ALERT – Central Hatzolah In NYC Sends Out Message Regarding Uptick In COVID-19 Cases

August 25, 2020
Dear Community Member,

We want to advise you that over the last few weeks, and especially during the previous few days, we have seen an increase in COVID-19 cases. While B”H many of the cases appear to be relatively minor, there have been an increase in cases with more severe symptoms as well as hospitalizations and ICU admissions.

With the summer coming to a close and people returning from vacation, as well as the hopeful start of the school year and upcoming Yomim Tovim, we would like to remind everyone of the following:

NOW IS THE TIME TO BE EXTRA CAUTIOUS! If we aren’t extremely strict and careful with following the
recommendations of the CDC, State and Local Governments, and other healthcare professionals, we can c’’v see a deadly resurgence. There has been enough death and suffering in our community from COVID-19. We must do our part to prevent the spread and to help keep the vulnerable people in our community safe.
We want to remind you:

  • Follow recommended social distancing precautions.
  • WEAR A MASK in cases where strict social distancing cannot be practiced.
  • Large gatherings of any kind must be avoided.
  • Do not make any assumptions about the virus. While much has been learned about the virus, there are still many unknowns. Don’t assume that if you have recovered already, or have antibodies, that you won’t pass it on to others (or possibly even get sick again). The data is incomplete. We do not want to take any chances with our families and friends!

If you are feeling sick: STAY HOME and consult your doctor if you have any medical questions. Don’t forget to eat and drink regularly to prevent dehydration. In the event of an emergency, call Hatzalah.

We implore you to remain committed to the safe-practices listed above. With Hashem’s help we will get through

this together as a community.
We wish you a K’siva V’chasima Tova.
Executive Board of Chevra Hatzalah
Medical Board of Chevra Hatzalah



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11 Responses

  1. The fact that they mention cdc and local government officials shows that it’s fake news. Hasn’t the cdc and government officials shown us their true colors yet?? There’s so much fraud and corruption on every level of the policy making process and everyone knows this. I can’t fathom how they can say this is in public.

  2. In the previous article (around 2 articles ago) regarding Flatbush Hatzalah) i posted a comment that i believe is important to mention.
    It’s not meant to contradict Hatzalah’s warnings.
    I think it’s worth repeating here.
    So here it is:

    Don’t be fooled by the Naysayers. (Or the people that rant and rave and mock and make cynical and/or sarcastic comments, without actually saying anything of substance.)

    I invested many hours researching the so-called “Zelenko protocol” (aka the Hydroxy protocol”)
    and i found 2 distinct consistent facts:

    1) In EVERY study/trial or case where the hydroxychloroquine failed, you can clearly see that they either left out the Zinc, or administered the regimen at a late stage.
    (In either instance, all bets are off. The protocol will likely not be much effective. )

    2) In EVERY case where the simple instructions of the protocol was followed, it was effective.

    Anybody can research these facts.  Much of the material is written in Layman’s terms.

    Nobody needs to end up in the hospital.  Certainly not in the ICU (or worse) C”V!!

    While i was joyful with what i found (the glaring facts of my research) it was also heartbreaking.
    All those lives that could have been saved. All that suffering that could have been avoided.
    Hashem Yirachem.

    Anybody that hates Prez Trump with such passion as to reject an established effective treatment, ignoring the evidence, resulting in pain and suffering and death, such a person does IMHO belong in a hospital… a different kind of hospital.

  3. Fear mongering should not be on Hatzalah’s to do list.

    This virus is here to stay like many other viruses are. Influenza is also by definition an epidemic, but we go about our lives; we take chances because we must. And just like there are always flu cases there will probably be covid cases- it’s now part of the cholent of diseases that are around. A slong as thee are not tons od cases we don’t have to hear about it and we certainly shouldnt frighten anyoneAt the current low numbers this should not even be a news story.

  4. Doctors out out similar recommendations on March, and were vilified for trying to replace דעת תורה with their own medical judgement.

    I’m surprised that the board of הצלה are willing to out their organization in the middle of such a politicized issue.

    Unless their mission really is just to save lives and safeguard the public health…

  5. Fear mongering should not be on anyone’s to-do list. Awareness-raising, however, should be on everyone’s!
    Yes, the virus is most likely here to stay, at least for the foreseeable future, and that is exactly why we need to take proper precautions.
    PLEASE LISTEN! If you live in New York State and have been traveling to anywhere on the quarantine list, PLEASE quarantine yourself as required by law!
    If you know for a fact that you have had close contact with a covid patient recently – PLEASE quarantine yourself!
    This may seem like common sense; unfortunately common sense is very far from common nowadays. YWN, thank you for making people aware of the importance of acting responsibly.

