Mourning in Panama: Ba’al Tzedaka & Torah Supporter Edgar Azrak, z’l

Philanthropist Edgar Azrak, z’l of Panama, who supported dozens of Torah institutions, yeshivos, and mikvaos passed away on Friday, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported.

R’ Azrak was diagnosed with cancer a few days ago and passed away in California. His body is being transferred to Panama for the levaya.

R’ Azrak was a tremendous ba’al tzedaka and donated to countless Torah causes, including Yeshivas Ateres Yosef in Modiin Illit, Mishkenos HaTorah in Bnei Brak, Ohr L’Tzion and Be’er HaTalmud in Jerusalem and dozens of other Torah institutions and mikvaos.

R’ Azrak was close to Gedolei Yisrael, including Rosh HaYeshivah Harav Shalom Cohen, Nasi of Moetzes Chachamei HaTorah and Hagaon Rav Shimon Badani, the Zakein Moetzes Chachamei HaTorah and others.

Harav Ayal Mashiach, a close friend of the niftar, tearfully told B’Chadrei: “I don’t know anyone who did as much chesed as he did. Even when he went through hard times [financial] I saw his tzaar that he couldn’t give to others.”

“It’s impossible to describe his love of Torah. I constantly saw how he humbled himself to Gedolei Yisrael and I was astounded every time. Chaval al d’avdin.”

R’ Azrak left behind his wife, children and grandchildren.

Yehi Zichro Baruch.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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