NYC Issues 62 summonses, Over $150K In Fines, Including Some Shuls

Dozens of summonses have been issued in New York City over the past few days for violations of new restrictions in COVID clusters.

The city said Sunday that 62 summonses totaling more than $150,000 in fines were handed out by city agents in so-called red, orange and yellow zones that are seeing a spike in cases.

Five of the summonses were given to non-compliant religious congregations, the city said. Fines for violating mass gathering rules can be up to $15,000 a day.

In red zones, including parts of Brooklyn and Queens, houses of worship must limit their capacity to 25% or 10 people maximum. Mass gatherings are prohibited all together and all non-essential businesses must be closed. Restaurants can only offer takeout or delivery and all schools, private and public, must close and move to remote learning.



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27 Responses

  1. Just remember, we were told it was all about flattening the curve. Well, the curve was flattened at the end of April. What’s the excuse now? CONTROL. They want to control the people. There is no way that they virus will be completely eradicated to the point that we won’t have new cases until a vaccine is out and enough people get it and that it works.

    This is all about control.

  2. First they close the economy
    Then they abolish rent
    Landlords lose their livelihoods
    Hoodlums and rioters are encouraged
    Stores are looted
    Middle/upper income families leave the city
    The city finds itself in a terrible deficit
    No income = no taxes
    The gov’t’s new brainstorm- Eureka!!! Let’s hand out violations and senseless executive orders left and right, blame it on the virus, create hotspots, and FINE THE CITIZENS!!! Hopefully the ailing city coffers will start filling up again! Brilliancy at its best! How liberating, how progressive, how democratic!

  3. We will not give in. We will pay fine if we have to. All they want is control. We will not listen. We will have misiras nefesh to be a Jew and pay fines but it will not stop us.

  4. Let’s get the protests scheduled this week please. Massive civil unrest is called for in the wake of the insane anti-semitism being paraded around by government officials in Brooklyn. More mask burnings. Bigger protests. Dancing and music in the streets.

  5. If you want to effectively bring the city to its knees the way to do that is not to protest on 13th Ave. The way to do it and cost the city millions on lost revenue is to take to all major city roads and drive 15 miles under the speed limit in convoys of cars, This will paralyze the city and cost them in lost revenue many times what they are collecting in fines.

  6. While its absolutely sickening, we have no היתר for civil unrest. Has anyone read the Papers how the Jews are super spreaders? Are people off their right mind??! Can people testing negative just test themselves for the numbers to go down? Do smart things not protesting. Thats not the Jewish way. Its Sharpton and BLM. WHERE HAVE WE FALLEN TO?!

  7. Jews need to get out of New York. Move to a red state. You’ll pay lower taxes and your taxes won’t go to fund a state/city government who hates you.

  8. If under democracy a government can lock you down like this then kal vachomer under a socialist / Marxist government how much worse it will be

  9. 1. I say get out of NYC while you still can!! That or vote in a better guy.

    2. Why are shuls closed but airports not? It’s now a full-on double standard!

    3. Stop letting animals like Warren Wilhelm Jr get into power. Wilhem is De Blasio’s original, German name.

    4. Don’t vote democrat anymore. The Republicans have a 2020 vision of the future. Pun intended.

    5. Find a way to balance the corona issue in a way that doesn’t interfere with Yiddishkeit.

  10. Next time follow the rules and you won’t get a fine. You have no right to out other people at risk, especially the healthcare workers. It’s infuriating to see the blatant disregard for the safety precautions and then we haver to risk our health taking care of those that refuse to comply. WEAR THE MASK. Maskit or Casket.

  11. I didn’t realize YWN was so pro-mask and anti praying with a minyan. You mean shuls with the capacity for 200/700/1000 people had the audacity to celebrate simchat torah with a few minyanim worth? Seriously, presenting this issue more honestly would point out that they were fined for having more than 10 people. With some facts, for instance, how many were actually present, instead of stating that they had “Mass Gatherings”.

  12. My shul was fined $15k on simchas Torah. Its all the Democrats fault and the jews that voted for them. This is becoming Natzi Germany 1933

  13. Thehonesttrruth, I thought of the same thing. It’s actually a logical conclusion that the cash-strapped NYC will go after the institutionsa nd citizens praticing their rights and freedoms under the guise of “public health” (while letting BLM rioters and looters run wild and disregard mask wearing and social distancing so we all know exactly how these politicians care about the health of the public…)

  14. I know a shul that got a fine on Shmini Aseres. The front doors were locked and covered. You can only get in from a side door that’s not usually used. No one has to even go near the front door, Yet the ticket said, I did observe at 1:30 pm more then 10 people congregating. Total fabrication! At 1:30 there was absolutely nothing going on in the shul Even in the morning when the shul was open an inspector wouldn’t have seen anyone from the shul in front of the shul.

  15. @Miriam:
    1. Have you asked a posek if it is true that there is no heter to protest?
    2. Have you looked at the numbers to see if it is at all true that Jews are super-spreaders?
    3. Finally, the authorities have imposed such draconian measures as closing our shuls and schools (as opposed to limiting them to some percentage of capacity, which is what the Governor promised Agudath Israel), very much in contrast to the total free pass they gave the looters. Given this, has it perhaps occurred to you that getting tested, meaning getting the “real” numbers, is totally irrelevant, given their evil and discriminatory behavior until now?

  16. Stevenn, I think you are sleeping under a rock. If you don’t see what the obvious is , then crawl back under your rock and stay there .
    And yes, it’s time for civil unrest, I guess people don’t learn from history, being in compliant to these idiots won’t get you anywhere especially when you have a moser , Jacob Kornbluh, who is calling the mayor and telling him that people when to shul. Sick guy . Time to riot , that’s the only language they understand .

  17. Chizuk1

    Mask burnings?!?!

    The masks are not the enemy! EVERYONE should be wearing a mask, at all times, when in the presence of others. This is a NON-NEGOTIABLE!
    It is a MAJOR chillul H’ for any frum person to be even seen without a mask (let alone the actual dangers of doing so because of how easily the virus is transmitted). People actually believe that we, the frum, are responsible for the spread of this virus. Every person seen without a mask drives home further this belief!
    Masks aren’t meant to be carried in a pocket, pulled out only when entering a store. They’re meant to be put on when leaving one’s home and removed only upon returning.

  18. Doesn’t anyone realize what a Chilul Hashem it is to burn masks or to savagely attack and beat up an innocent reporter? Or is that not important to the Jews of Brooklyn?

  19. mommamia22

    That is silliness. Let’s assume masks do what they are purported to do. Are you saying that If I am taking a walk and there is no one within sight of me, I should be required to wear a mask? That is ludicrous. There is absolutely no benefit to anyone in that scenario. Even if I pass someone and I am am within range of that person for a few moments (whether walking toward them or in the same direction) the chance of passing along the virus is extremely unrealistic.

    In a questionnaire related to COVID-19 which is used to determine if one is suspected of being exposed to someone with COVID, the question uses a 10 minute baseline as to whether I was within 6 feet of some with with COVID. When in an enclosed area, or when you are unable to avoid distance between people, then perhaps masks are effective. But to say that you have to wear a mask from when you leave your house until you return is asinine.

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