hashem. on the other hand if you are so worried about the rabbanim then why did you go to a non jewish court… it might even be assur, go to a jewish court. and also if u were so concerned for the safety of your shul why did you go out and expose yourself by a “protest”(whatever it was). are you really so concerned about your health or not. on my third hand i am not really sure of the details so all that i said might not be applicable. VIOLENCE IS NOT THE ANSWER. CHILLUL HASHEM IS WRONG

  40. You don’t need to ask a Rav about tattle tailing this is common sense this article is trying to twist around the whole story to make him innocent when he is not. If you don’t want to come to Shul then don’t.
    Don’t go and be rat and tell authorities where is his brains??

  41. Kornbluh is no tzaddik.
    I just got a clip where he is in conference with two female rabbis. One is the rabbi of the gay synagouge. Also this mike miskovitz was there. He is the posek of the gay synagouge. Now we see whose company he keeps. Google NYJA. New York jewish agenda

  42. Rav Moshe Shternbuch, one of the achnowledged poskei hador, in a teshuva publicized in many publications (e.g. Der Yid) regarding the halachos of mesira in regards to covid-19 paskened in a teshuva undersigned by many other world-renowned poskim that the ONLY case where one can inform on a Yid to the government is when one who is feeling unwell goes out and exposes himself to others; in all other cases he is to be defined as a moiser which closing a shul certainlly falls under that rubric (see Rambam for the halachos of a Moiser). I am not defending Heshy but I am explaining why Jacob is halachically considered a moiser by leading rabbinc authorities.

  43. He played with fire and got burned. You can’t start a fight with a group of people and expect to walk away unharmed, it has nothing to do with right or wrong. He started a fight by being a mosar and he is now eating the fruits. The lesson he should learn is don’t start up with someone stronger than you.

  44. Your son probably had good intentions, I agree that it was wrong for shuls to be open in march/April, and our community should’ve done better with masks etc.
    But to go around to every tv & radio station saying he was “brutally assaulted by Hasidic anti mask protesters” and fanning the flames of anti semitism has no excuse period,
    That’s still not an excuse to protest outside his house, but he owes the Jewish community an apology for the way he spoke about us

  45. Why are you all focusing on the Halachik interpretation of a Moוser? Everyone who calls him a Moiser is referring to it in a cultural definition “A Rat”.

    He knew there were Dayonim and Rabonim who openly refused to close the Shules, but he proceeded anyway.
    He shouldn’t of attended a protests were he knew he might be a targetet by teenagers who didn’t have Yeshivah for three weeks and we’re looking for action, although violence is never justified. I’m no fan of Heshy Tishler, but his biggest mistake was after being chased away by the buchrim to report Heshy Tishler for inciting violence. You attended you got shamed away maybe a push and a shove, you knew you wouldn’t get a heroes welcome.

    Yakov, your problem is not the first report to the Mayor. Your problem is, you can’t get down from your high horse to admit you were wrong or simply stay quiet. You are doubling down when the house will definitely win.

    All condolences from reporters and politicians on Twitter are worthless, unless you want the as Mechitonim.
    Do yourself and your family a favor and lay low for a while.

  46. @logical16 “The intention of my letter is certainly not to condone his actions but more so to alert the Borough park Residents that Mob Rule and anarchy is certainly not the correct path and it only puts fuel on a raging fire which could Chollilah end up with Bloodshed.’ Agreed. Your son is certainly doing his part to fan those flames. Why does he continue to besmirch the community? Is the attention he’s getting from the media worth it?

    “Thankfully he was jostled but not injured.” Why then did he tweet otherwise? Jacob Kornbluh
    @jacobkornbluh · Oct 7 I was just brutally assaulted, hit in the head, and kicked at by an angry crowd of hundreds of community members of the Boro Park protest …? He became the story of the evening. If it was nothing much why did he milk they sympathy for all it was worth?

    Best advice you can tell your son right now is to SHUT UP. Get out of the public eye. Stop it with the interviews. His self-righteous, self-congratulatory behavior has done enough harm.

  47. @ah yid. Well said. Definitely an idiot. The authorities are not our friends. The media hates us no matter what we do. To give them an open invitation to interfere in our lives like he did is incredibly naïve. No one is forcing anyone to go to shul. You’re afraid. stay home under the covers.

