VOTER FRAUD STARTS: Mail-In-Ballots For Trump Found In Trash [TRUMP RESPONDS]

(AP Photo/Tony Dejak)

Federal authorities in Pennsylvania say a small number of military ballots cast for President Donald Trump were discarded in Luzerne County. The U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Middle District of Pennsylvania says an investigation was launched Monday following reports of potential issues with a small number of mail-in ballots at the Luzerne County Board of Elections.

The FBI and Pennsylvania State Police have conducted interviews and recovered and reviewed physical evidence. Authorities say Luzerne County election officials have been cooperative.

Authorities can confirm that a small number of military ballots were discarded and investigators have recovered nine ballots so far.

Some of the discarded ballots can be attributed to specific voters and some cannot. Authorities say seven of the nine ballots were cast for Trump.

Authorities say two of the discarded ballots had been resealed inside their appropriate envelopes by Luzerne elections staff prior to recovery by the FBI and the contents of those two ballots are unknown.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office is continuing to investigate.

Trump himself has repeatedly blasted mail-in voting as rife with fraud, which elections experts say is rare. Despite his objections to mail-in voting, Trump has voted by mail previously.

Pennsylvania is one of the highly-contested battleground states heading into the presidential election. Trump narrowly won the state in 2016.


13 Responses

  1. I am dismayed by the claim in the end of this article that voter fraud in mail in ballots has not been an issue in the past. So WHAT? We care that people might use it this time. Who cares if nobody tried ot in the past? This is patently two year old reasoning we should not fall prey to.

  2. President Trump is differentiating between absentee ballot requests and unsolicited ballots mailed out to the public.
    Yeshiva World News should do the same. There is a difference!

  3. According to federal and local authorities, an election worker improperly threw out nine military ballots in Luzerne County, and seven of the ballots were marked for Trump. Election experts said the incident raised legitimate questions about election procedures, but also condemned the Justice Department for politicizing the situation by highlighting that the votes were for Trump.

    Luzerne County officials said in a statement released Friday that the incident was caused by a “temporary seasonal independent contractor” who “incorrectly discarded (the ballots) into the office trash” on their third day in the election office. Officials said the county’s election director realized what happened, dismissed the employee, and quickly launched an investigation.

    The officials called this an “error” and said the fact that it was quickly noticed and investigated proves that “the system of checks and balances set forth in Pennsylvania elections works.”

  4. I have never known the political leaning of an of the countless mail carriers or Post Office employees that I’ve known over the years. No Postal employee is going to commit a Federal crime and jeopardize their job by throwing out ballots. To those making such allegations how do they think the postal workers will know which ballots to throw out?

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