WATCH HER SAY IT: Pelosi Says Joe Biden Should Not Debate President Trump

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif. speaks during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Aug. 6, 2020. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested Thursday that former Vice President Joe Biden cancel his three scheduled debates with President Trump because the commander-in-chief would “belittle” the forum and engage in “skullduggery.”

“I don’t think that there should be any debates,” Pelosi said out of the blue at a news conference at the Capitol, saying she doesn’t want the debates to be “an exercise in skullduggery.”

“I wouldn’t legitimize a conversation with him, nor a debate in terms of the presidency of the United States. Now I know that the Biden campaign thinks in a different way about this.”



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(Source: Fox News)

18 Responses

  1. not surprised in the least. I knew that this was coming. no way can you put up poor Biden against a pro Trump., he’ll eat him in the first round.

  2. don’t remember in recent history a Speaker of the US House of Representative a buffoon like the present one. she really thinks the American people are that dumb not to understand why she wants no debate.

  3. Eureka !

    The Trump supporters found what they have been desperately hoping for. A statement from Pelosi who is not a spokeperson for the Biden campaign regarding the debates.

    Proof positive that the Biden is losing it and will not debate Trump.

    They really should take a lesson about what a low opinion Congress has of the impeached Trump.

  4. The internal polling where the candidates pay millions of dollars per month, show Trump 18% above Sleepy Joe. I remember years ago, I received a phone call from polling service. When they asked me my party affiliation and told them that I was a conservative, they hung up the phone.

  5. As a former debate, you can’t win in a fair debate with someone who plays dirty (lies, ignore facts, calls names, uses ad hominem attacks) when the judges aren’t aware of the rules. If you can agree to the rules, then you can have a debate. The issue here is that there is no way that Trump will agree to the rules of a debate that any other two presidential candidates has ever had. This won’t be a debate, it will just be an attempt to show who’s a better showman, and Trump is a much better showman than a man who overcame a serious stuttering problem.

    It’s not a game if you’re playing different games.

    Kennedy was the first president who had a debate on TV, and he was the handsome showman who looked at the TV cameras while Nixon looked at the audience, and was able to get that many more votes.

    If people are “rooting” for Trump, Biden’s already going to lose. It’s just not worth having.

  6. Look who is talking! Who took this country through 100% political impeachment? I hope she gets her full reword for all she did sooner than later!

  7. jakk: what does the average American think of pelosi , Schumer, Schiff, who cares what those congress people think

  8. Whether you are pro-Trump or pro-Biden, she has a fair point. Trump plays dirty. He will not allow the debate to be about issues or policies. Aymdock already said it better than I can.
    This crowing and belittling from th commentors here, in my opinion, is silly, immature, and … rather Trump-like. Again – whether or not you have decided that Trump is the better candidate, he is certainly not what the poster boy for a Frum Yid looks like.

  9. jackk
    Well, she’s half right, unfortunately. I guess you are from that half. Please take off your doublestanderd hate and blindfold.

  10. That’s the main reason Pelosi and all evil dems are promoting mask wearing. Especially for Biden, As long as his mouth is shut he still has a chance. The dems are trying to preserve him for their crooked agenda. Like sardines in a can.
    Hush puppy….

  11. it’s pretty obvious that this traitorous anti-American bolshevik marxist DemonRat has the onset of dementia or alzheimers disease,therefore why would anyone take seriously or even quote what she keeps vomiting out

  12. aymdock, can you name even one DC politician on democrat side that does no openly lie?
    Your best liar ever is Bill Clinton, he lies so eloquently, you can’t even tell when he does.
    B H Obama lies plenty, even during debates, and by final Romney debate was saved out by lying “moderator”.
    Hillary is a pro at lying and dodging, just has zero charisma to go with it.
    Joe just lied about national guard deployments against racial riots during 8 yr Obama Biden administration, calming the had none!
    Pelosi herself lies all the time, I guess she believes her own lies, as most brainwashed dems do.
    Politics is full of dirty lies, on both sides.
    The real question is what is their real agenda and that’s what you suppose to see on well moderated debate.
    Chris Wallace was great in 2016 he got them to talk real issues.

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