Petira of Rebbitzen Manya Fink A”H

candle78.gifWe regret to inform you of the Petira of Rebbitzen Manya Fink A”H, a daughter of the previous Kapishnitzer Rebbe ZATZAL, at the age of 89. The Levaya is scheduled for 11:00AM on Tuesday morning, at Shomrei Hadas Chapels in Boro Park. [There will be no Hespeidim – Minhag Kapishnitz.]

Rebbitzen Fink was the wife of Rav Motel Fink Z”L, and had two daughters: Mrs Esther Trenk, wife of Rav Zevy Trenk Shlita, and Mrs Gitty Perkowski A”H. She was one of ten siblings, and her Petira leaves her sister Mrs. Pearl Twersky the only surviving sibling.

Boruch Dayan Emmes….

7 Responses

  1. The Rebbetzin, a”h was aristocracy defined, a true Yiddishe queen, man malchi rabanan.
    She saw and appreciated the true gadlus in every person, thereby encouraging them to reach their full potential.
    May she be a mailitza yeshara in olam habah as she was in olam hazeh!

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