Get Cash For Your Free Time With New LifePoints App

We often think of free time as time for movies, video games, or just hanging out not doing anything considered ‘work’. But for those of us who would like to put that free time to use, there’s a popular app that lets you make money online. The LifePoints App allows you to earn money completing surveys and reviews, which are often quick and simple. Here we’ll take you through how it works so you can start using your extra hours to make some extra dollars. 

LifePoints was created by market research firm Lightspeed, which opened its doors way back in 1946. They primarily conduct research to find what consumers are interested in, what they need, and sell this data so companies can learn more about their customers. Lightspeed is also the largest analysis provider in the world with a presence in over 70 countries worldwide. This app pays users looking for free money opportunities to submit their opinions for cash. 

How It Works

The app is available to any user older than 16 years who has access to a cell phone with an internet connection. Among the rewards that make this an attractive application are the various ways you can win prizes through giveaways, gift cards, and competitions. It’s also very easy to sign up and start making money, and the app is available for both Android and iOS. Having the app on your phone means you can make money online whether you´re in line at the supermarket, or during commercial breaks at home. When you complete the free sign-up process, you instantly receive 10 points which are redeemable once you’ve earned enough. 

To get started, there are a few basic terms you should know to use the app efficiently. Once logged in, review your LifePoints Panel. When you complete the smallest tasks, you get what are called ‘boosters’. These are small percentages that add to your earnings. Specifically, these tiny boosts remind you to keep completing tasks so you can earn more, drawing you more into the app. Once you’ve completed several tasks, you get what’s called an ‘earning percentage’. This app calculates this percentage based on the number of surveys and tasks you complete, and describes your earning potential. 

Finally, Lifepoints are the heart and soul of the app. These points are what you can redeem for money once you have enough. You can also choose to get a gift card instead. 

Make Money Online

Now that you’ve familiarized yourself with the basic terms, it’s time to talk about the different ways you can earn points. The main earning method on the app is through surveys. 

These are worth more points, and so users spend more time filling them out. A company creates a survey when they want more information about a user or potential customer. Surveys also give companies valuable feedback that they use to make their products better. The questions typically ask users about their interests, whether they prefer a particular product over another, and personal preferences. 

Another way the app gets you hooked on earning points is through daily challenges. These are shorter surveys sent to you every day. Some of the benefits include extra earnings, more monthly boosters, and bonus points. 

The app also offers Location-Based Surveys which send you surveys based on your location. This is a good option for when you’re out and about and want to make some quick cash. The app finds your location by turning on Geo-Location services, and sends you surveys based on what’s around you. You’ll get 50 points just for activating it, and also 20 points extra every month for leaving it on. 

Getting Your Money 

After you’ve spent time racking up points through surveys and daily challenges, it’s time to reap the benefits. The app lets you redeem money in three ways: Gift Cards, PayPal, or donating to a charity. When you choose the gift card option, you get a choice between Amazon eGift Cards, or free products from Starbucks or Google Play. 1000 LifePoints equals approximately $10 – $15 depending on which option you choose. 

Paypal is another option. However, points don’t translate into a lot when you convert it to hard cash. In this case, it’s much better to choose a gift card or products that give you more bang for your points. For example, 1000 to 12000 points equals roughly $10, which is dismal at best. If you don’t care for the money, or the products, you also have the option to donate to charity. Instead of pocketing those measly $10 bucks, donate them to UNICEF instead. 

All in all, LifePoints is a good way to earn money completing surveys and reviews by giving out your opinion for points to earn free stuff. But you shouldn’t get too carried away, since the results of hours filling out questionnaires are best for a starbucks coffee or an app from Google. You’d feel better if you donated it all instead.

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