Former NY State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver Sentenced To 6.5 Years In Prison

A federal judge in Manhattan on Monday sentenced former state New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver to 6.5 years in prison for his conviction on corruption charges, completing the downfall of a politician who once was the most powerful Democrat in New York’s government.

The 78-month sentence came after an appeals court in January upheld four of seven corruption count convictions following Silver’s retrial in 2018, affirming that the Democrat used his position to solicit bribes. The judge also sentenced the former politician to a $1 million fine.

Silver, 76. acknowledged his wrongdoing before hearing his punishment, calling the use of his political office for person gain improper, selfish and unethical.


2 Responses

    They sentence a 76 year old man to prison for a white collar crime and free hard core prisoners and new offenders in New York to GO HOME.
    Heck of a justice system.

  2. CircleSteve, one thing has nothing to do with the other. This man abused his power so immensely. He deserves much worse.

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