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NW London School Places Crisis: Rabbonim Act

clasroom1.jpgSenior Rabbonim in North West London have formed an alliance (Iggud Horabbonim)
to tackle the problems associated with the shortage of places at Jewish schools.
The group sees the issue as a communal rather than a personal one, and their aim is to assist schools and parents in finding and allocating school places within the Chareidi sector; this is to ensure that no-one is denied an appropriate school placement. 

The current crisis has grown in recent years as a result of the expansion of the kehilla in North West London, which has in turn stretched the resources of the schools, both primary and secondary, in dealing with the increased demand.

The Rabbonim in the alliance include Rabbi Chayim Halpern, Rabbi Shimon Winegarten, Dayan Menachem Gelley, Rabbi Y M Greenberg, Rabbi Y M Friedman (Sadigur), Rabbi Dovid Dunner and Rabbi Mordechai Nissim amongst others.

(Dina Rosell, Jewish Tribune – UK)

6 Responses

  1. shades of brooklyn

    maybe they should just hire some brooklyn principals to pass around stories about how some yeshivot / bais yaakovs are worse than others and thus change the landscape

  2. I understand that part of the problem is that they are trying to limit it to only one student per chair! That could be caused by the overweight issue we have. If we make sure our kids are slim, two can sit together sharing one chair.

  3. what about north london (Stamford hill) – worse probs than in NW with schooling – half the little kids applying to school for next year were’nt accepted!!!

  4. So what do we think the Rabbonim can achieve? If there are no places in the schools, there are no places in the schools. Period. Unless we are talking about children who have been refused places in schools for spurious reasons and the schools are holding places for the children of “better” or more afluent families who can meet the schools’ tuition costs and thus the schools need not have to cover the costs of the child via money raised in the community. Otherwise, can someone please tell us what is the TRUE story.

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