Election ’08 News: Obama Quits Church

election1.jpgBarack Obama and his wife Michelle have resigned their 20-year-membership at the Trinity United Church in Chicago, after controversies stemming from the church created a persistent distraction for Obama’s campaign.

Obama said Saturday that he made the decision with “some sadness,” but that he had been discussing it with his family for “quite some time” and that he did not want to be a continuing burden on the congregation.

The furor started months ago with the sermons of his former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. But Obama’s pastor problems were compounded this week by the Rev. Michael Pfleger, whose videotaped guest sermon at the church Sunday showed him taunting Hillary Clinton and saying she felt “entitled” to the presidency because she’s white.

Comments by Wright inflamed racial tensions and posed an unwanted problem for Obama, front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, as he seeks to wrap up the nomination.


The Republican Jewish Coalition today responded to the announcement that former Rep. David Bonior will be representing the Obama campaign at the Democratic National Committee meeting this weekend in Washington, D.C. As a Congressman, David Bonior was known for his strong opposition to pro-Israel policies, being called by some “the biggest supporter of the anti-Israel Arab lobby in Congress.”[1]   The RJC cited Bonior as the latest in a string of advisors and campaign officials to Barack Obama that harbor anti-Israel views.

“Barack Obama’s path to strengthening ties with the Jewish community is severely blocked when appointing an anti-Israel figure like David Bonior. While in Congress, Bonior refused to stand by Israel after repeated terrorist attacks, was known as a stalwart opponent to Israel, and is now a representative for Barack Obama. Bonior’s appointment is the latest in a series that raises serious questions and doubts about Barack Obama’s positions and judgments on the Middle East.”

During his Congressional career, David Bonior repeatedly opposed pro-Israel legislation. In 1997, David Bonior was one of 15 Congressmen who signed a letter asking then-President Clinton to pressure Israelis into making concessions to the Palestinians. In 2002, David Bonior was one of only 21 Congressmen who opposed H.R. 392, which publicly affirmed Congress’s support of Israel’s right to self-defense and called for the dismantling of the Palestinian terrorist infrastructure.[2]   In 1990, David Bonior was one of only 34 Congressman to vote against a measure naming Jerusalem as the united capital of Israel.[3]   In 1989, Bonior was one of six House members to vote against a bill that prevented US funds from going to UN entities that granted the PLO membership.[4]   Throughout his career, Bonior repeatedly opposed US aid to Israel and supported arms sales to Arab states opposed to Israel’s existence.

“The appointment of yet another anti-Israel advisor like David Bonior to represent Barack Obama speaks volumes to the Jewish community. The pattern including Tony McPeak, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and Robert Malley continues with this appointment.  It’s no wonder the Jewish community remains deeply skeptical and troubled by Barack Obama.”

12 Responses

  1. One doesn’t even need to come on to Mr Boniors ‘anti-semitism’ to know that this America hating B.Hessein Obama’s choice is fitting, I quote from the Wikipedia article on the congressman –
    “An indictment unsealed in Detroit on March 26, 2008 accused Muthanna Al-Hanooti, a member of a Michigan nonprofit group, of arranging for three members of Congress to travel to Iraq in October 2002 at the behest of Saddam’s regime, paid for by Iraqi intelligence officials.[1] The dates from the indictment correspond to a trip by Democratic Reps. Jim McDermott of Washington, David Bonior of Michigan and Mike Thompson of California. During the trip, the lawmakers expressed skepticism about the Bush administration’s claims that Saddam was stockpiling weapons of mass destruction.” Anyone who thinks B.Hussein Obama is good for America needs his head examined.

  2. Israel’s problem is that it has forgotten ‘H and the Torah. Therefore, it really doesn’t matter how many anti-jewish folk there are in the white house. None of them no matter how anti-jewish are bigger or badder than ‘H. That said, once Israel corrects its relationship with ‘H and the Torah, what can any anti-jewish person do? Absolutely, nothing. So, yes, let us watch Obama carefully because if he is elected with his anti-jewish cabinet, it may be Purim Part II. Has anyone seen Queen Esther lately?

  3. Osama Obama or Hillary Martha Shayfala. It makes no difference who the donkey party puts up, it is very very scary. (Granted McCain looks like a Malach in comparison.)

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