  48. Not so sure Rav Kanievsky’s psak about reporting shulls’ applies to NY and the restrictions placed from the non-Jewish governors. I JUST DON’T KNOW……

  49. what a disgrace you allow such behavior to get condoled on your site but not to hear the other side as my previous comment was not allowed on shameful

  50. While the vile attacks against Jacob Kornbluh are not okay, his father is blind. Your son is no longer a child. He paid the band by maligning all frum Jews, MOST libelously, and he should face the music. His actions were not justified and yes, what he did was mesirah, lashon harah and motze shem rah. Our governor and mayor are not acting by law, but acting as judge and juror. To make a claim that a general community is not abiding by the mandate is libelous, it simply isn’t true.

    For those people who you witnessed flouting all guidelines – listen – it’s your responsibility to care for yourself. Wear a mask, avoid those who don’t, speak to the rav, rebbe, rabbi, appeal to the community, choose a responsible shul, use your journalistic abilities to present the numbers, represent your views. There are other ways to go about it.

    What he did is absolutely indefensible, including the incitement at the “protest” using filthy language around children. How dare he claim to have the moral high ground?

    I have yet to see a shul in Midwood in which masks are NOT available free of cost, and as of today we still had the second most confirmed cases per 100k. We also happen to have many more non-Jews than BP, but that’s besides the point. It is not just about masks.

    We are facing an unprecedented number of hate crimes, more than half of ALL hate crimes committed against all religious groups across America. The attacks disproportionately target Hasidic and visibly Orthodox Jews. How do you publicly slander our entire group with libelous claims and expect to face no consequence?

    If the guy down the block is a Rodeph for not wearing a mask when he walks to his car, then YOU are a Rodeph for spreading libelous claims to the government and media, causing a rise in anti-Semitic hate and propelling us towards virulent discrimination.

    We have the Torah to tell us how to deal with those who are committing crimes. Hocheach Tocheach doesn’t mean that you tell the governor. The way that Kornbluh conducted himself using filthy language in front of children, maligned his people, vindictively vented to the whoever would listen while generalizing, marginalizing and demeaning hundreds of thousands of frum Jews, are abhorrent. He has stated that he goes out of the community to report because, “No publication within the community will print anything against its institutions” (Paraphrased). This is another claim that is absolute asinine. No, they won’t print what you have to write because of the WAY you are writing it. Or maybe you didn’t try.

    He is not blameless just because of his affiliation with YWN.

    Tischler too, BTW. It takes a Rav and a fair amount of seichel to decided what to do, when to do it, and when to stop. Loudmouthery doesn’t look good on any of us. It’s not our way.

    Stop talking for and about all of us. Stop creating false narratives and generating hate among and about our people. STOP. Both of these people, just stop.

  51. the rabanim already stated their opinions before pesach and there were many who paskened that there is no reason that the shuls should remain closed and the other rabanim who argued werent calling up the mayor to close down any shuls so…

  52. To his father, you raised your son. Did you raise him to speak out for what he thinks is right at the behest of the Torah, or regardless of the Torah?

    His behavior is inexcusable. It was wrong and your attempt to excuse, justify, and deflect are equally disgusting.

  53. There is a contest old as ever which still goes on and on… – the conflict between right and wrong, between error and truth. In this conflict every human being has a part.

  54. I learnt the hard way, I say leave the frummers with their problems, nowadays, if I see a frummer or even a frum child being beaten or whatever, I walk the other way, this is what I’ve learnt from the Rabbonim and kehillah, so if they want to kill each other, I’d let them

  55. Rabbeim here in North Miami Beach are on the same page as Jacob Kornbluh, and have even recommended calling the police if we see social distancing violations. This is life and death, as the frum Jewish community is reeling from the loss of thousands due to this disease. I wish I could apologize for the entire community for the treatment Jacob Kornbluh has gotten and the chillul Hashem that has publicly shamed our entire community to not only ourselves but to the entire world ….. thank Gd I live in a community where everyone – frum hasidic and Hareidi rabbeim, non-Jewish clergy, medical professionals, government officials, mayors, law enforcement, and the like are all on the same page of taking the masks and social distancing recommendations seriously ….. it is shameful to frum Jews everywhere and particularly painful to the Kornbluh family that the Brooklyn frum Jewish community sees this something that can be compromised and challenged … the threats and violence towards Jacob Kornbluh for recommending his community honor the health recommendations is so beyond us it no longer looks Jewish ……

