HaAdmor M’Leluv (Betar) ZATZAL

lelov.jpgThe Admor M’Leluv ZT”L of Betar Illit, HaRav Shimon Biderman, was niftar in Yerushalayim’s Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. He was ill and recently was admitted to the hospital. His condition took a sharp turn or the worse on Friday, and was niftar Friday night. The levaya took place on motzei Shabbos in Har HaZeisim.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)


3 Responses

    (just think about how much the Rebbe zy”a managed to accomplish in this world and the Gan Eden he is going to get, and think of the person in the previous article!)

  2. What a great tzadik! He has left a deep hole in the heart of those who knew him well. He was a rebbe 24/7. Whatever time of day or “night” that you called him, he would answer the phone. Our only comfort is that “Tzadikim Af Bmisasum Nikraim Chaim”. We are confident that he will continue to remember us the way he did when he was alive.

    An Orphaned Chusid

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