NEXT CONTROVERSY: Twitter Explodes, Claiming Man Yelled “Monkey” When Trump Mentioned “Obama”

Twitter explodes claiming Trump laughed after an audience member at the Republican National Convention yelled “monkey” at the mention of the name Obama.

Others think the man yelled “Spygate“.

Another attendee shouts “Sleepy Joe” and the President says “let’s be nice. Biden.”

We report, you decide!



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15 Responses

  1. Reporting on some nutcase in the audience and thats news??? The Trumpkopf invites these childish and vile chants at all his rallies from the good ole days of “lock her up”, to reposting twitters with racist tropes and then taking them down saying he “didn’t know”. Who really cares at this point. We will stipulate to the vulgarity and racism of a small portion of his MAGA audiences. No chiddush here.

  2. Do the same guys who run YWN also run breaking911? I’ve always suspected it, but this seems to be copy-pasted.

  3. The media getting more pathetic by the minute and YWN, of course, enthusiastically joins in the ridicule. Humans have such uncanny ability to make total fools out of themselves and remain clueless about it.

  4. The republican party has become a sham of a political party. Has anyone bothered to read their platform? No issues just unquestioning support for the president.

  5. Poster #6, Amil Zola, if you thus think the Democrats are the better choice – they have the rock solid platform in your opinion – go ahead and vote for them. Enjoy your defunding of police, Israel etc. platform! Enjoy more and more cities burning up! Enjoy you BLM platform! Enjoy AOC, Omar and the quartet!
    Really neither party is adequate and certainly neither candidate is presidential quality: but from who will the job get better served. Who will America better thrive under and more importantly, who will Israel fare better under? I submit the choice is clear!

  6. Anyone notice how Gadolhadorah and amilzola crawl out from under their rock when ever anything even remotely anti Trump comes up???

  7. Yup stevie….and amilzola and I are now back safely under our “rocks” getting some comic relief from watching excerpt of last night’s circus of a “convention” where the Trumpkopf’s mishpacha and groupies obsequiously pledge fidelity and praise his glory. ….sort of like watching a goiyeshe version of chatzi hallel (since we have to change the channel every few minutes or so and miss the other half).. Can’t wait for night No. 2

  8. @Gadolhadorah
    “The Trumpkopf invites these childish and vile chants”

    Did you actually see the clip? He interrupted himself to speak out against the random guy in the audience!

    You, Gadolhadorah, are consistently an idiot! Even your stupid, ga’aivadik name: You mean it to be Gadolah hador – not to feminise the “dor”. Idiot.

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