Kretchnif Rebbe’s Car Overturns

2.jpg.jpgA short while ago, the car carrying the Kretchnif Rebbe Shlita from Yerushalayim was involved in a serious accident – but Boruch Hashem, only minor injuries were reported.
The car carrying the Rebbe and two Gaboyim, was apparently struck by another vehicle on Rechov Tamir in Yerushalayim, causing his car to overturn.

Hatzolah Israel arriving on the scene, and seeing a car overturned feared the worst. But Bichasdei Hashem, all occupants were able to self extricate themselves from the vehicle, and were all transported to Tel Hashomer Hospital to be evaluated for minor injuries.

As of this posting, the Rebbe has already been released, with just minor bruises, and scratches to his hand and shoulder. The other two occupants also only received minor injuries.

(YWN Desk / Lipas)

4 Responses

  1. something does not make sense.seems like the accident happened in yerushalyim and he was transported to tel hashomer hospital for minor injuries which is next to bnei berak? TZARICH IYUN.

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