ALERT: Armed Home Invasion In Flatbush

pd car4.gifA Frum man and two of his children were the victims of an armed home invasion, in the heart of Flatbush on Wednesday night – leaving NYPD detectives concerned that they will strike again.

YWN has just spoken with the victim, who told us of his horrifying experience, and gave us a warning from the NYPD.

The man arrived at his home on Avenue M & East 27th Street at approximetly 10:00PM on Wednesday night – only to find two of his children tied-up in duct tape, with guns pointed at them. As soon as he entered the home, he too was tied up by the two, masked gunman, and was asked where his safe is.

The man responded that he does not have a safe, but the armed men kept on demanding to know where the safe was hidden. The two gunman walked the man around his home asking him where the safe was, and began to “trash” his bedroom.

He was then placed back into a bedroom with his two children, and heard the gunman talking on their phones about “the two safes” and other illegible sentences.

Wanting to protect his children and himself, the man managed to free himself, pulled out a cell phone, and proceeded to call 911 – but was caught by the gunman in doing so. He was then repeatedly threatened, and tied up even stronger. The man, fearing for his life told the masked men that he had just called 911, and that the cops would be there any minute. This scared them, and they fled the home. The mans daughter was able to free herself, and quickly called 911.

Bichasdei Hashem, they were unharmed – but the NYPD is quite concerned that these dangerous men will strike the area again. They feel that this was an “inside job” – possibly by a safe installer, and believe that the gunmen came to the wrong home.

If you live in the immediate vicinity of Avenue M and East 27th Street, and have just had a safe installed, or have TWO safes in your home, please call the 70th Precinct 718-851-5511 and ask for the Detective Squad.

Additionally, should you see anyone, or anything suspicious in the neighborhood, don’t hesitate to call the 24hr Flatbush Shomrim hotline at 718-338-9797.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

14 Responses

  1. This is so scary. I’m in tears right now. Baruch HaShem that the man and his children were not physically harmed.

  2. I know this VERY chashuva person. B’H he’s ok. I live around the corner and appreciate the warning. This should be posted in Shuls.

  3. This man must have wonderful zchusim to have come out of this safely. May Hashem continue to watch over klal Yisroel.

    One of the 3 monkeys!

  4. Once again, if the homeowner was armed, this could have been ended in a much simpler way, with two dead robbers, instead of 2 robbers that now may strike any other home in our heimeshe community. Rabbonim should demand that all married men should learn how to use a weapon, and get licensed to carry. being afraid in ones own home is not an option. Join the NRA, and reading their literature it is clear that a license to carry a firearm saves law abiding citizens lives all the time, and restrictions only restrict people like this man from arming himself, since last anyone checked, laws don’t hinder criminals, only law abiding citizens from defending themselves.

  5. The victim said on many occasions, ” read the book “The Klausenberger Rebbe – The War Years.” it is a big yesod in Yahadus and Emunah.”
    Maybe that is what helped him.

  6. It seems that this type of incident is more prevalent than people realize. One of the neighborhood’s prominent doctors was also a victim of a home invasion. He lives a few blocks away from yesterday’s incident. However his house is in a different police district. The police at the 70th precinct were not aware of his incident. The doctor also said that there were 18 robberies in his neighborhood around the time of his home invasion.

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