Sullivan County Prepared for Annual Summertime Population Explosion

sherrif.jpgMidHudsonNews reports: The exodus north by New York City residents who vacation each summer in Sullivan County typically begins with Memorial Day weekend and this year was no exception.

With the population of the Catskills county tripling, it puts a strain on police protection, and once again, Sheriff Michael Schiff has asked the County Legislature for the okay to hire four additional road patrol deputies.

“It’s pretty hard to have a stable population at 74,000 that gets tripled or better in the summer and make do with the same manpower,” he said.

Schiff acknowledges the county is facing the added expenses of rising fuel prices, but he said he needs the additional officers.

He has asked to hire them for 90 days to compliment the current road patrol force of 43.


2 Responses

  1. I do believe they are needed to COMPLEMENT the existing road force, not to COMPLIMENT them (like telling them how great they are!).

  2. But what they dont admit and i call it a KIDDUSH HASHEM is the following:
    If you would get the goyim to triple a population for EVEN ONE DAY> you would need the National Guard out there. B”H there are not any major episodes that require the police. Besides for the tickets and speed traps they love to provide. Then they takeh need to add to the police force.
    Lets keep the atmosphere clean and green. Looking forward to a HAPPY AND HEALTHY summer I”YH

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