  56. 1. 2 wrongs don’t make 1 right
    2. Where is the kvod shemayim here?
    3. Mr. Kornbluh, what were your son’s intentions with his actions? Did he mean it solely l’sheim shemayim??? You know the answer to that very well. Stop mollycoddling him!! Teach him the right derech and then you don’t have to come out and try to cover up what he did!
    4. His wife and kids were crying? What about the shechina’s pain with such disgraceful acts? Eiza hi Chochem? Haroeh es hanoled. He should have thought about this before going to our evil anti Semitic mayor and snitching on fellow Jews.
    He could have
    a) Put up a sign in shul proclaiming the dangers of mass gathering during a pandemic
    b) Go to Rabbinical authorities
    c) Go around w a mask if he thinks it helps
    d) Self quarantine and not care what others do

    According to any Daas Torah, there’s nothing holy or innocent in what he did. And the one who is guilty of fanning the flames of the fire knows clearly who he is, Dad.

  57. @ lost in Lakewood.
    I myself daven is this shull that that he called the police to and I know for a fack our shull was closed as per our own Dayans psak.
    And people broke into the shull with no permission to make a illegal minyan. So yes Mr. Kornblue had all rights to call the police on them

  58. “The road to Gehinom is paved by good intentions “ bottom line. That is the definition of Mesira. No matter how you think you can justify it. Any costs or pain he caused directly on indirectly he would be responsible for. He would be in Cherem. His children would get thrown out of school. He should not be welcomed I. Shuls. And there are other things that are Mutar to do to a Moiser. He should ask Mechila publicly and pay for the damages he caused including paying Tishler for what the VE police did to him.
    Just basic Halacha on a very serious offense

  59. Can anyone provide a true definitive description of who and when one is considered a Moiser? What intended action does he need to act out do to be halachically considered a Moiser and does being guilty depend on the outcome of the Meseerah. Please no hostile or anger responses but purely Halochoh. Let me also clarify that Jacob stated clearly that he was not injured. That he was roughed up and head butted I cannot confirm that as only he can verify what he felt at the time and from looking at the clips it does seem that there is physical contact from the crowd as he cowers under his hood. And to Mr NYNY I say ,you are treading on libellous ground by insinuating that the Rabbis he was in conference with defines his reputation is not only provocative but highly insulting.

  60. @comments . Reb Chaim was talking about Eretz Yisroel specifically. You do not have the authority to unilaterally extrapolate his ruling to Artzot Habrit . You also seem to believe that the ruling is relevant even now. This is unreasonable as the virus is demonstrably weaker as the mortality rates have fallen. And the majority of the orthodox population in Brooklyn has antibodies. You have to realize that the flue is also deadly . Are calling for people to stay locked up for the rest of their lives?

  61. סיג לחכמה שתיקה
    That’s what Chazal teach us, and that applies here both to father and son, and with all due respect by both of them coming out and making so much noise they are just attracting unwanted attention and they are contradicting every word of their own claims…
    As we see from this letter, this has already reached the NY Post, and from the comments here the Chilul Hashem only gets worse, what and who has gained from all of this?
    Jacob has lost the most, and he should never have done what he did, had he asked any Das Torah, nobody would tell him it’s ok to call the Mayor on National TV to report his own Shul who have now kicked him out, therefore he has nothing to loose, so he’s digging a hole deeper for himself…
    To continue talking to the media at every opportunity he can, is only making it worse for himself and everyone, all that is justified?
    Even his father Yitzchok would have propably told him not to, had he asked him beforehand if he should do that, or if it’s ok to tweet videos of his own friends in his Shul supposedly “violating” social distance laws, that now even “WHO” are questioning if lockdowns and all these measures are helping at all…
    As for Heshy Tischler, as reported widely they have an ongoing fight going back a while, Jacob decided to take this opportunity to use this against him.
    Jacob knows very well that had Heshy Tischler not been there, things may have been worse, and he could really have gotten injured like his friend Getz…
    Still he went there to face the crowds and put himself in harm’s way and to fight Tischler face to face and then blame him when tensions went higher …
    Forget Tischler, we can see from most of these comments, most people don’t like snitches, simple, and they won’t forgive him so quickly…
    What has his father achieved by coming out in supporting him? Perhaps a lesson to themselves that if you go against your community, only G-d can forgive you, and perhaps had he / they shown some remorse or regret, and say he / I made a mistake, maybe I should have done things differently, people would have maybe had more sympathy and be more forgiving…
    By the way about Mesirah, I’m not a Rov or a poisek, but as far as I remember, even threatening to masser is a grave sin, doesn’t matter if he did damage or not, besides I see many reporting that he and his friends sadly did cause damage…
    חזור בך וה’ הטוב יכפר

