Watch Rare Ceremony In Iran: Chalitzah Ceremony At Tehran Beis Din

A rare instance of chalitzah being carried out was videoed in Tehran, where the Beis Din, under the leadership of Harav Yehudah Grami, arranged the ceremony for a young woman whose husband died without leaving any children.

Rav Grami, together with his talmidim, who served as the members of the Beis Din, presided over the ceremony, which was necessary to free the woman’s brother-in-law from his obligation to marry her (the mitzvah of yibum) since his brother left no children to perpetuate his name.

Since the mitzvah of yibum is not commonly practiced today, the chalitzah ceremony is held instead. The almanah removes a special leather sandal with long straps from the foot of her late’s husband’s brother. She then spits on the floor in front of him and says: “So should be done the man who won’t build his brother’s house. And that family should be called in Yisrael: ‘Bayis Chalutz H’Na’al‘ (the household of the one whose shoe has been removed).”

The Beis Din and the witnesses then repeat the words “Chalutz hana’al” three times and recite: “May it be Your will that the daughters of Yisrael will never need to perform Chalitzah or Yibum.”

The chalitzah ceremony is performed at least 92 days after the death of the husband to ascertain that the almanah is not pregnant, which would preclude the need for the chalitzah ceremony. In fact, in such a case [if the almanah was pregnant], it would be forbidden for the two to marry since a relationship between a brother and sister-in-law is forbidden by the Torah except for the mitzvah of Yibbum.

Following the ceremony, the Beis Din gives the almanah a Get Chalitzah, allowing her to remarry.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. She then spits on the floor in front of him They either should have done יבום or held off חליצה until Corona is a thing of the past, but no מצוה overrides סכנת-נפשות, and spitting with several people around is exceedingly dangerous during Corona.

  2. @147, Rabbi Grami knows the situation and has been leading his community with wisdom throughout the virus. It’s not your place to question his decisions.

  3. 147

    It’s possible that she (and/or everyone else present) tested for the virus or for antibodies prior to the Chalitzah procedure.

    We also do not know the situation, and it is also possible that this was the only opportunity for Chalitzah. We don’t know if the Yavam was willing or if he had to be convinced to go along with the procedure. Chachmei Yisrael have always gone to extreme lengths to prevent an Agunah situation.

  4. And since we don’t any details, all we should be REALLY saying is- nebuch, what a TRAGEDY! This poor young woman just lost her husband! Chalitzah is a necessary mitzvah that comes from a tragic situation. Reading all the above comments, it seems ppl. have forgotten that! It’s terribly sad to even watch it!

  5. Could somebody please point out to the Chief Rabbi and Dayyanim of Tehran that the pasuk says “cacha ye’ase” not “ya’ase”.

  6. @147 since when are you a Rav or Dayan?
    There is many ways to figure out the thruth before making such statements.

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