How to Choose a DUI Lawyer – A Quick Guide

Driving under the influence is always a very bad choice. Not only could it lead to serious injury or death, but those at fault could be subject to hefty fines and in some cases a prison sentence. If you’ve been charged with a DUI, you’re going to need a lawyer. And no, you’re not going to need a regular lawyer, you’re going to need someone who knows the ins and outs of DUI law like a professional race car driver knows their car. Fortunately for those who have no idea where to start, we have put together a comprehensive yet quick guide on how to go about choosing the right DUI lawyer. Follow this guide and we’re sure you’ll find the best Toronto DUI lawyer

Initial Research

DUI charges are very simple when first looking at them. You drove under the influence of something and now you’re in trouble. But when peeling back a few layers, you’ll notice it gets more complex. Some people who get a DUI were charged on the basis of a roadside sobriety test whereas others used breathalyzers. Some cases claim the breathalyzers were faulty, or that the roadside sobriety test was biased because they have a limp. Some cases revolve around open alcohol in the vehicle, or people falling asleep drunk in vehicles without even having turned them on. Regardless, there are a dozen different scenarios in which someone could get a DUI. What you need to do first is check out which DUI lawyer is best at doing what. Some lawyers are great at throwing out charges on the basis of fault breathalyzers. Some are better for roadside sobriety tests. Each DUI lawyer will have strengths in certain areas, and it is your job to find out who those lawyers are, and which one will help you out most. 

Documenting Your Options

Now that you’ve done research on several DUI lawyers and what their strengths are, make a list of all the lawyers that may be able to help you specifically. List all of the lawyers that have handled cases similar to yours. Some people prefer to create a spreadsheet with all the lawyer’s information. Email, phone numbers, etc. 

Checking Qualifications

Before choosing or contacting any of the lawyers on your list, you’re going to want to run a somewhat unofficial background check on them. Check your State or Provincial Bar website in order to figure out what’s lurking in each lawyer’s shadow. For example, you won’t want to be defended by someone who’s had several disciplinary actions held against them. Make sure that the lawyer or lawyers you may choose are all licensed (specifically to your area as well). 

Meeting Your Lawyers Face to Face

Now that you have a list of potential lawyers who are all for sure legally allowed to defend you and have clean records, you can go ahead and schedule yourself an in-person meeting with them. By doing this, you get to see how they operate. Each one will review your options and the various routes you can take. Each one will most likely present you with the strengths and weaknesses of your case. Typically lawyers charge for meetings like this, so get in as many questions as you can. Remember, these are the people that may have to defend you. They will be the only thing standing between you and a prosecution that wants to take your license away and possibly put you in jail.

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