  62. Assuming Kornbluh really meant well at first, it is his behavior AFTER he was allegedly beat up that makes him (as of this writing) into another Bar Kamtza .

    Bar Kamtza also had a very bad experience with frum people . (Note: The Meforshim explain the reason the person making the Seudah was so adamant that Bar Kamtza leave and none of the Chachomim stuck up for him was because he was already suspect of being a moiser. They suspected he was there looking for trouble)

    No, Kornbluh should not have been beaten up. But what possible justification does he have for fanning the flames of hatred for Klall Yisroel on social and non social media casuing and calling the world to hate us even more because of the actions of a few people?

    It’s not too late.

    Unlike most Frum people, Kornbluh has the ear of the secular media. They regard him as a hero. I saw in a non-Jewish publication that Cuomo called him up.

    He is from the few people who can possible get some of them to tone down the endless hate directed at us.

    If he cared so much about us when reporting on an open shul let’s see his concern in getting them to tone down their rhetoric and present the frum world’s point of view.

    He should be like a diplomat defending his country despite his personal disagreement with their actions

    Otherwise he is just another Bar Kamtza R”L

  63. I did not see all the comments but the glaring hypocrisies of “asking Rabbanim” and “Chillul Hashem” that screamed out at me while reading the letter (if it is indeed his father – I would hope YWN verified that- ) were very well brought out by multiple commenters. But, a point I did not see…If it talks like…and walks like…than it is one. whether or not he has a Din Moiser or not is not the only issue. He has all the makings of a Moiser/Kapo.
    Sorry about the family (every Moiser’s [AL PI DIN] family suffers) but this can’t be accepted. He should be shunned and run out of town. As for Totty, who obviously are “smart” as him and as “Ehrlich” as him, perhaps we’ll change the venue to your house. Afterall, i think that Jacob’s best defense is that he was brought up by this dirtbag.

  64. U need a heter Bes Din to act like Jacob. No Doubt, Mssar mag men Yok K . Hargenen. Needs a written Psak from a authortive Rav ……………maybe
    he would get it, but cannot do it on his own…………………………….

  65. I am only aware of 1 flabbergasting outrage disgrace:- All the people who never wore face masks nor social distanced these past few months:- This is the sole & only cause of all the problems right now & nothing else.

  66. Ah, all the wondeful sikrikim here – where was your zeal when the chevra kadisha needed help with the dozens of niftarim they had to deal with every week? Did you do nights of shmiroh? did you help them move around niftorim so they could be able to close the doors of the holding room in their facility? Did you cry to HKBH that you weren’t able to give covod hameis to tzadikim and gedolim who were struck down?


    You were probably complaining that nobody refilled the chiynek in the coffee room where you spend much of your time.

    In the meantime, real heroes in the chasidish and yeshivish communities were tirelessly working – begging, pleading, for yidden to follow – venishmartem me’od lenafshoseichem! And they made headway. Eventually they were listened to.

    And then the gaivah of the outside world, of the rednecks in Michigan and the Mishuggeneh at 1600 Pennsylvania overtook the tzidkus of those who saved hundreds or thousands of lives in Monsey, Lakewood, Williamsburg, Boro Park and Flatbush. Now that influence undid much of the heroism and lifesaving. And why? Because your routine was upended? You forgot how to daven beyechidus? Think for a minute about the holy yidden who spent five years hidden in cellars and dugouts from the Nazis yemach shemom. Did their davening beyechidus resonate less with HKBH? Or the Spanish Jews who could never – not once – do anything related to yiddishkeit betzibur. You are being mezalzel their mesiras nefesh if you think the ramblings of the orange wonder or his ex-felon lackey Heshy Tischler are more important than their examples.

    How dare you.