  6. @wiseguy-while i agree with everything u wrote-the info out there is mind boggling- let us not forget Who is ultimately in control of Who lives and Who dies…
    Its tru we dont need to panic but it is impt for those who didnt have it yet and fall into hi risk catg to know that there are few new cases in heimeshe community .it doesnt matter where cuz all yidden are somewhere connected.We maybe shouldve gone into lockdown at first notice of the jewish lawyer from i forgot where that had it…

    P U T O N Y O U R M A S K S IN PUBLIC!!!

  8. Those with the stupidity and arrogance to subscribe to the conspiracy theories of a “deep state” willfully blocking therapies and vaccines that are proven safe and effective and rejecting the views of both government and private sector public health experts are sadly going to pay a price by ignoring those guidelines and engaging in risky behavior that will jeopardize themselves and their families. I hope not to be reading about the consequences of your reckless behavior.

  9. We know Whatever Godolhadorah says regarding politics the opposite is true!

    Regarding Hydroxychloroquine, it is very important to understand how hydroxychloroquine works, and when it is mostly effective.

    In real layman terms, Hydroxychloroquine facilitates ZINC to get into the cells. Zinc blocks the virus (in this case COVID) from multiplying, giving the immune system enough time to fight off the virus

    Understanding the above, will help guide you on how to beat defend yourself from the virus.

    If you have any symptoms start Hydroxychloroquine + zinc (+ vitamin D and C)

    The earlier you start the better, after you finish with the Hydroxychloroquine CONTINUE with taking 50 mg ZINC daily + 5000iu of vitamin D and 1000mg Vitamin C

    Never forget before taking medication to ask HASHEM to send you a refua shleima and the medication should only do good with no side effects

  10. Hashkofas Hatorah says that in all health issues, especially potential Pikuach Nefesh, we can’t go only based on feelings but instead must consider science and consider scientific Evidence which proves what really works and what doesnt.

    According to evidence based science, there is absolutely no evidence to PROOVE that the types of masks, which everyone in the street uses, that they work at all to protect against covid-19.

    Even the most commonly used highly proffesionsl N95 masks, (you probobly observed Hatzoloh Members using it) only protects 95 percent at best, for INHALING and does absolutely zero protection for exhaling because it has an OPEN valve which does not filter exhaling!

    I’ll bet you didn’t know that! Most people follow blindly mask advice without anyone telling them that it’s a false hope and false sense of security because for the most part 99.99 percent of all masks used in the street today, none are at all effective. And your being Lied to, to comply with masks, when these masks have never ever been proven by science to provide any protection against covid-19.

    Masks cause great harm, because the common cheap blue surgical masks which everyone uses can easily be proven to be nearly 100 percent non-effective and scientifically guranteed to not work!

    But no one ever told you that, right?

    Try it yourself and see for yourself that the blue surgical masks are pure Baloney.

    Get ahold of a E cigarettes or nicotine cigarets which let out a visible looking exhale, so you can SEE hour exhale and you will see that after you inhale, nearly 100 percent of that visible exhale is neat 100 percent seen to go right through the masks.

    These masks simply don’t work, at all whatsoever for covid-19

    The covid-19 virus particles are known scientifically to be much smaller than the visible “smoke” of any E cigarettes.

    So if the visible E cigarettes “smoke” goes right through these cheap blue surgical masks, so we know scientifically that it’s a 100 percent guaranteed pipe dream baloney story that these cheap masks offer any protection, at all, whatsoever!

  11. You are absolutely correct about the masks being 100% ineffective. Even the WHO admitted that people wear masks simply to feel like they are in control of the situation. We know that only Hashem is in charge.
    Furthermore, hydroxychloroquine was proven time and again to be very effective in helping covid patients get cured, by using the right protocol, as recommended by Dr. Zelenko. Even if it would only be questionably effective, the risk is very minimal. This drug is FDA approved for over 70 years.
    Fauci, Cuomo, and the cruel media hyped everyone against its use simply for political reasons (Cuomo), and monetary reasons (Fauci), because he invested heavily in the vaccine. How can a responsible leader allow thousands upon thousands to die in order to push a vaccine on humanity, when there is a 99% effective cure at our doorstep!!!?? The consequences rest heavily on their shoulders, and may their suffering be worse than the people they killed.

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