PELOSI THE HYPOCRITE : Nancy Under Fire After Footage Shows Her Maskless At Indoor Hair Salon

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is getting heat over a solo hair salon visit in San Francisco at a time when California businesses are limited by concern over coronavirus.

But Pelosi’s spokesman said she was was complying with the rules as presented to her by eSalon.

“This business offered for the Speaker to come in on Monday and told her they were allowed by the city to have one customer at a time in the business,” said spokesman Drew Hammill in a statement. “The Speaker complied with the rules as presented to her by this establishment.”

Footage aired by Fox News Channel shows Pelosi, her mask around her neck rather than on her face, walking through the establishment. A stylist follows her, wearing a mask.

The salon owner said she rents chairs to stylists, one of whom let her know in advance that Pelosi wanted a wash and a blow dry. Outdoor haircuts are allowed in California, but indoor salons have not reopened. The owner said she considered the service “a slap in the face” to business owners who have been forced to close.

Conservatives pounced, casting Pelosi as a hypocrite.

“Speaker Pelosi has pushed policies that would keep our economy closed and our small businesses shut down. But for herself?” Senate Republicans tweeted. “A salon visit whenever she pleases.”

Pelosi says Republicans could help create the conditions to safely reopen if they would only “listen to the scientists.”

“Republicans are rejecting the funding needed for testing and tracing to crush the virus and safely reopen schools and the economy,” she wrote in a letter Friday to her Democratic colleagues.


29 Responses

  1. Pelosi is a two way hypocrite, and anyone with even half a brain can see right through her crooked policies. She does not practice what she preaches and pounces on the republicans if they are not in line with her agenda.

  2. People need to understand that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is an Ubermench and is not subject to the same laws as the Untermenchen. Just ask her next time you are near her $35,000 ice cream freezer.

  3. Gee whiz! “Conservatives pounced” when I saw that phrase I was shocked that this was another ap crap article dutifully delivered by ywn!

  4. Oh yes, Republicans “pounce”

    As opposed to “Pelosi flagrantly violates corona laws, evidently they only apply to regular people”

  5. Hmm, I don’t live in CA but the rules re hair salons in my state are the same. Whats the big deal? I was the only client and my hairdresser was masked. There was an hour between apts. to ensure that areas were sanitized in compliance of the law.

    YWN you have reached the bottom of the barrel if you think this is worthy of a headline.

  6. Why be surprised? Everyone know that the “laws” are only for peasants and Republicans, royalties like Nazi Pelsi and Marxists elites are exempt.

  7. I think the main point has been left out (at the time of this posting).
    Are the reporters of our ‘fair’ media going to ask her about this at her next showing?

  8. No substantive issues here but gross political malpractice, which seems to be embedded in the Democratic DNA. Just like Biden continues providing “sound bites” for RNC commercials (aka “i’ll shut the country down again” if the scientists conclude that is whats needed to save lives) they seem oblivious to how the optics of what they do will be used by the opposition. In Trump’s case, he does the same but the Trumpkpf groupies have grown to expect him to act in a self-centered, narcissistic manner so no matter how stupid he acts or behaves, it only increases his attractiveness to the roughly 30-35 percent of the population who don’t care.

  9. Phony Marxist Democrats keep preaching to us that we must listen to scientists. Apparently Nazi Pelosi got her clearance from Fraud Fauchi.

  10. Amil Zola, i did not mention you in my Marxist royal elites comment. It looks like i did not have to, you revealed your membership in the group voluntarily.

  11. It fills me with sadness that we welcome lashon hara – the creation of and the passing on of which is almost the entirety of the media’s perverse role – and then we condemn in our comments other people’s hypocrisy. We, who have been given a current, never ending mandate to be ohr l’goyim, now descend to their level by our own hypocrisy. Please, I beg you. Let’s begin tikun olam with ourselves. Please let us withdraw from criticizing others and hate speech. The Beis haMikdash was destroyed because of sinat chinam. Will we prevent the coming of Moshiach by our continuation of it? I beg you, say Tehillim so Nancy Pelosi should repent. Hashem loves her too. It doesn’t matter if what you say is true. It’s still wrong for engaging in lashon hara. Read the Chofetz Chaim’s work. It will transform you.

  12. Saying Tehillim has two, possibly three benefits: For the sake of Hashem, who loves it when his people behave in loving ways, for ourselves, when we adopt lofty ideals and remain on a level of sanctity so we don’t become like the goyim and for the sake of kiddush Hashem when we do not repay evil with evil. An enemy can change. Will they? It’s not for me to decide in order that it dictate my behavior. The Judge of all the earth only asks what I am willing to do, not whether my actions affected anyone else. In the end, I want to only please an audience of One.

  13. RebDaniel, historically when Jews do not stand up to evil it does not usually end well for us. When was the last time our enemies changed their ways after we prayed for them?

  14. Occasionally in business, we act for conscience sake, even though it means that we will suffer a loss. We realize that money is not the only bottom line, but living peacefully with our Creator and our fellow man. Living by principle necessitates putting any results for our doing so in the hands of the Capable One. Whether or not the wicked change their ways, I must not cease doing as Avraham Avinu did, pleading for a wicked city on behalf of ever dwindling numbers of comparative righteous people. In parshas vayera, he bows low and offers hospitality to everyone who passed by his tent. The road on which they travelled was going to Sdom. How many of those who eventually died at the hands of Hashem were those who received his kindness and heard the message about the one true G-d, only to spurn his message and continue on to that lawless place? In all likelihood, many. Nancy Pelosi will be held accountable for all of the wrong she has done one day, as will I. I’d like to think that if we were as optimistic about those with whom we have disagreement as we are about those with whom we have agreement, that in time more leftists would become former leftists. It’s been known to happen. Anyway, good Shabbos Moishe as I’m likely not going to be checking back before next week.

  15. This week’s parsha – R’ Shimshon Raphael Hirsch on smiting in secret: “Scandal-mongering is a sin which, like no other, becomes so easily a habit, it becomes more and more a daily and hourly practice. That is why it does not say here “makeh” (one who smites) which as a verb would also designate the blow being struck just once, but “makei” (a smiter) which as a noun form designates one to whom scandal-mongering is habitual and has become part of his character. It does not designate the sin itself but the disgraceful creature who is a scandal-monger.” I’ve done too much of this in my life. I want to aspire to a higher level than this.

  16. That truely is why you need a dictionary Moishe. I’m a former member of the CPUSA. You must try a bit harder if you think you have the power to insult me.

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