    There are people right now, yirei hashem, who are prohibited from seeing their ill and dying family members because of the irresponsibility of people like Tischler, and if you follow or defend him, people like you. May you never have to learn the pain of that like some of us have had to.

    Shame on you.

    And all you can think about is whether Jacob Kornbluh asked his Rov before he tried to save lives.

    I’ll daven for all of you. We need tefilos now, not riots or protests, or fighting with the government, whether they are justified or not, reshaim or not, political opponents or not. Tefilos. Remember them? Those heartfelt bakoshos to Ribbono shel oilem that you can say any time, any where, even and especially by yourself. Try it sometime.

  67. To the Baalei Aveirah-the organizers of Yeshiva World News. Since your inception you have done nothing but spread Sinas Chinam, Bizayon Talmidei Chachamim, Kefirah , Machloikes, Redifah, Mesirah and general appalling removal of all boundaries especially in the area of Bein Adam Lechavairoi. I have decided- “Loi Saamoid Al Dam Reiecha”(sefer Vayikra and Minyan Halavin in the Sefer Hamitzvos Deramban) and therefore tomorrow morning I will bli neder call Hagaon Rav Matisyahu Salomon Shlita and ask him if he can discuss with the Moetzes Gedoilei Hatoirah about putting a cheirem on the websites’ founders and shutting you down. Remember, you can hide behind a faceless website but Hashem knows who you are. Yeish Din Veyeish Dayan
    United Kingdom

  68. Dear Tatty Kornbluh,
    I know this hurts.. really hurts emotionally. You are hurt, your son is hurt, and a community and possibly now the entire Jewish world is in a lot of pain. Why didnt your son make it his business to report bars, motorcycle riders, protests, crowded airplanes, airports, crowded stores, why!? Why not?! Is your son a Jewish police so he just reports shuls? Why doesn’t he report train cars, crowded supermarkets, parks W??? Wh??? Why??? Whyyy??? NOT!!!? Now look what is happening. We are writing lamentations for another Megillas Eichah! Is your son a prophet that he needs to show us the way to another sad period of the Jewish People. Do we need a another day, or month to sit on the floor and fast and cry????!!!! Why did your son do this?? Why oy vey why the world is breathing down our backs oy..they’ve ticketing our young bochurim in the streets, mothers, daughters, old zardes, oy why?! They are singling us out oy, they are investigating our community leaders, oy why?! Oy yoy yoy where is the joy we once had, oy why?! Why did your son take this path?! Oy Vay why?! When is our agony going to stop, oy why?! The authorities look for ways to ticket, send in reporters to report slight issues other communities, o why? The tough sherriff’s comb our streets looking for the slightest issue, the weak among us, why Oy vey!

  69. It doesn’t help to moderate. Hashem has taken note of all the Sinas Chinam caused by your website. Anybody who posts anything more which is negative about R’ Jacob Kornbluh or R’ Yitzchok Kornbluh or R’ Tishler or any other of our precious, beloved ,chashuv, brothers and sisters , they should all be gezunt, who are all a precious and integral part of Am Yisroel ,each in their unique way and with their unique Tafkid, should know that they are all being mevayaish chaveiro berabim and you all know what the punishment is for that.
    To my precious brothers, R’ Jacob Kurnbluh, R’ Yitzchok Kurnbluh and R’ Tishler, Leoirech Yomim Toivim.
    I feel all of your pain and humiliation deeply. You are all precious to me and I do not believe a word of the Moitzei Shem Rah spoken about you.
    Feel free to contact me on 011447510069577

  70. To those who try to draw a conclusion from Reb Chaim’s alleged psak in Eretz Yisrael: Assuming that the reported psak was indeed true (and I would not be so quick to assume that), it cannot be applied to the USA for one very fundamental reason: In Eretz Yisrael the authorities are not nochrim. Even if they act incorrectly, they may have a din of an annos (אַנָס) but not of a nochri. So reporting someone to them is not mesirah. Here the authorities, no matter how good they are, are nochrim, so reporting someone to them is mesirah.

  71. @smerel

    Kornbluh considers himself a professional journalist and in that capacity I believe he does try to portray our community in a good light when possible. For example, when Cuomo used a pictire of the beirach moshe’s levayah to show that yidden aren’t following covid rules, it was Jacob Kornbluh that made the world aware.

