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Memorial Day 2008

flag eagle.jpgAlternate Side Parking regulations are suspended on Memorial Day, Monday, May 26, for holiday observance. Because Memorial Day is a major legal holiday, parking meter regulations are also suspended.

Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation’s service.  It also marks the beginning of summer for many Americans. Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday of May — this year on May 26.

(YWN Desk)

4 Responses

  1. I am saddened by NeveAliza (#1)misinterpretation of YWN DESK remarks. We Jews by the grace of G-d have found refuge in this country. It is only appropriate that one take some time out to contemplate the sacrifices of the war dead. YWN’s remarks in no way diminish our yearning for Moshiach and the Geualah. It is just that in the reality that we live in today it behooves us to recognize these sacrifices.

  2. #1 I can’t believe you are criticizing YWN story
    on Memorial Day. You should be ashamed of yourself..
    All the people whether Jewish or not that gave their
    lives to protect freedom in this country.

  3. To # 2 and # 4 EXCELLENT,.So many good young people died following the orders of the Commander-in-Chief,our President,(in each generation) in order to protect our freedom to live “Under G-D” in this country.

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