  72. Let’s call a SPADE A SPADE ♠️

    The reasons why there were so many deaths is because OUR DOCTORS listen to the EVIL DEMOCRATS and did not prescribe the medications Early enough that would have have saved more then 90% of deaths.
    Instead they told their patients to stay home and do NOTHING and if they can’t breath they should go to the ER where one had less then 50% chance to come out alive.

    Anyone who runs to snitch on a fellow yid is playing with Fire.

    Look at what the RAMBAM writes, who Here is confident enough to go snitch while knowing that he is risking terrible things for himself?

  73. רמב”ם, משנה תורה, הלכות חובל ומזיק פרק ח

    הלכה ט
    אסור [י] למסור האדם ביד עובד כוכבים בין בגופו בין בממונו. ואפילו היה רשע ובעל עבירות ואפילו היה מיצר לו ומצערו. וכל המוסרו ביד עובד כוכבים בין בגופו בין בממונו אין לו חלק לעולם הבא.
    הלכה י
    א מותר להרוג המוסר [כ] בכל מקום ואפילו בזמן הזה שאין דנין דיני נפשות. ומותר להרגו קודם שימסור אלא כשאמר הריני מוסר פלוני בגופו או בממונו. ואפילו ממון קל התיר עצמו למיתה. ומתרין לו ואומרין לו אל תמסור. אם העיז פניו ואמר לא כי אלא אמסרנו מצוה להרגו וכל הקודם להרגו זכה.

  74. As you Mr. Kornbluh senior, as well as junior know, the reason this whole situation is where it is today is because Jacob possibly has an anger management issue. In addition, he either suffers from mental or emotional issues or if not, then is is poshut a Rasha.
    In addition, as you really know yourselves, to masser on a yid without asking das torah first is against halacha. Saving one life by killing many more is a crooked way to say you are doing it for the good of the public. (maybe Jacob did ask a rabbi, But we can assume it was not an ultra orthodox one from the type of community he grew up in, but from either a reform Female Rabbi from the LGBT community or any so called Rabbi from the list of Rabbi’s he mingles with today)
    The only reason why your son called on that shul is because he has been ostracized by your community and is rightfully hurting. That is where I came to the conclusion that he has an anger management problem.
    I feel bad for his family. I am surprised and honestly feel their pain. I did not think a person like him can even be married. I really daven for his family and hope he has no children _ jus for their benefit, only because the bishus of growing up with such a father really puts them in a bad place. If his wife is smart, she would run far away and restart her life in a quiet suburb, maybe she can live in piece.
    The only way he can ever be accepted in any community again is by doing teshuva. I am not a Rav, but maybe he can discuss some option with a well renowned ultra orthodox Rav from our community. Maybe he can include some steps as publicly going on the air, to all those TV interviews where he spread false accusations about being viscously assaulted by a Jewish mob and now owning up to the truth that it was just a way of getting attention and it was never done. He announces that he made a mistake by going to the protest to try to instigate hatred. He takes back all fabricated claims and publicly asks every Yiddish person he caused pain to, caused anti-sematic words or actions to be spread, government action to be taken, etc. , retweets it over and over so it gets greater publicity than his lies. That, most people would understand to be a step in teshuva.

    I daven that he gets the help and guidance he needs so he can lead a normal peaceful life with whatever family he truly has. As his father, maybe you can help him and guide him as to where he can start. If not, there are many Jewish organizations out there, such as Relief, and they will be happy to help and guide him regardless of what he did. (true chessed, only in klal yisroel)

    May he be zoche to bring sholom back to the world he personally destroyed.

  75. So many commenters. So much outrage over “mesirah.” Two questions:
    1. Who here is taking achrayus for deaths caused by violating NYC’s mostly reasonable Covid rules? Any non baal achrayus has no right to object to someone trying to do something about it.
    2. Right now, and in the future, who is being rodef and who is being nirdaf? Remember, the posuk says that hashem is with the nirdaf. Are you better than hashem? Your need for petty, silly revenge outweighs ruining lives? Shame on all you rodfim. Hashem is not with you.

  76. QUOTE: “What he did was to report his Shul as being open to the public at a time when there was total lockdown”

    I know that I would never do such a thing, because I would have to face “din v’cheshbon” in heaven for mesira. If someone else did this and asked me what to do now, I would say “do teshuva – apologize to all the people who were hurt by your actions.”

  77. I fully agree that ywn does tremendous harm with these public forums visible to all. It’s almost like they enjoy the negative vile pinning one against the other even themselves inciting others against ppl from satmar. It would take courage to stop this and you’ll make money anyway your agenda is not chashuv. Stop while you are ahead. What will you answer for promulgating loshon Harah the chofetz Chaim would of banned this and written a kol Koreh about this without a doubt. Do everyone a favor.

  78. KINSLER. you wrote,”As for Totty, who obviously are “smart” as him and as “Ehrlich” as him, perhaps we’ll change the venue to your house. Afterall, i think that Jacob’s best defense is that he was brought up by this dirtbag” I am British and we in the UK are more refined not to use to such vulgar language especially when I have not done anything to upset anyone. If you want to change the venue to my house, be my guest. As a para legal advocate I deal with many sorts of people all day long (in a nice way) so be my guest as long as you keep your mouth clean from vulgar language. I have great respect to the Borough Park Community as a whole but not to your sort who call people crass and offensive names in order to to get their point through. I just begin to wonder who brought YOU up

  79. I fully agree that you do tremendous harm with these public forums visible to all. It’s almost like they enjoy the negative vile pinning one against the other even themselves inciting others against ppl from satmar. It would take courage to stop this and you’ll make money anyway your agenda is not chashuv. Stop while you are ahead. What will you answer for promulgating loshon Harah the chofetz Chaim would of banned this and written a kol Koreh about this without a doubt. Do everyone a favor.

  80. As the goyim would say, and the words are prophetic, “a plague on all your houses”, with reference to those who either openly violate the public health directives of the medical experts (which have been endorsed by our gadolim for months) or those who engage in violence against those seeking to assure compliance. I’m tired of opening the news page of YWN almost daily and seeing pictures of the chevrah kadishah tending to yidden in bodybags or reading the hesped of another chashuvah rav or askan who was niftar from the Covid Virus. Sadly, it appears that only after these rioters or member of their family are directly affected will they change their mindless behavior.

  81. Will see how his kids are effected with Shidduchim. He is foolish for putting himself in harms way when it could effect his family. It’s not like anyone will pay for his reporting. People should ask smarter people before acting out. Tischler has no problem as most of his kids are married off and he did not do anything to harm the community. If anything he stood up for them. I did not vote for him in the past but now I will. We need fearless leaders.

  82. Dear Mr. Kornbluh senior.
    Let’s say your son was justified in calling th authorities: However, שו׳׳ע סימן שפ׳׳ח clearly says that if a person goes around to the goyim and tells them look what the hidden do they are so terrible he is called a מיצר לישראל ויורדים לחייו.

    Point 2.
    Had he been afraid of the Chinese coronavirus he wouldn’t roam the streets looking for infractions.

  83. @ mevakeish haemes:

    I sympathize with your criticism of this site. I also continue to find myself appalled by so much that I see here. But I must ask you to consider whether it was prudent to post such a threat. Wouldn’t it have been better to first go ahead and contact whomever you thought best to bring this matter to the attention of/ discuss it with, and only then, pending how your experience went, possibly post here about it?

    Emor mi’at, vi’aseih harbeih…H’ zol bentshen dir mit hatzlochah.

  84. Mr Kornbluh Sr please if you really want to know if what your son did is Mesira or not ask someone who knows. Look up the halachos. It shouldn’t be too hard to find in רמב״ם and שו״ע. Excluding all the hate and vulgar language I think the overall response over here is simple. People don’t need you to publicly stick up for your son (regardless if the actions of others was justified or not) if you don’t even know if he was allowed to do what he did. We are all hurting due to his actions and many if not most of us are not from the rioters and flouters of the safety precautions. So before publicly proclaiming him a tzaddik please fully research whether he did one of the gravest sins or not. Go to a Rov with ALL of the details of what occurred including whether or not the shul had a Rov telling them to stay open (whether you personally agree or not) if he really believed it was a life and death situation which warranted immediate tattling to the authorities etc and all of his actions afterwards in regards to what he said to the media about us. If you have a Rov who says it was permissible and ok ask him if you can record it and publicize it in his name including the full shayla posed to him and then we can talk. Before that what do you think you will accomplish?

  85. The fact that a fraction of the Orthodox community here (mostly youngsters who weren’t thinking) POSSIBLY started up with him שלא כדין did not permiss his follow up actions. And we do feel terrible for his family but maybe HE should have thought about them before.


    It could be that Jacob Kornbluh acted k’neged halakha. It could be that he continues to. I do not know, for to make such a determination, one would have to possess both halakhic expertise as well as considerable knowledge of the facts of the case, and I possess neither.

    What I can say, however, with confidence, regarding many of the comments on this page, is Ein ruakh kha’khamim nokheh heimenu.

    All of the people citing Rambam, Shulkhan Arukh, and other sources here, are you all poskim who possess the requisite knowledge, training, experience, authority and yiras shomayim to rule on such serious, difficult, complicated matters– ones that involve real dinei nafoshos; questions of life or death, H’ yishmoreinu?

    And even if your citations were to properly apply to the case-at-hand, who says that such information should be posted here, so publicly, for all the world to see? From where do you assume to take such a tremendous akhreiyus upon yourselves? From whence do you derive the permission to do so? Kha’khamim, hizharu b’divreikhem! If even kha’khamim are warned to be careful with their words, how much more so anyone whom Khazal would not that esteemed title upon. A time and a place for everything.

  87. Dear Mr. Kornbluh senior.
    דאס קנעפל פאלט נשט ווייט פונעם רעקל
    און אזוי ווערט פון איין אקס פול קעלבעלעך
    כמה גדלו דברי חז”ל שותא דינוקא או דאבא או דאמא

  88. @ yichusdik (and any others to whom my words may apply) While I can sympathize with you and would even agree with /some/ of what you write– up to a point– I absolutely disavow your words of vitriol against our President and (presumably) our non-Jewish fellow US citizens who support him. Your language against them is reckless, appalling, and misplaced. We have been shown extraordinary kindness by a mostly white, mostly Christian USA. Now, that very demographic– the founding stock of this land that has been such a blessing to us–is under unprecedented attack. No group today is more vilified and wronged. The least we can do is to act with decency and respect toward them. Furthermore, all of us– all law-abiding, civilized people of all backgrounds– face many of the same threats– both physical (BLM-ANTIFA terrorists and other violent thugs) as well as cultural and spiritual (moral foundations under attack from social radicals). The President and his party are far from perfect but the Democrats have openly made their support for and encouragement of the enemy known. (i.e., the all of the entities I enumerated and more).

    As far as the matter of the COVID-Coronavirus, I’m afraid it is not nearly as simple as either you or anyone else fully taking one side or the other make it out to be. While it is impossible to know just where, it is clear that the reasonable and responsible ground does not lie at either of the extremes but somewhere in the middle between them.

    The references to the Holocaust and Nazis, and all of the other name-calling, mud-flinging, and heated, over-the-top language does no one any good. To be credible and effective, and to be M’kadeish shem shomyaim, stick to facts and logic. If one has valid, substantive arguments, they will speak for themselves. Moralistic rhetoric, even when justified, is generally best minimized.

  89. I dont know anything about those politics and i dont know who anyone is ,all i know is that this heshy guy is trump #2/or the jewish trump !!!! again i dont know who the other guy is,but all i can say that as long as he didn’t do any physical dangerous harm -to say those words ,as a yid-its a little a lot shoking and a huge chillul hashem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  90. Let me make myself very clear one more time to diffuse the doubters. I have never condoned his actions and did not call him a Tzaddik. All I did is to explain that being classified as a Moiser which you all seem to be doing is not so simple as there are many situations where going to the authorities is allowed and you all know that. So before you rubber stamp his sentence please have in mind that the worst case scenario is that it was not done with with a Hetter from a Rov. He called the Mayor to get the police to break up the illegal attendance during a raging Pandemic at a time when many Yidden were falling down like flies and the Rov of his Beis Hamedrish actually locked it up only for some young thugs to break in clandestinely .All that was requested from Diu Blasio was to disperse the villains to which he responded that what he will send out a car to disperse the illegal attendees. Can all of you put your hands up and state that this is a classic Meseera? Yes it hurts. Yes in hindsight it was not that clever, but to classify him as Moiser and quote the Rambam that he is allowed to be gotten rid off? are you all for real?

  91. @Iusebrains, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck its a duck.
    So Here goes
    He is a Moser, He is a Moser, He is a Moser

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